
  • 网络mechanism design theory
  1. 现代企业质量管理中得到成功运用的全面质量管理(TQM)理念和方法和机制设计理论为高校教学质量管理提供很好的借鉴。

    The idea and method of Total Quality Management ( TQM ) and mechanism design theory , practiced triumphantly in quality management in corporation , have used for reference in Teaching Quality Management in university .

  2. 机制设计理论与中国农村扶贫机制改革的路径安排

    Mechanism Design Theory and Rural Poverty Alleviation Mechanism Reform in China

  3. 选取机制设计理论和比较经济学的DIM方法(即决策方法)作为理论视角,构建了大学学术权力运行机制的理论模型。

    This article creates the framework for theoretical analysis for the operation mechanism of academic power in universities and colleges by choosing the decision-making method ( DIM ) as its theoretical perspective which is used in mechanism design and theory of comparative economy .

  4. 基于博弈论中的机制设计理论和线性供应函数均衡(LSFE)理论,设计了一种激励相容的线性供应函数激励显示机制。

    Based on mechanism design and linear supply function equilibrium ( LSFE ) of game theory , an incentive compatible mechanism called incentive revelation mechanism of linear supply function is designed .

  5. 基于机制设计理论的供应链协同机制研究

    Study on Supply Chain Collaborative Mechanism Based on Mechanism Design Theory

  6. 基于机制设计理论的装备采办系统设计研究

    Research on Design of Defense Acquisition System Based on Mechanism Design Theory

  7. 基于机制设计理论的企业技术委托开发道德风险防范研究

    On Moral Hazard Prevention of Commissioned Technological Development Based on Incentive Mechanism Design Theory

  8. 基于机制设计理论的自组网节点合作协议

    A Cooperation Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks with Selfish Nodes Based on Mechanism Design

  9. 文中以机制设计理论为基础,设计了一种考虑电力合同的激励性机制。

    The dissertation showed an incentive mechanism considering contract , based on the mechanism design theory .

  10. 本文探索了机制设计理论及其在电力监管中的应用,深入、系统研究了电力监管主要环节的理论与监管方法。

    In this thesis , mechanism design theory and its application in electricity surveillance are studied .

  11. 他们建立了机制设计理论。

    They established mechanism design theory .

  12. 论管理机制设计理论

    Design Theory for Management Mechanism

  13. 根据机制设计理论,设计了一种具有激励相容特性的电力竞价机制。

    According to mechanism design theory , a power bidding mechanism existing incentive and compatibility features is designed .

  14. 机制设计理论允许经济学家来确定的市场运作的好坏情况。

    Mechanism design theory permits economists to identify situations where markets work well and where they do not .

  15. 机制设计理论用于设计多主体之间的博弈规则,以获得期望的结果。

    The theory of mechanism design aims at designing game rules of multi-agents , and obtaining desired outcomes .

  16. 第四章是分析金融支持不足的原因。首先对其原因作了一般分析,然后基于机制设计理论构建数理模型进行分析。

    The fourth chapter is based onthe theory of mechanism design to analyze the reasons of lack of financial support .

  17. 其次,依据机制设计理论,提出了能源价格形成机制的优化策略,以实现不同目标的平衡。

    Optimization of strategy in put forward to implement the balance of multiple objects according to the theory of mechanism design .

  18. 本文利用机制设计理论和议价理论,建立了两阶段多属性拍卖机制的模型。

    The concrete model of two stage multi-attribute purchase mechanism is given based on conceptions of mechanism theory and bargaining theory .

  19. 机制设计理论已经证明,在一般情况下,同时满足有效率的分配、个人理性、激励相容、预算平衡的机制是不存在的。

    Mechanism design theory has demonstrated that in general , no efficient , incentive-compatible , interim individually rational , and budget-balanced mechanism exists .

  20. 机制设计理论证实,竞争市场机制是唯一的利用最少信息并且产生了帕累托最优配置的经济机制。

    Mechanism design theory states that the market mechanism is only the mechanism which uses the minimum information to produce Pareto Optimum allocation .

  21. 机制设计理论是更广的经济学理论-博弈理论的一部分。这个理论可以用于很多方面&包括政治领域。

    Mechanism design theory is part of the wider economic idea of game theory and it has many uses & including in political science .

  22. 基于机制设计理论和边际成本定价理论,发展了一种具有激励相容特性的发电市场竞价机制。

    Using mechanism design theory and marginal cost pricing theory , an incentive compatible bidding mechanism is introduced for power generation competition in electricity markets .

  23. 本章共分3部分:第1部分介绍了机制设计理论的背景、内涵、假设及要素;第2部分介绍机制设计的系统方法;第3部分分析中国碳汇林业可持续发展的战略取向。

    This chapter is divided into three parts , the first part introduces the background of mechanism design theory , content , assumptions and factors .

  24. 具体地来说,论文的主要研究内容及创新点如下:(1)采用机制设计理论的思想与方法研究运动员流动问题。

    The main ideas of this thesis are as follows : A. It is a study of athletes flow but with the method of Smart Market .

  25. 考虑到供电公司的风险偏好,作者应用机制设计理论建立了一种用户类型离散的可中断负荷合同模型。

    Taking risk preference of distribution companies into account , an incentive interruptible load contract model for discrete customer types is developed by use of mechanism design .

  26. 有介于此,本文运用激励性规制理论、机制设计理论、拍卖理论等,设计一套激励性竞价机制。

    Therefore , in order to resolve this problem , this paper designed a new incentive bidding mechanism with the theories of incentive regulation , mechanism designing , bidding etc.

  27. 本文基于机制设计理论设计了一种新的能引导参与者呈报真实成本函数的电力系统安全性市场运行机制。

    Based on the mechanism design theory , a novel security market operation mechanism of power system is designed which can induce participants to submit their true cost functions .

  28. 这项研究综合运用了模块化制造项目管理理论、组织设计理论、知识管理理论、信任理论、不完全信息动态博弈理论与机制设计理论。

    This research synthetically applies such theories as modularity manufacturing project management , knowledge management , organization design , mechanism design , trust and dynamic game with incomplete information .

  29. 基于博弈论和机制设计理论,设计了农村金融机构信用信息共享的激励约束机制。论文将农户个人的社会资本纳入其信用评价体系中。

    On the basis of game theory and mechanism design theory , the article designs the motivating and regulating mechanisms of the credit information sharing activities among rural financial institutions .

  30. 三位创立和发展“机制设计理论”的美国经济学家获得2007年诺贝尔经济学奖,该理论讲述的是两个个体或企业之间交易发生的方式,以及如何才能得到优化。

    Three US economists who established and developed theories governing how trade between two individuals or companies takes place and how it can be optimised have won the Nobel Prize for economics .