
  1. 椭圆的褐色水果,果肉可做优质果汁冻。

    Brown oval fruit flesh makes excellent sherbet .

  2. 某种西番莲科蔓生植物的、鸡蛋形的、热带水果;用于制果汁冻、糖果和饮料。

    Egg-shaped tropical fruit of certain passionflower vines ; used for sherbets and confectionery and drinks .

  3. 在emporioarmani时装秀上,展示了果汁牛奶冻色彩的礼服和小泡泡迷你裙,有些饰以装饰性蝴蝶结,有些带着很炫的珠边。

    At Emporio Armani , out came a parade of sherbert-tinted party dresses and little bubble miniskirts , some adorned by decorative bows , some sporting Beaded fringes .

  4. 采购:果汁,冻干苹果,农产品,土豆淀粉,红薯淀粉,(希望提供价格分析报告)

    Buy : fruit juice , FAD apples , agricultural food , potato starch , sweet potato starch .