
  • 网络blasting
  1. 2004-04-24极限训练一次后15~20min及晨起即刻取尿液少许测试。

    The urine specimens for test were collected 15-20 minutes after one time maximum loading training on April 24 , 2004 and immediately after morning getting-up .

  2. 体育教育训练是对人体各个方面追求极致极限的训练,必须获取科学与可信的信息。

    Physical Education and Training is the pursuit of the ultimate limits of the human body in all aspects of training , you must access to scientific and credible information .

  3. 运用极限爆发训练法提高篮球运动员弹跳力的实验研究上手发球有不同的方法,例如上手飘球、上手旋转球和大力发球等。

    Experimental Research on the Improvement of Jumping Ability of Basketball Players with the Limit Erupting Training ; Overhand serves may be played in differents ways , such as the overhand floater serve , the overhand spin serve and the power serve .

  4. 例如,加拿大安大略省哈密尔顿的麦克马斯特大学(McMasterUniversity)及其他机构的科学家的研究显示,即便只进行几分钟濒临体能极限的高强度训练,使肌肉的分子发生变化,就堪比跑步或骑车几个小时。

    Work by scientists at McMaster University in Hamilton , Ontario , and other institutions shows , for instance , that even a few minutes of training at an intensity approaching your maximum capacity produces molecular changes within muscles comparable to those of several hours of running or bike riding 。

  5. 作者在没有明确油画创作方向的情况下,以传统光影写实素描体系为原则作直逼自己素描写实能力极限点的素描极限训练。

    Without specific oil-painting facture direction , author regards the traditional true-life charcoal drawing system as his own point of no returning in utmost way training .

  6. 竞技体育发展到今天,竞争空前激烈,运动员的成绩也越来越接近人类能力的极限,为了不断创造新的成绩,就必须大量的不间断的从事超过人类极限的训练。

    With development of the competitive sports , the competition is fiercer than ever , athletes are also getting closer and closer to the limits of human ability to continue to create new results , it must be the uninterrupted engaged in more than the limits of human training .