
mù zhī sù
  • lignan
  1. 亚麻籽木脂素对产蛋鸡生产性能和脂类代谢的影响

    Effects of Linseed lignan on the Performance and Lipids Metabolism in Layers

  2. 木脂素&一类重要的天然植物雌激素

    Lignan : an important natural estrogen from plants

  3. 北五味子中2种木脂素的NMR数据解析

    An NMR Study of Two Lignans Isolated from Schisandra Chinensis

  4. 它的主要成分&木脂素具有抗肝毒(肝脏受损)、抗痉挛、抗肿瘤、抗HIV、抗真菌等活性。

    Its constituents , lignans are antihepatotoxic ( liver injury ), anticonvulsive and exhibit antitumor , anti-HIV , and antifungal activities .

  5. 异型南五昧子(Kadsuraheteroclita)中的具有血小板活化因子(PAF)拮抗活性的联苯环辛烯类木脂素

    Dibenzocyclooctadiene Lignans with Platelet-Activating Factor ( PAF ) Antagonist Activity from Kadsura heteroclita

  6. 木脂素对MGC-803胃癌细胞抗增殖作用与细胞周期相关蛋白的相关性研究

    Study of the Lignans for Antiproliferative Effects and Cell Cycle Correlated Proteins in the MGC-803 Gastric Cancer Cells

  7. 中药五味子中木脂素类成分的HPLC-MS研究及以中草药生物活性成分为基础的主成分聚类分析

    Study on Lignans of Schisandra Chinensis Baill . by HPLC-MS and Principal Composition Cluster Analysis of Biological Active Component in Chinese Traditional Medicine

  8. 木脂素类化合物(lignans)具有抗癌、保肝、血小板活因子拮抗和抗氧化等重要生理活性。

    Lignans exhibit various biological activities , such as antitumor , antihepatotoxic , blood plate activating factor inhibiting and antioxidant activity .

  9. 冷饭团主要含有木脂素类成分,这类化学成分具有保护肝脏、抗氧化、抗HIV病毒、拮抗血小板活化因子等活性,并对后续的研究方向进行了展望。

    These chemical constituents mainly contain lignanoids and have such activities as protection of liver , anti-oxidation , anti-HIV , and platelet active factor antagonists . This paper also has a prospect on the way of research in future .

  10. 以芝麻木脂素中主要成分Sesamin为对照,采用分光光度法对芝麻饼粕中芝麻木脂素类成分进行定量分析;

    Taking sesamin as standard sample , by spectrometric method , the extraction technique of lignans from sesame cake was studied .

  11. 利用测定小鼠肝细胞微粒体脂质过氧化抑制作用的方法,检测了所得到的4种木脂素的抗氧化活性,其IC50值范围为9.0~14.0μg/ml。

    Their antioxidant activity was evaluated by measuring the inhibition of lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes , with IC50 values of 9.0 ~ 14.0 μ g / ml.

  12. 报道了一条立体选择性合成赤式8-O-4′新木脂素的新路线。

    An enantioselective synthesis approach to erythro 8-O-4 ′ neolignans was reported .

  13. 用统计寻优方法得到乙醇浓度为70%、提取时间为28h、提取温度为40℃时,木脂素得率最高为9.25%;

    The recovery will come to a head of 9.25 % with a condition of ethanol concentration 70 % , extraction time 28 h and extraction temperature 40 ℃ obtained by means of statistic excellence-hunt method .

  14. Clavel-Chapelon博士说,这种假说被近来的一项研究所证实,研究发现在绝经后的妇女中,饮食中含有高水平的木脂素类的人乳腺浸润性癌风险降低。

    This hypothesis was recently confirmed by a study that found a reduced risk of invasive breast cancer among postmenopausal women with high lignan levels in their diet , Clavel-Chapelon said .

  15. 苯并二氧六环类木脂素骨架的合成方法研究

    Research into the New Synthesis Method about Skeleton of Benzodioxane Lignin

  16. 亚麻品种及生态环境对亚麻木脂素含量的影响

    Impact of flax variety and the ecological environment to secoisolariciresinol diglucoside

  17. 芝麻中木脂素的组成、结构及其生理功能

    Composition , structure and physiological function of lignans in sesame seed

  18. 新木脂素和厚朴酚衍生物设计与合成及抗肿瘤活性的虚拟筛选

    Synthesis and Virtual Screening of Neolignan Honokiol Derivatives as Anti-oophoroma Activity

  19. 亚麻籽中木脂素提取工艺的研究

    Study on Extracting Technologies of Lignans ( SDG ) from Flaxseed

  20. 新木脂素及二苯乙烯类化合物的全合成研究

    Studies on the Total Synthesis of Neolignans and Stilbene Compounds

  21. 溶剂法提取亚麻籽木脂素动力学模型的建立

    Establishing Dynamic Model for Flaxseed Lignans Extraction with Solvent Method

  22. 小木通木脂素成分研究

    LITTLE STONE Studies on Lignan Constituents of Clematis armandii Franch

  23. 微波辅助离子液体提取法可同时获得五味子精油与木脂素。

    Ionic liquid MAE method can be obtained essential oil and lignans simultaneously .

  24. 新型木脂素的质谱研究(Ⅰ)

    Mass Spectrometric Research on New Kinds of Lignans (ⅰ)

  25. 南五味子属植物中的木脂素成分研究进展(1990&2007)

    Development on the study of the lignans from Kadsura plants ( 1990-2007 );

  26. 不同炮制方法对五味子中木脂素类成分含量的影响

    The Influence of Different Processing Methods on Content of Lignanoids in Schisandra Chinensis

  27. 综述了木脂素类化合物的制备、用途和展望。

    This essay summarizes the preparations of lignans , their usages and prospect .

  28. 北五味子中木脂素成分的微波萃取-HPLC法测定

    Determination of Lignin compounds in Schisandra chinensis by microwave extraction and HPLC separation

  29. 商品八角莲总木脂素含量则与产地有较大关系。

    The total lignans content of Dysosma versipellis is related to the habitat .

  30. 仙茅的酚苷和木脂素类成分的分离和鉴定

    Phenolic glycosides and lignans components in Curculigo orchioides Gaertn