
zhù zi
  • column;pillar;post;pole;pier
柱子 [zhù zi]
  • [column;pillar] 建筑物中用以支承栋梁桁架的长条形构件

柱子[zhù zi]
  1. 我把山羊拴在一根柱子上。

    I roped the goat to a post .

  2. 看那边,就在木头柱子的旁边。

    Now look yonder , just beyond the wooden post there .

  3. 柱子上饰有描述希腊神话中的场面的高浮雕。

    The column was decorated in high relief with scenes from Greek mythology .

  4. 柱子挡着,我们看不见舞台。

    The pillar obstructed our view of the stage .

  5. 有一根柱子正挡着我的视线,所以我只能看见舞台的一半。

    There was a column directly in my line of sight , so I could only see half the stage .

  6. 我们躲到柱子后面,避开了观光者的视线。

    We dodged behind a pillar out of sight of the tourists .

  7. 他靠在旁边的柱子上。

    He supported himself by means of a nearby post .

  8. 雷·霍顿把球狠狠地砸到一根柱子上。

    Ray Houghton smacked the ball against a post .

  9. 柱子完全腐烂以后换了新的。

    The pillars rotted away and were replaced .

  10. 这些柱子必须用混凝土固定。

    The posts have to be set in concrete

  11. 他把手放在她身后的柱子上,这样就把她围在当中,可以低头看她了。

    He put his hand on the post behind her so that he had her fenced in and could look down on her .

  12. 这根柱子承受了整个结构的压力。

    This post takes the strain of the whole structure .

  13. 那条狗用铁索拴在柱子上了。

    The dog is fastened to the post by an iron chain .

  14. 店屋前面有两根柱子。

    There are two pillars at the front of the shop house .

  15. 坑道顶用柱子支撑着。

    The pillars sustain the roof of the pit .

  16. 门廊由六根大柱子支撑着。

    The porch is supported by six immense pillars .

  17. 这些柱子支撑着屋顶的重量。

    The pillars support the weight of the roof .

  18. 柱子有点斜。

    The pillar is a little tilted .

  19. 四根柱子撑着顶篷。

    Four pillars support the ceiling .

  20. 地板是由大理石铺成的,柱子则是雪花石膏打造而成。

    The floor was marble tile , and the columns alabaster .

  21. 那根柱子牢牢地竖在地上。

    The post is stalled fast in the ground .

  22. 她用铁链把那只狼牢牢地锁在那根柱子上。

    She chained the wolf securely to the post .

  23. 我靠在一根柱子上睡着了。

    I fell asleep against a pillar .

  24. 这根柱子支撑房梁。

    This strut braces the beam .

  25. 印度也不甘示弱,其未来主义的巴拉蒂基地,建造在用134个相连结的船运集装箱撑起的柱子上,像个宇宙飞船。

    Not to be outdone , India 's futuristic new Bharathi base , built on stills using 134 interlocking shipping containers , resembles a spaceship .

  26. 这几根柱子撑得住那个圆形屋顶吗

    Are these pillars strong enough to keep up that dome ?

  27. 这些柱子无法承受屋顶的重量

    The pillars couldn 't support the weight of the roof .

  28. 奴隶们正在庙宇的柱子上刻凹槽。

    The slaves were fluting the pillars of the temples .

  29. 柱子旋转的时候,这两个球也会转起来,这个系统转得越快,它们飞得越高

    As the pole rotates the balls spin out levitating higher the faster the system spins .

  30. 耕柱子回答:“我当然要鞭打好马。”墨子问:“你为什么要鞭打好马而不鞭打好羊呢?”耕柱子回答说:“因为好马值得责打,而羊不值得。”

    Geng Zhuzi replied , " The swift horse , of course . " Mo Zi then asked , " Why the swift horse ? Because the swift horse is worth whipping , the goat is not . " Geng Zhuzi answered .