
  • 网络judith
  1. 朱迪丝正坐在窗户边的一张摇椅里。

    Judith was sitting in a rocking-chair by the window

  2. 朱迪丝已经结婚了,有四个孩子。

    Judith is married with four children .

  3. “我有他的名片,”朱迪丝边说边把名片递了过来。

    ' I 've got his card . ' Judith said , handing it over .

  4. 朱迪丝在门口徘徊。

    Judith was hovering in the doorway

  5. 不愿透露姓氏的乘务员朱迪丝说,在近十年的飞行经历中,她从未和乘客发生过肢体冲突。

    In almost a decade on the flight deck , Judith , who declined to provide her last name , said she 's never had to get physical with a passenger .

  6. 该集团由埃弗利娜•谢特里特(EvelyneChétrite)和朱迪丝•米尔格龙(JudithMilgrom)两姐妹创立。

    The group was founded by Evelyne Ch é trite and Judit Milgrom , two sisters .

  7. 研究报告的作者朱迪丝•尼许斯(JudithNiehues)利用经济数据,并在每个国家对大约1000人进行调查,比较了美国和23个欧盟(EU)国家的实际收入水平和本国人认为的收入水平。

    Author Judith Niehues compared actual and perceived income levels in the US and 23 EU countries , using economic data and polling of about 1000 people in each country .

  8. 红心王后是朱迪丝,她杀死了敌人的一个将军。

    That was Judith , who killed an enemy general .

  9. 朱迪丝必须再得7分才能领先。

    Judith will have to get 7 more points to take lead .

  10. 心理学家朱迪丝蓝洛斯之实验显示,就连小婴儿也喜欢看漂亮之脸。

    Experiments showed that even small infants prefer to look at attractive faces .

  11. 从叛逆者到天使&由朱迪丝的成长看福克纳的南方情结

    From Rebel to Angel & Judith 's Growth and Faulkner 's South Complex

  12. 使我惊讶的是这本小说是一个名叫朱迪丝的年青女子写的。

    To my surprise , the storybook was written by a young girl named Judith .

  13. 我爬上后座,同朱迪丝和莱拉在一起,于是我们出发了。

    I climbed in the back next to Judith and Leila , and away we went .

  14. 朱迪丝表示:但在月底,我们总像是一文不名。

    But we always seem to be broke at the end of the month , she says .

  15. adj.确实的“朱迪丝从来不迟到,你肯定她说的是8点?”—“肯定。”

    positive " Judith 's never late . You sure she said eight ? " " Positive . "

  16. 我和朱迪丝彼此看着对方,都想到他们就要杀害我们。

    Judith and I looked at each other as we both had the thought that they were going to kill us .

  17. 法官朱迪丝。巴特诺夫星期一裁决,这起诉讼毫无理由,命令皮尔逊支付乾洗店店主的法庭费用。

    Judge Judith Bartnoff ruled Monday that the lawsuit was unreasonable and ordered Pearson to pay court costs for the dry cleaners .

  18. 但他们也有我们现在称作伪经的书,比如朱迪丝书,托比特书和马卡比一书二书。

    But they had several other books that we now call the Apocrypha , such as Judith or Tobit or the1 and2 Maccabees .

  19. 我和妻子朱迪丝以及我们2岁的女儿莱拉租了一辆小型野营车,在加利福利亚州的巴加旅行。

    My wife , Judith , our two-year-old daughter , Leila , and I had rented a small camper and were traveling through Baja California .

  20. 我爬上后座,同朱迪丝和莱拉在一起,于是我们出发了。我已穿上裤子,这样我的精神状态已好些了。

    I climbed in the back next to Judith and leila , and away we went . I had my pants on now , which further improved my state of mind .

  21. 夜半时分,朱迪丝用肘推醒了我,并大声叫我起床。我的最初感觉就是喧哗声和撞击声。

    In the middle of the night I was awakened by Judith poking me with her elbow and yelling at me to get up . My first impressions were of nosie and banging .

  22. 据新英格兰历史宗谱学会考证,奥巴马的母亲斯坦利•安•邓纳姆和布朗的母亲朱迪丝•安•鲁格都是马萨诸塞州黑弗里尔一个名叫理查德•新格尔特里的人的后代。

    The New England Historic Genealogical Society said Obama 's mother , Stanley Ann Dunham , and Brown 's mother , Judith Ann Rugg , both descend from Richard Singletary of Haverhill , Massachusetts .

  23. 夜半时分,房间内突然传来一声巨响。夜半时分,朱迪丝用肘推醒了我,并大声叫我起床。

    In the middle of the night , there was a loud thump in the room . In the middle of the night I was awakened by Judith poking me with her elbow and yelling at me to get up .