
  • 网络Robotics Engineering
  1. 外汇增长机器人工程在所有的市场条件下,即使在坏消息的时候。

    Forex Growth Bot works in all market conditions even during times of bad news .

  2. 这三个趋势是,细胞工程,组织工程,机器人工程,并且大家都会理解。

    Those three trends are the ability to engineer cells , the ability to engineer tissues , and robots . And somehow it will all make sense .

  3. 便是微生物工程、组织工程、机器人工程所导向的复苏。

    That 's where the ability to engineer microbes , the ability to engineer tissues , and the ability to engineer robots begin to lead to a reboot .

  4. 这使得这篇指南对于简略地学习机器人学工程的基础是有用的。

    This makes the guide useful for learning the basics of robotic engineering in general .

  5. 建设机器人和工程机械机电信一体化

    Construction Robot and Integration of Machine-Electricity-Communication

  6. 机器人是现代工程技术的奇迹。

    The robot is a marvel of modern engineering .

  7. 这款机器人由电子工程方面的教授RainXiLow发明。

    Designed by electrical engineering professor Rain Xi Low .

  8. 自引导车(AutoGuidanceVehicle)是移动机器人研究和工程应用的一个重要领域。

    Auto Guidance Vehicle ( AGV ) is an important domain for the mobile robot research and engineering application .

  9. 混流多姿态工件喷漆机器人的应用工程

    A Study of Painting Robot Application Engineering of Hybrid Multi-pose Workpieces

  10. 坡口切割机器人:用于工程机械等行业。

    Bevel cutting robot : for engineering machinery industry , automatic cutting .

  11. 管道机器人研制与工程应用

    Research on Pipe Robot and Its Application

  12. 奔跑机器人焊接工业工程

    RUNNING ROBOT Industrial Engineering of Welding

  13. 机器人安全性工程研究综述

    Review of Robotic Safety Engineering

  14. 重要的是,我们不必变成半机器人或生物工程的试验品。

    And , importantly , it doesn 't require us to transform into cyborgs or bio-engineered lab rats .

  15. 论述工程机械的发展和其所面临的问题,指出机电一体化和机器人化是工程机械未来发展的方向。

    This paper reviews the development of construction machinery and equipment , presents the problems in the face of it .

  16. 通过本文的研究,为解决不确定机器人系统在工程中面临的一些现实问题提供了新思路。

    Through the research in this thesis , new ideas are provided for dealing with some practical problems faced by robot manipulators in engineering .

  17. 三自由度物料配置机器人控制器设计工程项目型产品在整个制造过程中涉及到开发设计、物料配置、企业内制造、工程现场制作、安装调试、维护服务等诸多环节。

    In the whole cycle of the project product , there are a lot of process such as design , material configuring , machining in enterprise , installation , maintenance , etc.

  18. 加州大学伯克利分校机器人与人体工程实验室的主任卡泽鲁尼表示,该公司外骨骼产品的主要功用就是防止肌肉疲劳。

    Prof Kazerooni , who is also the director of the University of California 's Berkeley Robotics and Human Engineering Laboratory , says that the primary benefit of the firm 's exoskeletons is to prevent muscle fatigue .

  19. 随着图像采集和处理技术的飞速发展,基于机器视觉的图像六自由度测量方法已在机器人、海洋工程、飞行模拟器等领域得到广泛应用。

    Along with rapid development of image acquiring and processing technology , image measurement of six degrees of freedom ( DOF ) based on machine vision has been widely applied in some fields such as robotics , ocean engineering and flight simulator .

  20. IVECO横梁总成多机器人焊接系统的工程开发研究

    Study on multi-robot welding system for IVECO 's crossbeam

  21. 哈工大水下智能机器人试验水池防渗工程

    Anti-seepage of water pond for experiment of under water intellectual robot

  22. 机器人化是提高工程机械施工控制自动化的关键问题。

    Robotization is a significant measure to improve automation of construction machines .

  23. 机器人技术、基因工程和网络武器可能被滥用;

    the potential abuse of robotics , genetic engineering and cyber weapons ;

  24. 修复我们的机器人是个大工程吗?

    Is it a major job to repair our robots ?

  25. 本文主要论述汽车制造工业中机器人自动涂装应用工程研究。

    In this paper , robot automatic spray application in automobile manufacturing industry is discussed .

  26. 机器人自动涂装应用工程研究

    Robot application engineering study on au-to-finishing

  27. 人工腿(假肢)一直是机器人学和生物医学工程领域的一个前沿性研究课题。

    Artificial leg ( prosthesis ) has been a leading-edge research object in the fields of robotics and biomedical engineering .

  28. 根据管道机器人定位的实际工程需要,给出了三传感器低频电磁波定位模型。

    According to the localization requirement of the pipeline robot for a pipeline inspection project , a localization model based on tri-sensors is established .

  29. 同时,智能仿生假手研究集机器人学、生物医学工程、电子信息等多学科领域的交叉,已成为相关领域工程研究人员关注的研究重点。

    At the same time , the artificial prosthetic hand is cross-disciplinary fields of robotics , biomedical engineering , electronics information and has become research focus of related engineering researchers .

  30. 假手是机器人学和生物医学工程领域备受关注的研究课题,开展该项目的研究对于改善残疾人的生活条件和促进其医疗福利事业的发展具有重要的现实意义。

    Prosthetic hand is a focus research filed in both robotics and biomedical engineering . The study on this area is of great significance to improve the living standards and to advance the development of the medical welfare for amputees .