
  • 网络arboreal;Arboreal animal;hylacole
  1. 鉴于人类的祖先—类人猿是树栖动物,据推测它们很少有奔跑的需要,因此正确结论很可能是后者。

    Given that humanity 's arboreal simian ancestors would presumably have had little need to run , it is probably the latter .

  2. 他们大多喜欢捕食老鼠,袋狸,和其他啮齿类动物,但偶尔吃像鸟一样,飞鼠树栖动物。

    They feed mostly on animals like rats , bandicoots , and other rodents , but occasionally eat arboreal animals like birds and flying squirrels .

  3. 黑长臂猿(Nomascusconcolor)是世界上一种珍稀、濒危的树栖灵长类动物,主要分布于我国云南省境内,在国外仅越南北部、老挝西北部有分布。

    Black crested gibbon ( Nomascus concolor ) is one of the rare and endangered primates , which is only distributed in Yunnan China , Northern Vietnam and Northwestern laos .

  4. 新几内亚和澳大利亚北部类似猴子的有毛发的树栖有袋动物。

    Woolly-haired monkey-like arboreal marsupial of New Guinea and North Australia .

  5. 考拉是一种澳大利亚树栖有袋动物。

    The koala is an arboreal Australian marsupial .

  6. 夜间树栖有袋动物,有能盘卷住东西的无毛的尾巴,见于从北美洲南部到南美洲北部的地区。

    Nocturnal arboreal marsupial having a naked prehensile tail found from southern North America to northern South America .

  7. 澳大利亚无尾行动缓慢的树栖有袋动物,有浓密的灰毛的耳朵和身体;以桉树的树叶和树皮为食。

    Sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with gray furry ears and coat ; feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark .

  8. 树栖的两栖动物,通常在每只脚趾都有一个带粘性的吸盘;产于亚洲西南部、澳大利亚和美洲。

    Arboreal amphibians usually having adhesive disks at the tip of each toe ; of Southeast Asia and Australia and america .

  9. 身体细长、行动敏捷、树栖的鼬科动物,比黄鼠狼有些大。

    Agile slender-bodied arboreal mustelids somewhat larger than weasels .