
  • 网络LEE Chong Wei;Chong Wei LEE
  1. 这让他得以与李宗伟在决赛上相遇。

    This vaulted him into the finals where he was set to meet Lee Chong Wei .

  2. 接着,在被李宗伟短暂抢去了世界第一的位置后,林丹又再次夺回。

    Subsequently , Lin Dan regained his world number one status which had been briefly occupied by Lee Chong Wei .

  3. 谌龙也向李宗伟致敬。

    Chen also paid tribute to Lee .

  4. “我几乎不能跟上他的速度与节奏变化。”25岁的李宗伟如是说。

    " I could hardly follow his fast speed and variation of rhythm ," said the25-year-old .

  5. 在前两次的决赛中,在2008年北京奥运会和2012年伦敦奥运会上,李宗伟都输给了中国选手林丹。

    In the last two finals , Lee lost to Chinese Lin Dan in Beijing 2008 and London 2012 .

  6. 该声明中指出,李宗伟告知马来西亚羽毛球协会自己身体不适,而他的医生也建议他休息并接受治疗。

    The statement said Lee informed BAM that he is unwell and that his doctor advised him to rest and undergo treatment .

  7. 第二位是马来西亚选手李宗伟,其搓放技术使用率为39.75%。

    Then was Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia player . The use rate of roll the ball put the net was 39.75 % .

  8. 在关于可能退役的这一问题上,李宗伟在决赛之前表示,他还没有时间去考虑。

    On the prospect of his possible retirement , Lee said before this final he doesn 't have time to think about it .

  9. 到目前为止,李宗伟已经输掉了三届奥运会的决赛,这使得期盼奥运首金的马来西亚不得不继续等待。

    So far , Lee has lost the last three Olympic finals , prolonging Malaysia 's wait for a gold medal at the Olympics .

  10. 在马来西亚公开赛期间,李宗伟告诉记者,他想保持自己的状态,参加2020年东京奥运会。

    During the Malaysia Open , Lee told reporters that he wants to maintain his form and play in the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo .

  11. 在最近的两场比赛中,33岁的李宗伟都击败了林丹,但是在大型赛事中,面对自己的奥运克星,他却只能尝到心碎的滋味。

    Thirty three year-old Lee has beaten Lin in their past two meetings but has only tasted heartbreak in big tournaments against his Olympic nemesis .

  12. 昨日,世界排名第一的中国选手林丹大胜马来西亚二号种子选手李宗伟,稳稳拿下羽毛球男子单打冠军。

    China 's world No1 Lin Dan clinched the men 's singles badminton title yesterday , completely outclassing Malaysia 's second seed , Lee Chong Wei .

  13. 马来西亚羽毛球协会称,在一个月的时间内,李宗伟不得进行激烈的体育活动,所以他将不得不退出锦标赛。

    BAM said that Lee is not allowed to undergo intense physical activity for a month , so he will have to be withdrawn from the championships .

  14. 今年10月即将年满36岁的李宗伟,是2011年、2013年和2015年世锦赛的银牌得主。

    Lee , who is about to turn 36 this October , is the silver medal winner at the World Championships in 2011 , 2013 and 2015 .

  15. 虽然后来李宗伟因为林丹的几次失误得了几分,但是林丹向胜利进发却已是势不可挡的局面了。

    Although the Malaysian earned a few points on mistakes from Lin , it was only a matter of time before the Chinese steadied and stormed to victory .

  16. 周日,头号种子林丹从一开局就控制着比赛,分别以21-12,21-8取胜二号种子李宗伟为中国赢得羽球第三金。

    Top-seeded Lin was in control from the outset Sunday and coasted to a21-12,21-8 win over the second-seeded Lee to give China its third gold medal in badminton .

  17. 连续三次获得亚军的李宗伟曾经在上个月的里约奥运会上表示,这会是自己最后一次参加奥运会。

    Lee had previously said that last month 's Rio Olympics , where he finished runner-up for the third Games in a row , would be his last .

  18. 曾经两度卫冕世界冠军的林丹,在第二轮比赛一开始就以7比0遥遥领先,而李宗伟似乎还有没来得及跟上他的节奏。

    Lin , the two-time defending world champion , raced to a7-0 lead in the second game , before a stunned Lee started to even find his rhythm .

