
zhá jì
  • reading notes
札记 [zhá jì]
  • [reading notes] 读书时摘记的要点以及所写的心得

札记[zhá jì]
  1. 《论语》语法札记三则

    Three Pieces of Grammar Reading Notes of Analects

  2. 沈铭彝竹岑札记非书考&《中国古籍善本书目》一误

    Shen Ming-yi 's Reading Notes of Zhu Chen is not a book & Mistake of The Catalog of Chinese Ancient reliable text

  3. CO2焊机维修札记

    The reading notes of CO_2 welding machine repair

  4. 下列IBM技术札记回答了该问题

    The following IBM technote answers the question

  5. 关于空间群判断失误的札记I.最小素单胞的选取

    On the Incorrect Assignment of Space Groups . I. Choosing the Smallest Primitive Unit Cell

  6. 下列IBM技术札记(technote)谈到了加载一个表时运行RUNSTATS可能碰到的问题。

    The following IBM technote talks about a possible problem that may be encountered with RUNSTATS when loading a table .

  7. 大地基准的现代化和卫星大地测量新成果&参加国际大地测量协会(IAG)2003年日本札晃大会札记

    Modernization of geodetic datum and the new development of satellite geodesy

  8. 省标《先张法预应力混凝土管桩基础技术规程》DBJ13-86-2007学习札记

    Note of Studying the Provincial Standard 《 Technical Specification for Pretensioned Spun Concrete Pile Foundation 》 DBJ13-86-2007

  9. 鄂东农业产业化调查札记与反思

    An Investigation of Agricultural Industrialization in East Hubei and Some Reflections

  10. 《明史》翻译词语札记

    Notes on word translation of The History of the Ming Dynasty

  11. 《范石湖集》词语札记

    Reading Notes of Words and Expressions in Fan Shi Hu Ji

  12. 接著请把札记传送给任一合适人选,让《旅人》继续它的旅程。

    Send the book onto someone else to continue the journey .

  13. 先秦音乐美学思想札记

    Reading notes from the music aesthetic idea of the pre-qin days

  14. 关于成语注释&《现代汉语词典》札记

    On the Annotations of Idiom & Comments on Modern Chinese Dictionary

  15. 人类的真正特点在于对未来的希望&费希特《论学者的使命》阅读札记

    The Real Character of Human Is the Hope to the Future

  16. 小说的希望&新世纪小说阅读札记

    Novels ' Hope & The Reading Notes of Novels in New Century

  17. 读《全宋诗》札记

    Notes from Reading the Complete Collection of Poetry of the Song Dynasty

  18. 关于人与自然的札记

    The Thinking about the Relationship between Human Beings and Nature

  19. 中国古典戏曲研究札记五题

    Five Reading Notes on the Study of Classical Chinese Operas

  20. 四川钱树和长江中下游部分器物上的佛像&中国南方发现的早期佛像札记

    Some Notes on the Early Buddhist Pictures Found in South of China

  21. 人类学与后现代认识论札记

    Notes on Anthropology and Post - modernization Theory of Knowledge

  22. 建筑类型与教学维度&高层建筑设计课程教学札记

    Building Type Teaching Dimension Design Teaching Research on High-rise Course

  23. 科学完整地阐析法律起源问题&《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》读书札记

    A Scientific and Complete Exposition of the Origin of Law

  24. 近代汉语词语札记

    Reading Notes on the Modern China Language Vocabulary Learning Chinese

  25. 博士与名片&中国古代文化札记两则

    Doctor and Name Card : Two Ancient Chinese Culture Notes

  26. 《利玛窦中国札记》所记的明末对外汉语教学状况

    On Chinese as a Foreign Language in last Ming Dynasty

  27. 《公文写作》的文化蕴涵与教学的思维导向&《公文写作》课教学札记

    Document Writing : Cultural Connotations and Thought Orientation of Teaching

  28. 摇摆的教堂&象山丹城基督教堂设计札记

    Oscillatory Church & Design Experience of Dancheng Church , Xiangshan

  29. 关于状态空间方法中超参数估计的札记

    A Reading Notes of Super-parameter Estimation Among state space Analysis

  30. 树木生长应力的基本方程的一点札记

    A note of the fundamental equation of tree growth stresses