
  • 网络right disputes
  1. 第二部分分析了劳动争议的概念,将其分为:权利争议和利益争议;

    The second part analyses the concept of labor disputes .

  2. 因个别劳资关系产生的权利争议是劳动法院调解的对象。

    Labor relations for the individual labor dispute become the object of court mediation .

  3. 最后,比较研究了集体合同权利争议处理制度。

    Finally , there is a study on the CA right dispute resolving system in different countries by comparison .

  4. 以权利争议和利益争议的分类标准为基础,分别设置相应的处理模式。

    Based on the classification standard of right dispute and benefit dispute , this part sets up corresponding resolving modes .

  5. 为此,应对劳动争议进行分类,引入权利争议、利益争议的概念。

    So we should classify the methods of dealing with labor dispute , and introduce the concepts of dispute over rights and interests .

  6. 依据不同的标准可以将劳动争议分为个体争议与集体争议,以及权利争议与利益争议。

    The author thinks it can divide into the collective dispute and the individual dispute , or the right dispute and the benefit dispute .

  7. 加强对公务员权利争议及其法律调整问题的研究,对整个公务员权利体系的完善有着重要的理论意义和现实价值。

    It is of important theoretical meaning and practical value to strengthen the research on civil servants ' right dispute as well as law adjustment in order to perfect the whole civil servants ' right system .

  8. 首先介绍了劳动争议的概念及其分类,劳动争议根据不同的划分标准,一般有两种分类,可以分为集体争议和个人争议;权利争议和利益争议。

    Firstly , introduce the concept and classification of the labour dispute . There are two criterias for classification : collective labour dispute and individual labour dispute ; vested rights labour dispute and pending rights labour dispute .

  9. 劳动争议诉讼是指劳动争议当事人针对劳动权利争议相关事项向人民法院提起诉讼,由人民法院依法对案件进行审理和判决的活动。

    The labor dispute lawsuit refers that the labor dispute litigants file the charge to the court in view of the rights to work item , and the court carries on trying and the decision legally to the case .

  10. 好的员工往往拥有更大的自由权利去提出争议性话题,这是他们的出色表现使然。

    Great employees often get more latitude to bring up controversial subjects because their performance allows greater freedom .

  11. 民事执行程序中的实体争议,是指在民事执行程序中,发生于执行当事人、案外人之间,与法院的执行行为相关联的、有关民事实体权利义务的争议。

    Substantive dispute of the civil execution refers to the dispute relating to executing acts of the court and substantive rights and obligations between the parties and a third party during the civil execution .

  12. 因对民族民间文化本身的涵义、范围及权利内容存在争议,使得各国对民族民间文化是否给予保护、怎样保护有不同的认识。

    Because of the controversy on the connotation of folk culture itself , its category and right , this caused conflicts on whether it should be protected or how to protect it among all nationalities .

  13. 尽管随行还有一名机器人专门照顾这只猴子,预计此举仍会在动物权利组织中引发争议。

    Although the ape will be looked after by a robot on the mission , the decision is expected to spark controversy with animal rights groups .

  14. 诉权是当事人因民事实体权利义务关系发生争议或者处于不正常的状态,从而请求法院予以裁判解决的权利。

    Right of action is a right a party has to request a trial court resolve a substantive civil right that is in dispute or under irregular conditions .

  15. 这就造成了人们对于该项权利的误解和争议,导致从政府到公民个人再到全社会在尊重健康权、保护健康权、行使健康权等诸多方面出现许多问题。

    This has resulted in misunderstandings and disputes that right , resulting in the whole of society from government to individual citizens to respect the right to health , to protect the right to health , to exercise the right to health problems .

  16. 动物权利理论存在巨大争议的原因在于动物权利学者抛弃了人类长久以来形成的动物是人类财产这一传统观点并批判人类中心主义,选择以非人类中心主义角度重新看待人类与动物之间的关系。

    Scholars argue for Animal rights theory because animal right advocates abandon the traditional view continued thousands years that animals are human property , reject " anthropocentrism ", and choose to apply " non-anthropocentrism " perspective to deal with relationships between humans and animals .

  17. 并构建我国职业篮球运动员权利保护机制:球员权利争议预防与控制、实现球员法律救济、构建职业联赛的监控系统。

    The players ' right protection mechanism , the dispute prevention and control of the players ' rights , legal relief and the supervision system of the games were constructed .

  18. 而农民工权利受到侵犯成为劳资冲突最直接原因,这也使珠三角以农民工为劳动者的劳资冲突主要是围绕权利争议来展开。

    All these become the most direct reason for industrial conflict . As a result , the industrial conflicts with migrant workers being the main labor force in the Pearl River Delta focus on rights .

  19. 美方有意争取各项法律权利,包括在出现征用或国有化情况下获得补偿的权利,资本自由转移权利、非歧视性待遇、透明监管权利,以及将争议提交国际仲裁的权利。

    The US intends to press for legal rights , including rights to compensation in the event of expropriation or nationalisation , free transfers of capital , non - discriminatory treatment , a right to transparent regulation and a right to submit disputes to international arbitration .