
hé fǎn yìng duī
  • nuclear reactor;atomic reactor;fission reactor;atomic pile
核反应堆 [hé fǎn yìng duī]
  • [nuclear reactor] 在其中引发并控制裂变材料的链式反应的装置(如为了产生动力用热或从铀生产钚)

核反应堆[hé fǎn yìng duī]
  1. 出于安全原因他们关闭了核反应堆。

    They shut down the nuclear reactor for safety reasons .

  2. 核反应堆是分裂原子的装置。

    A nuclear reactor is the apparatus in which atoms are split .

  3. 核反应堆由钢筋混凝土围住。

    The reactor is encased in concrete and steel .

  4. 紧急冷却系统有可能失灵,核反应堆有可能发生堆芯熔毁。

    Emergency cooling systems could fail and a reactor meltdown could occur .

  5. 核反应堆的核心构件必须从压力罩中取出来。

    The guts of the reactor have to be hauled out of the pressure vessel .

  6. 他成功停用一个核反应堆在实验室之前崩溃

    He successfully deactivated a nuclear reactor in a laboratory before meltdown .

  7. 核反应堆循环冷却水中 ̄(14)C含量的测定

    Determination of Trace  ̄( 14 ) Cin Nuclear Reactor Cooling Water

  8. H∞控制方法在核反应堆功率控制中的应用

    Application of H_ ∞ control method to nuclear reactor power control system

  9. 核反应堆神经元PID控制的计算机模拟系统

    Computer Simulation System of Neural PID Control on Nuclear Reactor

  10. PLC在核反应堆剂量监测系统中的应用&多功能放射性监测仪研制

    Using PLC in nuclear reactor dose detect system & development of multiple function radioactivity detect instrument

  11. 面对核反应堆需求前景的不确定性,东芝(toshiba)正设法出售其持有的西屋电气(westinghouseelectric)核电部门大量股份。

    Toshiba is seeking to offload a big stake in its Westinghouse atomic power unit amid uncertainty over demand for nuclear reactors .

  12. PaulGraham在匹兹堡的郊区长大。他的父亲是一个设计核反应堆的物理学家,他的母亲在家照看他和他的妹妹。

    Graham grew up outside of Pittsburgh , where his father , a physicist , designed nuclear reactors and his mother raised Graham and his sister .

  13. 作为在华修建四座先进核反应堆交易的一部分,美国核能集团西屋电气(westinghouseelectric)刚刚向中方交出了7.5万份文档。

    Westinghouse Electric , a US nuclear group , has just handed over 75000 documents as part of a deal to build four advanced nuclear reactors in China .

  14. 在这些国家当中,那些GDP小于500亿美元的国家不太可能购买一个成本至少是数十亿美元的核反应堆。

    Of these , it is unlikely that countries with a GDP smaller than US $ 50 billion would be able to purchase a nuclear reactor costing at least a few billion dollars .

  15. 为了赢得阿联酋一笔价值200亿美元的核反应堆销售合约,他与法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)针锋相对。

    He went head-to-head with France 's president , Nicolas Sarkozy , to win a $ 20bn reactor sale to the United Arab Emirates .

  16. M5锆合金主要应用于核反应堆堆芯的燃料包壳和结构件。

    M5 zirconium alloy is mainly applied in the nuclear reactor core as the fuel cladding tubes and structure materials .

  17. GE正是福岛核反应堆的设计者,这一反应堆在上周五的海啸中受到破坏,自此又经历了一连串爆炸事件。

    E.was the designer of the reactors at the40-year-old Fukushima Daiichi plant in Okuma , Japan , that was damaged by last Friday 's tsunami and has had a series of explosions since then .

  18. 安倍晋三(shinzoabe)领导的新一届日本政府已表示,将考虑重启那些确认为安全的核反应堆,但重启的时间还不得而知。

    The new government of Shinzo Abe has said that it will look at restarting reactors deemed safe , but the timetable remains unclear .

  19. 一位巴基斯坦官员表示,根据国际原子能机构(IAEA)制定的国际标准,中国未来供应核反应堆时,将配备安全措施。

    A Pakistani official said future supplies of nuclear reactors from China would come with safeguards according to international standards applied by the International Atomic Energy Agency .

  20. 他补充道这一工程将采用最先进的西屋设计AP1000压力核反应堆。

    The project will adopt the most advanced Westinghouse-designed AP1000 pressurized water reactors , he added .

  21. 秦刚表示,所有举措都应有利于推动六方会谈进程。六方会谈在2月达成协议,金正日(KimJong-il)政权同意在4月中旬以前,关闭朝鲜的主要核反应堆。

    He said all steps should assist general progress in the six-party talks that produced the February accord , under which Kim Jong-il 's regime agreed to shut down its main nuclear reactor by mid-April .

  22. 仿真技术的进步推动了实时系统(如核反应堆、军事战场和fly-by-wire系统)的深入研究。

    The advancement of simulation technology promotes the deep research of real-time systems in urgent need such as nuclear reactor , military field and fly-by-wire systems .

  23. 这些知情人士称,据另一份合同,预计Areva将向CGNPC其他拟议中的较小型核反应堆提供浓缩铀。

    Under a separate contract , Areva is expected to supply uranium for other , less powerful reactors that CGNPC plans to build .

  24. 研究了用于核反应堆中的低活性Fe-Cr-Mn(W,V)奥氏体合金不同温度长期时效(1000h)后的高温拉伸性能(400℃)及相稳定性。

    The high temperature mechanical properties and the microstructure stability of low activation Fe-Cr-Mn ( W , V ) austenitic alloy after long time ( 1000h ) age under different temperatures were studied in this paper .

  25. 当核反应堆处于失水事故时,利用堆芯补水箱(CMT)内含硼水的重力特性对堆芯进行非能动注水,实现应急堆芯冷却。

    When the nuclear reactor is in the state of leaking , the boric water 's gravity characteristics can be used to supply water to core passively , which can cool the core urgently .

  26. 基于这些实验结果,提出了对设计一个Th-U核反应堆可能有用的某些物理参数的范围。

    Based on these experimental results , the ranges of some physical parameters which might be useful to the design of Th-U nuclear reactor have been presented .

  27. 含有不凝性气体的蒸汽冷凝是先进反应堆非能动安全壳冷却系统(PCCS)中重要的换热方式,是当前核反应堆热工水力学研究的一个热点。

    Condensation of steam in the presence of noncondensable gases is an important heat transfer mode in the passive containment cooling system ( PCCS ) .

  28. 但是加入NSG之初,中国便表示,在此(加入)之前已承诺在巴基斯坦的旁遮普省恰希玛镇建立两座核反应堆中的第二个,因而会按计划进行。

    But on joining the NSG , it argued that it had already promised to build the second of two nuclear reactors for Pakistan at Chasma in Punjab and would therefore go ahead .

  29. 近年来的研究工作表明:低活性Fe-Cr-Mn系合金最有希望替代高洁性Fe-Cr-Ni系合金,使用在核反应堆中,用作第一壁结构材料和包壳材料的。

    Lately studies showed that the low activation Fe-Cr-Mn type alloys were very likely to substitute the high activation Fe-Cr-Ni type alloys and can be used as first wall and cladding materials in fusion reactors .

  30. 一个由九个环境组织组成的联合组织已计划要就沃格特勒获得执照一事与其对簿公堂,联合组织声称nrc完全没有考虑新核反应堆给环境带来的影响,违反了《全国环境保护法》。

    Already a consortium of nine environmental groups plans to contest the vogtle licence in court , alleging that the NRC violated the national environmental policy act by failing fully to consider the environmental impact of the new reactors .