
  • 网络Berber people
  1. 但现在电台再次开放,为了第一次用柏柏尔人自己的语言,或当地人更愿意称呼的柏柏尔语广播,电台重新培训技术人员。

    Now , it is open again , with technicians in training for its first broadcasts in the Berber language , or what local people prefer to call the Amazigh language .

  2. 柏柏尔人的渴望符号之一是他们的广播电台,

    One symbol of the Berber people 's aspirations is their radio station ,

  3. 联合国安理会谴责了驱逐Toure总统的行动,联合国政治领袖LynnPascoe称,柏柏尔人从利比亚军队回国加剧了叛乱。

    The United Nations Security Council condemned the of President Toure . The U.N. 's political chief , Lynn Pascoe , said the return of the Tuaregs from the Libyan army has fueled the rebellion .

  4. 民族:阿拉伯-柏柏尔人占99%,欧洲人占1%。

    Ethnic Composition : Arab-Berber 99 % , European 1 % .

  5. 不像柏柏尔人和库尔德人,他们没有气质或领导。

    Unlike Berbers and Kurds , they have no flags or leaders .

  6. 柏柏尔人自古以来一直生活在北非。

    The Berbers are an ancient people who live across North Africa .

  7. 柏柏尔人的历史是马格里布发展史的有机组成部分。

    The history of Berbers is an organic part of the Maghreb development history .

  8. 以阿拉伯人为主,其次是柏柏尔人等。

    To Arabs dominated , followed by the Berber people , and so on .

  9. 居住在摩洛哥北部的柏柏尔人。

    A Berber living in northern Morocco .

  10. 这次的叛乱是柏柏尔人领导的一系列起义中最近的一次。

    This rebellion is the latest in a series of uprisings led by the Tuareg .

  11. 去年4月,在柏柏尔人聚居的阿东部卡比利地区发生了严重骚乱。

    Serious unrests flared up last April in the northeastern area of Kabylie where many Berbers inhabit there .

  12. 在一位朋友的传统柏柏尔人的房子的洞里,亨希尔分享了茶和自制面包。

    In the cave under a friend 's traditional Berber house , Henshir shares tea and homemade bread .

  13. 阿独立后的宪法规定阿拉伯语为唯一的官方语言,但遭到柏柏尔人的反对。

    Since independence , the Arabic has been the only language recognized by constitution but Berbers object the arrangement .

  14. 摩尔人一群由柏柏尔人和阿拉伯人后裔混合组成的穆斯林人,现在主要居住于非洲西北部。

    A member of a Moslem people of mixed Berber and Arab descent , now living chiefly in Northwest africa .

  15. 国外学者,诸如阿拉伯学者、法国学者以及美国学者对柏柏尔人的研究相当完备,成果丰硕,国内对柏柏尔人的研究实在是凤毛麟角。

    Berbers are studied by the foreign scholars , such as Arabic , French and American scholars while rare in China .

  16. 亨希尔表示柏柏尔人不需要在利比亚的任何特殊地位,只是承认在革命期间他们同被禁锢的其他利比亚人的联系。

    Said Henshir says the Berbers don 't want any special status in Libya , only the recognition that their bonds with other Libyans were sealed during the revolution .

  17. 如今,展示宽容的时刻到了:战场上胜局已定,现在应该组建一个属于全体利比亚人的政府,其中要包括亲卡扎菲的派别,还有一直认为自己没有得到充分代表的柏柏尔人。

    Now is the time for an act of magnanimity : now its battlefield success is secure , it should form a government of all Libyans , including clans close to Gaddafi and Berber groups who have felt under-represented .

  18. 首先,肯定马格里布柏柏尔人的光辉历史遗产,突出其在马格里布历史发展中的重要地位。其次,对柏柏尔人问题乃至族群认同能够愈演愈烈的原因进行总结。

    First of all , make a summary of the history of the Maghreb Berber ; highlight its historical important position of Maghreb development in the history . Secondly , summarize Berber problem and the reason why the ethnic identity problem can become increasingly fierce .

  19. 西撒哈拉和中撒哈拉的柏柏尔牧羊人很久以前建立一种家畜交易的盈利模式,如今这种交易仍然是廷巴克图人主要的收入来源。

    Founded by Tuareg herders , Timbuktu still counts the livestock trade among its primary sources of income .

  20. 柏柏尔语柏柏尔人讲的亚非语言中一种弗赖斯节死后,杜洛瓦同弗赖斯节夫人一起守灵。

    Any of the Afro-Asiatic languages of the Berbers . After Forestier 's death , he and Mrs. Forestier kept a vigil over the corpse .

  21. VICTORIANULAND:“过去几个月来,我们越来越担心马里境内的柏柏尔叛乱,尤其是自从柏柏尔人不再为利比亚战斗,而是回到马里之后。”

    VICTORIA NULAND : " It 's certainly true that there has been increasing concern inside Mali about Tuareg activity over the last number of months , and particularly since the Tuaregs have had less to fight about in Libya and have moved on to Mali . "