
  1. 杨绛是当今中国散文高手之一。

    YANG Jiang is one of the master-hands nowadays in China .

  2. 杨绛文学语言风格谈

    Pure and Natural Language Style on Yang Jiang 's Literary Style

  3. 杨绛散文的人格美

    The Characters ' Aesthetic Perception in the Prose by Yang Jiang

  4. 论杨绛近作的艺术新质

    On the New Artistic Character of Yang Jiang 's Recent Works

  5. 杨绛俏皮幽默又不乏微妙的讥诮;

    Yang Jiang 's style is witty and humorous with subtle sarcasm ;

  6. 杨绛小说婚姻形式解析

    Analysis of the Marrage Forms of Novels by Yang Jiang

  7. 论杨绛散文《我们仨》的古典意味

    On the Classical Flavor of We Three , a Prose of Yang Jiang

  8. 论杨绛小说的喜剧风格

    On the Comic Style of Yang Jiang 's Novels

  9. 生命的感悟:杨绛的散文精神

    Life 's Understanding & YangJiang 's Prose Spirits

  10. 杨绛散文的独特价值

    The unlade value of yang Jiang 's prose

  11. 论钱钟书杨绛小说的婚恋模式与互文性

    Argument on the Marriage Patterns and Intertextuality of Yang-Jiang , Qian Zhong-shu 's Novel

  12. 杨绛情感发达,理智也发达。

    Yang Jiang has well-developed feelings and reason .

  13. 上海城市文化与杨绛的喜剧创作

    Shanghai city culture and Yang Jiang 's comedies

  14. 杨绛对散文的独特贡献

    Yang jiang 's contribution to the essay

  15. 第一部分阐释了人物形象系列在杨绛散文中的智慧表现。

    The first chapter expresses the wisdom through a series of the characters in essay .

  16. 杨绛,中国现当代文学史上一位卓尔不群的学者兼作家。

    Yang Jiang is a particular scholar and writer in the history of contemporary literature .

  17. 杨绛的散文艺术

    Art of Yang Jiang 's Prose

  18. 论杨绛喜剧精神的人生与艺术资源

    A Study on the Life of Yang Jang ′ s Comedy Spirit and Her Artistic Sources

  19. 杨绛先生是中国文学史上有着独特风格的作家。

    Mr. Yang Jiang is the history of Chinese literature has a unique style of the writer .

  20. 杨绛写完《干校六记》,把稿子给我看了一遍。

    Having finished A Cadre School Life : Six Chapters , Yang Jiang sent me the script .

  21. 从杨绛与肖凤的笔战谈有关传记文学的创作问题

    Certain Problems in the Creation of Biography Viewed from the Written Polemics Between Yang Jiang and Xiao Feng

  22. 杨绛的创作跨度长达70余年,为我们展示了一个知识分子生命中所特有的喜剧精神。

    Mr. Yang Jiang creativity spanning 70 years and Shows us a unique intellectual life of comedy spirit .

  23. 杨绛是现当代文学史上一位著名的作家,学者,翻译家、教授。

    Yang Jiang is now a well-known writer on Contemporary Literature , and a brilliant scholar , a great translator .

  24. 这种人文精神与人文理想,正是杨绛散文创作世界的基点和生命之源。

    This kind of humanistic spirit and ideal is just the base point and life source of Yang Jiang 's prose_writing world .

  25. 杨绛小说《洗澡》委婉含蓄富有独特风格与其叙事技巧有着十分紧密的联系。

    The highly subtle and unique style in Yang Jiang 's novel " Bathing " has an extremely close links with the narrative skills .

  26. 对于研究者而言,探究喜剧精神已经成为打开杨绛作品思想艺术奥秘的关键所在。

    Into the comedy spirit has become the ideological and artistic works of Yang Jiang opened the " mystery " of the key to researchers .

  27. 作为中国20世纪文学史上的重要作家,杨绛是文坛上一个不可忽视的存在。

    In the twentieth Century of the Chinese literature , Yang Jiang is an important writer , and isnot to be ignored of the long time .

  28. 1932年,杨绛自苏州大学毕业后,选择进入清华大学继续深造。求学期间,她遇到了她的丈夫钱钟书。

    After graduating from Soochow University in 1932 , Yang Jiang enrolled in the graduate school of Tsinghua University where she met her husband Qian Zhongshu .

  29. 第三章则运用演绎法,分析论证杨绛语言的清新质朴、婉转含蓄、幽默讽刺等语言风格。

    By resorting to deduction , Chapter Three analyses and demonstrates the freshness and plainness , tactfulness , humor and irony of the language used in her works .

  30. 本文首先确立了杨绛边缘叙事与智性写作的总体艺术创作风格并对其进行了简单的梳理。

    This article first establishes the general artistic style , which is characterized by " marginal narration " and " witty creation ", and makes an arrangement on it .