
The results were that the micronucleus rates and the sperm deformity rates in group of Air-Raid Shelter were higher than that in the group of Wangjiang Road and the control group .
Brief Report of Excavation on Wangjiang Burials at Zigui , Hubei
Structure Design of Wangjiang Building Using Existing Piles in Nantong City
Bronze Mirrors of the Han Period from Wangjiang County , Anhui
A study on fishery resources of Wuchang Lake and corresponding comprehensive exploiting countermeasures
Wangjiang stage is placed in the Green shadow of the bamboo sea .
The Adjustment of Planting Structure in Wangjiang County
At Ren-ming Park ( People 's Park ) or Wang-jiang-lou Park ( Water-Viewing Pavilion Park ) .
Last year , Wangjiang submitted a formal petition to the Anhui government , which passed it up to the National Energy Administration in Beijing .
Wangjiang Charming Information & Technology Co. , Ltd is dedicated to offering our customers the best and perfect IT solutions , while attracting a large group of IT professionals .
Of the nine populations , the highest expected heterozygosity ( 0.76 ) was in the Wangjiang population , and the lowest ( 0.56 ) was for the Feixi population .
The oil and gas exploration in Mesozoic erathem should be focused in Mesozoic basins of fine development , for example , the basins of Changzhou , Jurong , Wuwei and Wangjiang , etc.
The University consists of 3 Campuses of Wangjiang , Huaxi and Jiang'an , covering an area of over 470 . 2 hectares with a total floorage of 2 . 35 million square meters .
Locating in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area , the Wangjiang burials contain tombs mainly dated to the Tang and Song Dynasties , while some can be designated to the early phase of Six Dynasties period .
Due to the different general layouts , pole spacing and basement height of the old and new building in Nantong City , how to use the existing pile foundation becomes the most difficult point in the structural design of Wangjiang Building .