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Lín Zéxú
  • Lin Zexu; Canton viceroy who tried to halt the opium trade
  1. 林则徐是近代史上最著名的民族英雄之一。

    Lin Zexu was one of the most famous national heroes in recent history .

  2. 林则徐与新疆史地研究

    Lin Zexu and the Study of History and Geography of Xinjiang

  3. 论林则徐遣戍新疆时期的筹边思想

    Lin Zexu Theory Repatriation Period from Margin and 20th in Xinjiang

  4. 林则徐的荒政实践及其思想

    The Practice and Ideas of Lin Zexu 's Relieving Famine Policy

  5. 我是说我被林则徐修渠的壮举给吓了一跳。

    I mean I was startled by Lin Zexu 's exploits .

  6. 林则徐拓展民本思想的理论与实践

    On Theory and Practice of Lin Ze-xu 's Advancement of Democratic Thoughts

  7. 论林则徐的官督商办思想

    Probe into the Official-Controlling and Merchant-Running Thought of Lin Zexu

  8. 但林则徐面对严酷的环境从不灰心。

    But he was never discouraged by the harsh conditions .

  9. 林则徐的货币思想及其在江苏的实践

    The Monetary Ideas of Lin Zexu and Its Practice in Jiangsu Province

  10. 论林则徐与魏源的经世思想

    On the Social Thoughts of Lin Zexu and Wei Yuan

  11. 林则徐家族谱系新发现

    New discovery of the system of Lin Zexu ′ s family tree

  12. 林则徐是历史上一位伟大的英雄人物。

    Lin Zexu was a great hero in the history .

  13. 林则徐&跨入近代中国第一人

    Lin Zexu - China 's First Man Stepping into the Modern Age

  14. 林则徐在云南的矿务活动

    Lin Zexu 's Work on the Mining in Yunnan Province

  15. 林则徐与济宁孙氏三代人

    Lin Zexu and the Sun Three Generations of Jining

  16. 近代国际法与林则徐禁烟

    Modern Law of Nations and Lin Zexu 's Working Against Opium - smoking

  17. 简论魏源对林则徐开放思想的继承与发展&以军事和经济两方面为中心

    Brief Wei Yuan 's Succession and Development of Lin Zexu 's Open Idea

  18. 现代国家意识伴随着一个国家由传统步入现代化的进程而产生。从林则徐、魏源主张学习西方,启蒙一代风气;

    The consciousness of modern state is accompanied with the process of modernization .

  19. 林则徐销烟池与虎门炮台旧址

    Sites of the Pool of Lin Zexu Destroying Opium and the Humen Batteries

  20. 试论林则徐海防思想的发展变化

    On Changing and Development of Lin Ze-xu 's Thought of Coast Defense Policy

  21. 林则徐治水

    Achievements of Lin Ze-xu in Regulating Rivers and Watercourses

  22. 林则徐经济思想的历史地位

    The Historical Importance of Lin Zexu 's Economic Views

  23. 哪条是林则徐修建的呢?

    Which was the one built by Lin Zexu ?

  24. 伟大的民族英雄林则徐。

    The great national hero , Lin Zexu .

  25. 这幅画让我想到了我们的一个民族英雄,林则徐。

    This picture reminds me of one of our national heroes , Lin Zexu .

  26. 林则徐思想与中国现代化

    Lin Zexu 's Thought and China 's Modernization

  27. 林则徐的道德教育思想探析

    Analysis on Lin Zexu 's Moral Education Ideas

  28. 治理黄河是林则徐政治生涯中极其重要的政绩。

    Governing the Huanghe River was an important activity in Lin Zexu 's political career .

  29. 论林则徐的流戍诗

    On the Banishing Poems Of Lin Zexu

  30. 总之一句话,林则徐修建这条渠真是做出了卓越的贡献。

    All in all , Lin Zexu made extraordinary contributions to the construction of this canal .