
  • 网络linton;lyndon;Lynton;Linden;lindon
  1. 根据这些邮件披露,林顿先生曾在去年秋季时,对《纽约客》(NewYorker)的撰稿人马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(MalcolmGladwell)谈到了自己想要入主纽约大学的愿望。

    According to the emails , Mr. Lynton discussed his desire for the job last fall with the New Yorker writer Malcolm Gladwell .

  2. 黑客还在网上贴出了索尼最高娱乐主管迈克尔•林顿(MichaelLynton)和艾米•帕斯卡(AmyPascal)的照片,并留下了威胁信息。

    The hackers also posted pictures online of Michael Lynton and Amy Pascal , Sony 's top entertainment executives , and left threatening messages .

  3. 中间休息时,林顿组织了一次抽奖。

    During the interval , Linton superintended a prize draw .

  4. 不过,林赛和托里与包括我在内的林顿高中的大多数学生并没有太大的不同。

    Still , Lindsey and Tori aren 't very different from most students here at Linton High School , including me .

  5. 据休斯敦消防部门表示,这名男孩随后被送往林顿B·约翰逊医院,在那里经抢救无效去世。

    The boy was taken to the Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital , where he later died , according to the Houston Fire Department .

  6. 这样可怜的林顿就被留下来由他父亲照顾。

    So poor Linton was left in his father 's care .

  7. 她不会嫁给林顿,是吗?

    She ain ` t gonna marry linton , is she ?

  8. 好了,你伤透了可怜的林顿的心。

    Well , you 've broken poor Linton 's heart .

  9. 凯茜唤了一声她的小马,声音把林顿弄醒了。

    Cathy called her pony , and the sound woke Linton up .

  10. 可因为虚荣和无知,凯瑟琳决定嫁给林顿。

    Because of vanity and ignorance , Catherine decided to mary Linton .

  11. 又是几年过去了,没再听到林顿的消息。

    Several years passed without any more news of Linton .

  12. 林顿你不是非要这样的

    Lyndon , you don 't have to do this .

  13. 有一天,他写信给林顿请他来画眉山庄作客。

    One day he wrote to Linton inviting him to visit the Grange .

  14. 焊接逆变电源主电路中达林顿晶体管的过载保护

    Overload protection of Darlington transistor in Main Circuit of Inverter Welding Power Source

  15. 他想,不知他们逮到了却林顿先生没有。

    He wondered whether they had got Mr charrington .

  16. 艾加先生开始不同意,接着林顿又给他写了几封信。

    Mr Edgar refused at first , and Linton sent him several more letters .

  17. 然而,她后来还是背叛了自己真实的灵魂,嫁给了林顿。

    Nevertheless , she betrayed her true soul , and got married to Linton .

  18. 到阳光明媚的布里德林顿来度假吧!

    Come to sunny Bridlington for your holidays !

  19. 他成功的占有了亨得利和林顿的所有财产。

    He succeeded in annexing all the property of Hindley 's and the Linton 's.

  20. 林顿比我才小六个月,她喋喋不休地说。

    " Linton is just six months younger than I am ," she chattered .

  21. 她还想托付他在她死后照顾她的儿子林顿。

    She also wanted him to take care of her son Linton after her death .

  22. 4凯瑟琳欧肖认识了林顿一家

    Catherine Earnshaw gets to know the Lintons

  23. 在这次历史性的竞选当中,希拉里·克.林顿总共赢得了一千八百多万选票。

    About 18 million people voted for Clinton in her historic run for the presidency .

  24. 几天后,林顿死去,希斯克利夫又成了画眉田庄的主人。

    A few days later , Clinton died Study of Heathcliff became thrush farmstead owners .

  25. 林顿停止了哭泣,抬起他的蓝色的大眼睛审视着这位检查者。

    Linton ceased crying , and lifted his great blue eyes to inspect the inspector .

  26. 林顿一家都喜欢她,可怜的艾加已经爱上了她。

    The Lintons all liked her , and poor Edgar had fallen in love with her .

  27. 我不该嫁给埃德加?林顿,就像我不该去天堂一样。

    I 've no more business to marry Edgar Linton than I have to be in heaven .

  28. 我把他留在门口,上楼去找林顿夫妇。

    I left him at the door , and went upstairs to find Mr and Mrs Linton .

  29. 她该嫁给林顿吗?

    Should she marry Linton ?

  30. 哈,林顿总统关于秘书长吉瑞•福特的话,68年的巴黎和平谈判。

    Ha , Lyndon 's line on Jerry Ford , deputy , Paris peace talks ' 68 .