- warranty of title

The Rights Guarantee of Intellectual Property Rights in the International Trade
On Pledge of Atypical Rights The Duality of Bill Pledge
Security of right is a guarantee of property right except for ownership .
Warranty obligations of quality and warranty obligation of title are basic obligations of seller .
Rights warranty system , refers to the guarantee on the sale of the goods , the seller should have legal rights .
Finally , it makes further discussion about the importance of re-establishment of the system of security of right in the conclusion .
Excessive restriction on the establishment of real right for security will result in the narrowing of the scope , affect the financing ability .
With the developing of the capital markets of intellectual property , copyright pledge has been favored increasingly by the investors from all the world .
Chapter Three analyzes the flaws of the current legal system of security of right basing on the summary of the current theories and practices .
Therefore , security of right should be divided according to different carriers of rights as objects . And it should be reconstructed on this base .
Chapter One defines what security of right is , the object of which is the property rights other than ownership , and also discusses the character of it .
Chapter Four divides security of rights according to different carriers of the right as object . And also analyzes the enactment , implementation and elimination of security of right .
In continental law system , security of right is divided into pledge of right and mortgage of right according to different rights as object . This kind of division brings chaos into theory and practice .
Chapter Two reviews the history of security of right , and makes comparison among different countries of civil law jurisdiction , so as to make a clear view on the current legal system of security of right .
Delivery of goods pursuant to contract is seller 's principal obligation under an international contract for sale of goods , concerning time and place of delivery , quality and quantity of goods delivered , and freedom from third party 's claim .
The seller shall undertake an obligation of warrantee , that is , the seller warrants that the ship at the time of delivery is free of all charters , encumbrances , mortgages and maritime liens or any other debts whatsoever . This is called " Encumbrances under NSF " .
On the Sell 's Warranty against Defects of Title
On Denial of the Independence Characteristic of Liability Incurred by Defects of Right
Probing into the Obligation under Bond of Defective Title
Right in the Contract Minor Faults Guarantee
Its liability for breach of contract as a responsibility of different forms has an independent existence value .
The definition puts exemption right on the basis of both security interests and other statutory special priority .
A Comparison to the Security for Defects of Rights between Buyers and Sellers in International Sales of Goods
The law in Hong Kong , out of the actual practice , carries out the principle of fault guarantee right .
It can be broken down into two : the right guarantee liability about blemish and the matter guarantee liability about blemish .
But the provision of the contract law for undertaking liability for the minor faults of the rights has its special value .
Contract Law widely refers to foreign successful experiment on legislation and prescribes warranty against defects of title in the business contract chapter .
Warranty against defects of the seller can be classified into two kinds : warranty against defects of quality and warranty against defects of title .
Warranty of defective title is a form of contract obligation , which is drawn on the experiences of the common law and continental family .
Warranty against defects of title is one of the traditional warranties against defects in continental law system , and has a specific basis in theory .