
  • 网络jataka
  1. 因此,对本生故事壁画的图式与空间研究具有重要的价值和现实意义。

    In short , such a study of Jataka murals has great value and current significance .

  2. 在不同的历史文化背景下,本生故事壁画的艺术表现形式较为明晰地呈现出了历史的演变过程。

    In the different historical culture background , Jataka murals artistic expressing form also reflects the process of evolution clearly .

  3. 从印度到中国&某些本生故事构图形式的比较

    From India to China : Comparison Among the Compositions of Some Jatakas

  4. 《佛本生故事》与泰国古代文学

    Influence of Jataka on the ancient Thailand literature

  5. 《佛本生故事》与中朝民间故事之主题学研究

    Subject Theory Research on Stories of Buddha 's Life and Chinese and Korean Folktales

  6. 本生故事画作为一种佛教题材,用油画形式表现较少。

    Bunsen story painting as a kind of Buddhism , with less oil painting form .

  7. 敦煌莫高窟本生故事壁画的图式与空间研究

    A Study on the Style and the Space of Jataka Murals in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes

  8. 从总体上看,本文认为,佛教本生故事之舍生类壁画蕴含着丰富的审美意蕴。

    Overall , this paper argues that the self-sacrificing mural of the Buddhist jataka story contains rich aesthetic implication .

  9. 笔者认为可以借鉴本生故事画的内容、艺术性来创作一批油画。

    The author thinks that the content of the picture can draw lessons from Bunsen story , art to create a batch of paintings .

  10. 当我们阅读菩萨&未来佛本生故事时,我们由此知道佛是如何培养宽容和忍耐的完美品质的。

    When we read the birth stories of Bodhisatva , the future Buddha , we learn how He cultivated the Perfection of patience and forbearance .

  11. 妙善故事是流传最广、影响最大的中国化观音本生故事,是观音信仰中国化的一个标志。

    The story of Miaoshan is a Guanyin ereignis story broadestly spreading in China which is a sign of belief in Guanyin with Chinese characteristics .

  12. 本生故事是敦煌壁画的重要表现题材之一,它伴随着莫高窟的历史进程而绵延近千年。

    Jatakas is one of the important subjects employed in Dunhuang murals , which has lasted for almost 1000 years with the historical process of the Mogao grottoes .

  13. 例如,《本生故事》和其他一些传说讲述了前往苏沃尔讷布米的旅程,表明这个地方是东南亚的“埃尔多拉多”。

    The Jataka tales and other legends , for example , tell of journeyings to suvarnabhumi , indicating that this place was a south-east asian " eldorado " .

  14. 内容大多取材于佛教故事、佛本生故事,还有佛祖有释迦牟尼、菩萨、护法神等佛像。

    Most of the content based on the story of Buddhism , Buddhist stories , there are a Buddha Sakyamuni , the Bodhisattva , the Lokapala , and so on .

  15. 因此,佛教本生故事之舍身题材壁画所构建的意义世界,对中国佛教美学的影响极为深远。

    As a result , more subjects mural of Buddhist Bunsen story build the meaning of the world , and the impact on the Chinese Buddhist aesthetics is very profound .

  16. 在佛教本生故事中,舍身故事是一大题材,本文以舍身题材的壁画为研究对象,从文化美学的角度对其进行了初步研究。

    The self-sacrificing story is a big subject of the Buddhist jataka stories . This article attempts to makes a primary research on the subjects , from the perspective of aesthetics .

  17. 在内容方面,本生故事画主要是体现善恶有报、知恩图报等思想,用油画将这些思想表现出来,对现代人很有教育意义。

    In terms of content , Bunsen story paintings mainly reflect the good and evil have reported , such as thought , honest Abe will show these thoughts with canvas , to modern education significance .

  18. 在艺术性方面,可以参考本生故事画的构图、色彩、造型等表现手法。通过传承、借鉴中国经典艺术样式,创作出符合时代性的优秀艺术作品。

    Can draw reference Bunsen story in terms of artistic quality , composition , color , shape , etc. Through inheritance and reference to Chinese classical art style , to create conform to The Times of outstanding works of art .