
gòu zào
  • structure;tectonic;build;make;fabricate;constructional detail;concoct
构造 [gòu zào]
  • (1) [fabricate;concoct]∶犹捏造

  • 大可随意构造

  • (2) [make]∶制造

  • 构造反乱

  • (3) [build]∶建造

  • 构造房屋

  • [tectonic;structure] 结构

  • 背斜构造

  • 土壤的构造

  • 人体构造

构造[gòu zào]
  1. 宇宙的构造或许并不能简化为一个物理问题。

    The structure of the universe may not be reducible to a problem in physics .

  2. 医生研究人体构造。

    Doctors study the structure of the human body .

  3. 地震是由两块地壳构造板块互相碰撞造成的。

    Earthquakes are caused by two tectonic plates bumping into each other .

  4. 这些椅子构造轻巧,但却极为结实。

    The chairs were light in construction yet extremely strong .

  5. 看看椅子的下面,检查一下它的实际构造。

    Check the actual construction of the chair by looking underneath

  6. 黏土和砂岩都是不牢固的岩石构造。

    Both clay and sandstone are unstable rock formations .

  7. 这建筑构造奇异。

    The building was of bizarre construction .

  8. 然后这些沉积物可能形成褶皱和叠瓦构造。

    This sediment will then probably be formed into a folded and imbricated structure .

  9. 结构状硬石膏、香肠状和网眼状构造本身并不表示萨勃哈环境。

    Nodular anhydrite and enterolithic and chicken-wire structures do not of themselves signify the Sabkha environment .

  10. 坳陷构造是地壳表层的基本构造单元,它叠加在大的板块(或地块)构造之上,属于二级结构构造。

    Depression-Uplift structure is a basic structural unit developed on crustal surface , it is secondary structure and is superposed upon larger plate tectonics .

  11. 不过,游戏化开始越来越流行,他说,“随着越来越多的熟悉电子游戏构造和表现形式的人成为劳动力。”

    Still , gamification only stands to become more popular , he says , " as more and more people come into the workforce who are familiar with the structures and expressions of digital games . "

  12. “这项研究第一次展现了长期处于绿地中与大脑构造的关系。”

    " This is the first study that shows the association between long-term exposure to green space and brain structure . "

  13. 构造了具有不同占据概率的逾渗集团

    The percolation clusters with various occupying probability are constructed .

  14. 一些须鲸物种头顶也有护住喷水孔的构造,但并不长成这样。

    Other baleen whales have splash guards too , but not like this .

  15. 这些构造单元是由构造原因,依一定的时空序列拼贴在一起的。

    The units are collaged together by a serial tectonic spatially and temporally .

  16. 北美大陆是由三个构造单元组成的。

    The North American continent is made up of three great structural entities .

  17. 与储油圈闭有关的最一般的构造目标是背斜和断层

    The most common structural targets associated with oil entrapment are anticlines and faults .

  18. 联合等效塑性偏应变和体应变构造硬化函数

    The hardening function was formed by incorporating an equivalent plastic deviator strain and a volume strain .

  19. 她的老师说:“一头鲸鱼从身体构造的角度看,是不可能吞掉一个人的。因为尽管鲸鱼是一种非常巨大的哺乳动物,可它的嗓子非常小。”

    The teacher said it was physically1 impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small .

  20. 今日小常识从1961年到1927年,美国的阿波罗计划从月球上取回了380多公斤的岩石标本。这些带回来的标本对研究月球的起源和构造有很大帮助。

    The Apollo missions between 1969 and 1972 returned over 380kg of rocks from the Moon , which have been used to help us understand its origins and structure .

  21. 指令参与构建复杂的“脚手架”,即细胞骨架,它组织我们体内的细胞,最终形成一个构造有别于惯用右手的人的左撇子大脑。

    They 're involved in building the intricate " scaffolding " , known as the cytoskeleton that organises the inside of our body 's cells and culminate4 in a brain that is wired differently in left-handed people .

  22. Fuzzy值可测函数及其构造

    The Fuzzy Valued Measurable Function and its Constructions

  23. 用遗传算法构造n阶幻方

    Constructing n-order Magic Square by Using Genetic Algorithm

  24. 利用SqlServer构造动态Web页面

    Use SQL server to create dynamic Web page

  25. 通过构造loop代数,得到了一个新的谱系的可积耦合。

    Integrable couplings of a new hierarchy is obtained through the construction of a loop algebra .

  26. 通过构造Agent联盟形成解决问题的MAS系统。

    Through the construction Agent alliance formed to solve the problem of MAS system .

  27. 点击ApplyDefaults按钮将会恢复默认值,并逆转自动应用的构造型。

    Clicking the Apply Defaults button will restore the default values and reverse the automatically applied stereotype .

  28. SCA的基本构造块就是组件。

    SCA 's basic building block is the component .

  29. 再次,运用AHP法构造判断矩阵,计算指标的权重。

    Once more , using AHP law structure judgment matrix , following to computation indexes weight .

  30. 利用陷阱技术构造伪3D牛顿变换的M-J集

    Utilizing Trap Technique to Construct Virtual 3D Newton Transform M-J Sets