
  • 【物】beam width
  1. 利用N+1个嵌套线列阵在工程上实现了N个倍频程恒定束宽的波束形成。

    N + 1 nesting arrays are used to form N-octaves constant beamwidth for line array .

  2. 基于CCD的激光束宽自适应测量算法

    Adaptive measuring algorithm of laser beam width based on CCD

  3. 完成了恒定束宽波束形成以及宽带源方位估计算法在DSP硬件系统中的实现。

    The constant beam-width beam-former and wideband DOA estimation algorithms are realized in the DSP hardware systems .

  4. 采用CCD成像装置测量激光引信发射光光束束宽的方法研究

    Research on Measuring Beam Width of the Linear Array Diode Laser in Laser Fuze System by Using CCD

  5. 研究分析了通过直接设计FIR滤波器组来实现时域恒定束宽波束形成器的方法。

    Studied the methods of directly designing FIR filters to achieve time domain constant beamwidth beamforming .

  6. 利用Chebyshev窗函数获得恒定束宽加权矩阵的数值算法

    Numerical Algorithm to Calculate Weighting Matrix of Constant Beamwidth Array Using Chebyshev Window

  7. 推导出了其束宽、远场发散角、M2因子、K参数,以及偏振度P的解析式等的重要光束特征参数。

    The closed expressions of beam width , far field divergence , M2 factor , K parameter and degree of polarization are also derived . 6 .

  8. 将自收敛束宽法用于研究硬边衍射二维拉盖尔高斯光束的光束参数传输规律和M2因子。

    The self convergent beam width method is used to study the beam parameter propagation and M 2 factor of two dimensional hard edge diffracted Laguerre Gaussian beams .

  9. 该文提出了一种应用DFT正交预处理在数字波束形成(DBF)天线上实现宽带恒定束宽方向图的方案。

    This paper presents a scheme using the DFT orthogonalizing pre - process to implement a wideband constant beamwidth pattern for the digital beam - forming antenna array .

  10. 本文提出一种基于均匀一致性旁瓣级的设计方法,在求出宽带信号实现恒定束宽所须的频率响应后,通过一组FIR滤波器来拟合该频率响应。

    In this paper , a method based on uniform sidelobe is given . And the frequency response needed to realize constant beamwidth for subband components of the signal is computed and filter with FIR filters .

  11. 首先详细介绍了恒定束宽波束形成中建立FIR滤波器的原理及主要步骤,然后在此基础上进行了时延波束形成的仿真计算,最后分析了主轴和非主轴方向上的仿真计算结果。

    First , the principle of FIR filter and the main steps to establish FIR filter to be used for constant beamwidth beamforming were described . Then a simulation of time delay beamforming was conducted on this basis .

  12. 在此基础上,结合强度二阶矩方法,给出了相应的一般束宽变换公式以及通过一段吸收介质后的M2因子,并作了数值计算和分析。

    The beam-width propagation formula and the M ~ 2-factor of HG beams through absorption media are obtained on the basis of the second-order moment method . Numerical calculations are performed and the results are analyzed .

  13. 使用熵束宽、渐近分析和环围功率法对截断平顶高斯光束的束腰宽度w、远场发散角θ0和M2因子作了比较研究。

    Using the entropy-based width , asymptotic analysis and encircled power in the bucket , the waist width w , far-field divergence angle θ 0 and M2 factors of a truncated flatted Gaussian beam ( FGB ) were studied and compared .

  14. 该方法通过二阶锥规划方法设计各子带中心频率上的恒定束宽加权,并利用FIR滤波器拟和这些频率上的恒定束宽加权来实现时域恒定束宽波束形成器的设计。

    The method firstly designed constant beamwidth weighted on the center frequency of each subband via second-order cone programming , then used FIR filter to fit the constant beamwidth weighted on these frequencies to achieve time domain constant beamwidth beamforming . 5 .

  15. 研究表明,当有相同的M2因子但束宽不同的平顶高斯光束和超高斯光束通过光阑效应可忽略ABCD光学系统传输时,在广义菲涅尔数F相等处有相似的光强分布。

    It is shown that two FGB and SGB with the same M 2-factor but different waist width exhibit similar intensity distributions at the position of the equal generalized Fresnel number , as they propagate through an unapertured ABCD optical system .

  16. 在自由空间中传输时,二阶矩束宽遵守ABCD定律,熵束宽的传输曲线近似于双曲线,但环围功率束宽一般不满足ABCD定律。

    The propagation of the second-order-moment-based width obeyed the ABCD law , and the propagation curve of the entropy-based width was approximately a hyperbola , but for the power-in the bucket-based width the ABCD law failed .

  17. 通过THz成像技术对THz波在焦点、焦点两侧的横模分布情况进行定性的分析,然后利用狭缝法测量了THz光束的束宽。

    We have done some qualitative analysis on . THz transverse modes distribution in focus point , forward and backward of focus point using THz imaging technology . Then , applying " Slit method ", we measured the beam width of THz wave .

  18. 基于环围功率、二阶矩和熵束宽三种定义法,研究了双曲余弦高斯光束(ChG)通过自由空间的传输和通过透镜的聚焦特性。

    Based on three definitions of the power-in the bucket , second-order-moment-based and entropy-based width , the propagations of Cosh-Gaussian beams passing through free space and the focusing properties of them are studied .

  19. 从实验上研究了GaAs-AlxGa(1-x)AsDH条形激光器的稳态束腰、束宽和激光功率随电流变化的规律与瞬态自脉动的关系。

    The variation of beam waist position , beam width and light power with injection current in GaAs-Al_XGa_ ( 1-X ) As DH stripe-geometry lasers , and the relationship between the station-ary stability and transient self-sustained pulsation have been studied experimentally .

  20. 并得出电子枪束宽过窄,电子枪功率密度高于15kW/cm2时,会使导热损失增加、蒸发量减少的结论。

    The results show that the heat conduct loss will increase and the amount of evaporation will decrease while the electron beam width is too narrow and the electron beam power density is above 15kW / cm 2 .

  21. 提出了稳健的恒定束宽自适应波束形成方法。

    A robust adaptive beamforming method with constant beamwidth is presented .

  22. 讨论了频域恒定束宽波束形成器设计方法。

    Detailedly discussed the frequency domain constant beamwidth beamforming design method .

  23. 一种用于声学成像的稳健宽带恒定束宽波束形成方法

    A robust wideband constant - beamwidth beamforming method for acoustic imaging

  24. 有限束宽聚焦贝塞尔-高斯光束轴上的光强分布

    Axial Intensity Distribution of a Bessel-Gauss Beam Focused by an Aperture Lens

  25. 有限束宽下光栅对压缩的理论研究

    Study of Grating Pulse Compression in the Case of Finite Beam Size

  26. 光束束宽概念和不同定义束宽的比较

    The Concept of the Beam Width and Comparison of Its Different Definitions

  27. 恒束宽波束形成在交通定向采样上的应用

    The Application of Constant Beamwidth Beamform on Traffic Signal Specifical Direction Sample

  28. 声矢量阵宽带恒定束宽波束形成技术研究

    Broadband Constant Beamwidth Beamforming Technology Based on Acoustic Vector Array

  29. 鱼雷共形阵自适应宽带恒定束宽波束形成研究

    Research on Adaptive Broadband Constant Beamwidth Beamforming of Conformal Array of Torpedo

  30. 一种恒定束宽波束域加权子空间谱估计新方法

    A Weighted Signal-Subspace Spatial-Spectrum Estimator in Constant Beam-Width Beam Space