  19. 赛会头号种子李宗伟的对手是来自中华台北的周天成,李宗伟的开局要轻松许多,而世界排名第七的周天成整场比赛都没有给李宗伟带来真正的压力,最终李宗伟以21-9、21-15的比分获胜。

    Top seed Lee had a far easier run against Chou Tien-chen in the opening match and was never seriously tested by the seventh-ranked Taiwanese during a 21-9 21-15 demolition .

  20. 在周日晚些时候进行的羽毛球男单决赛中,他击败了此前位列世界第一的马来西亚选手李宗伟,赛后林丹高举双拳大声咆哮。

    He roared with both fists high in the air after he won over Malaysia 's world No. 1 Lee Chong Wei in the men 's singles final late Sunday evening .

  21. 李宗伟很明显压力很大,比赛中频频出现失误,最终以一个尴尬的比分负于林丹。

    Lee Chong-wei apparently was crushed by the enormous pressure on him , made lots of unforced erros , and finally conceded the victory to Lin Dan at an awkward score .

  22. 李宗伟今年似乎恢复了最佳状态,他在马来西亚羽毛球公开赛决赛中结束了桃田贤斗的连胜,并获得了自己的第12个马来西亚羽毛球公开赛冠军。

    Lee seemed to be back in top shape this year , when he ended Kento Momota 's winning streak in the Malaysian Open final and clinched his 12th Malaysia Open title .

  23. 羽毛球世界联合会把传统的三局两胜、每局21分制改成五局三胜、每局11分制的实验,激发了已经33岁的李宗伟的兴趣。

    The 33-year-old 's interest has been piqued by the Badminton World Federation 's ( BWF ) experiments with an 11-point , best-of-five system , instead of the traditional 21-point , best-of-three format .

  24. 在周六进行的里约奥运会羽毛球男子单打决赛中,中国队的谌龙以21比18,21比18的比分击败了马来西亚的李宗伟,收获了一枚金牌。

    Chen Long of China defeated Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia 21-18 , 21-18 to claim the gold medal in the men 's badminton singles final at the Rio Olympic Games here on Saturday .

  25. 在2014年仁川亚运会上(也是李宗伟最后一届亚运会),林丹击碎了李宗伟亚运会首金的梦想,同时在2011年和2013年世锦赛上,林丹又两次击败了李宗伟。

    The Chinese dashed Lee 's hopes of a first gold in his final Asian Games at Incheon in 2014 and denied him twice in the final at the 2011 and 2013 world championships .

  26. 在过去的一周里,李宗伟未能参加其他羽毛球运动员的训练,这加剧了人们的猜测,即他可能会错过7月30日在中国南京举行的世界锦标赛。

    In the past week , Lee failed to join other shuttlers at the training sessions , fueling speculation that he may miss the World Championships , which begins on July 30 in China 's Nanjing .

  27. 马来西亚世界羽毛球头号种子选手李宗伟近日表示,新的计分规则可能会让自己把职业生涯延续到2020年的东京奥运会,并再一次向一块梦寐以求的羽毛球金牌发起冲击。

    Malaysia 's world number one Lee Chong Wei said a new scoring format could tempt him to extend his career to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and take yet another shot at an elusive badminton gold medal .

  28. 李宗伟表示,他来自中国的老对手、两次奥运冠军获得者林丹可能也会被劝说在这个新的赛制下比赛,因为这种赛制对体力要求会少一点,对老运动员较为有利。

    Lee said Chinese fellow veteran Lin Dan , a two-time Olympic champion , may also be persuaded to play on under the new system , which is considered less physically demanding and therefore better for older players .

  29. 可是,肩负着整个国家厚望的李宗伟却在第一场比赛中就失误了好几个关键球,而林丹却在全场中国观众的加油助威声中好球连连。

    But , with the weight of a nation of his shoulders , Lee made a series of costly errors in the first game as Lin who , with a packed Chinese crowd screaming their support , produced some brilliant shots .

  30. 赛会三号种子林丹将与李宗伟狭路相逢,球迷们看不到两人之间另一场金牌决胜赛了,但是在周五的半决赛上,这两位当今时代最优秀的羽毛球运动员也将上演一场奥运史诗。

    Third-ranked Lin 's seeding put him in Lee 's side of the draw , denying fans another battle royale in the gold medal-decider but Friday 's semi-final will pit two of the finest players of the modern era against each other in their Olympic swan song .