
  • dress color
  1. 中国传统服饰色彩的几个基本问题

    Some Basic Points of Traditional Chinese Dress Color

  2. 唐宋服饰色彩及其对现代服饰的影响

    The Dress Color in Tang and Song Dynasties and Its Influence on Modern Dress

  3. 本文致力于对中国少数民族传统服饰色彩的调查研究。

    The article devoted to the Chinese minority costumes color research .

  4. 维吾尔族服饰色彩结构解析

    The Explanation and Analysis of the Color Structure of Uighur Costume

  5. 试析民族服饰色彩与宗教文化

    A Study on the Colors and Religion Culture of the National Costume

  6. 《红楼梦》服饰色彩仿生的文化解读

    Cultural Interpretation of Simulating Clothing Color in The Dream of Red Mansion

  7. 民族服饰色彩的继承与发展

    Inheritance and Development of the Colour of the National Apparel

  8. 先秦服饰色彩与现代服装设计

    Clothes colors of pre-qin dynasty and modern fashion design

  9. 韩国传统服饰色彩与现代设计&从韩国传统服饰色彩的解构中寻找灵感

    Korean traditional costume 's colors and modern design

  10. 服饰色彩设计与创造性思维

    Creative Thinking and Design of Clothing Colors

  11. 颜色的革命:从乡村服饰色彩变化看国家经济政治社会变迁

    Investigate National Economic Political Social Changes from the Color Variation of Dress of the Village

  12. 中华传统服饰色彩文化探索

    About Chinese Traditional Clothing Color Culture

  13. 浅析服饰色彩的流行与和谐

    Popularity and Harmony of Clothing Color

  14. 服饰色彩与环境的关系

    Relation between Dress Color and Environment

  15. 论服饰色彩

    Discussion of Dress Adornment Color

  16. 中国传统服饰色彩,不仅起着装点服饰的作用,而且是体现“礼治”的重要方面。

    Traditional Chinese dress color not only adorns people 's dressing but also is an important part of courtesy .

  17. 然而,服饰色彩并不是单独呈现,必须依托于一定的载体而存在。

    However , the clothing color isnot alone , must rely on a certain amount of carrier and existence .

  18. 教产学三维教学模式探索&以服饰色彩课程为例

    The 3D Teaching Mode of " Teaching , Production and Learning " & Example of the Course on Apparel Color

  19. 然后阐述服饰色彩生理与心理感觉;幼儿对色彩的心理感受及男女性别与色彩倾向等;

    And discuss the physical and psychological feeling to the color sense of the children and gender and color preference ;

  20. 并对服饰色彩在人的心理反应、生理反应及审美的反应作了相关阐述。

    The writer has expounded in the paper that the human psychological , physiological , and aesthetic reactions resulted from the colors of dresses .

  21. 笔者试图通过系统的调研,了解傣族各支系不同年龄、性别及不同场合的傣族传统服饰色彩。

    The author carried on the systematic research , understood various branches the different ages , genders and different occasions of Dai traditional dress color .

  22. 探讨影响民族服饰色彩的各种自然地理因素,反映出人类在服装生理以及心理上的深刻地理烙印。

    A probe into various natural and geographical factors influencing national dress colors reflects the profound geographic brand on the human clothing physiology and psychology .

  23. 再次,探讨百越系民族服饰色彩的象征艺术问题,分析了百越系民族服饰的色彩。

    Third , as to the Department of Baiyue a symbol of national dress color art issues , we analysed the Department of costumes Baiyue color .

  24. 笔者希望通过本文,可以为今后中国民族服饰色彩的研究方面起到一定的推进作用。

    The writer hopes that through this article , it can play a certain role to push the future study of color from Chinese nation costumes forward .

  25. 华贵典雅的皇室歌舞尽情演绎,浓郁的宗教元素和极限的服饰色彩,似乎将风情万种的芭提雅,繁花丛生的普吉岛明媚地展现在你的眼前。

    The noble royal dancing performance , deeply religious element and extreme color of cloth , all of this bring amazing Pattaya and Puki island come in your sight .

  26. 而文化习俗对服饰色彩成因的左右主要表现在文化观念、民族习俗和宗教信仰等深层次的心理因素。

    Culture custom to the cause of formation in dress color which mainly represent at mentality factors of the deep level of structure in the culture idea , race custom , religion and faith .

  27. 阐述了百越系民族服饰色彩象征的本质与内涵,得出百越族群的三个民族的服装都有崇尚青、蓝、黑色的传统习惯。

    Describes the Department of costumes , color of Baiyue is a symbol of the nature and content of the three ethnic groups come to Baiyue clothes are advocating green , blue , and black traditions .

  28. 分析了唐宋服饰色彩文化的历史渊源,阐述了唐宋服饰色彩的个性语言,指出了唐宋服饰色彩对现代服饰的影响。

    This paper deals with the historic origins of dress color in Tang and Song dynasties as well as its unique expression . At the same time , it points out its influence on modern dress .

  29. 并且服饰色彩的形态还受到地理和季节这样的自然环境以及政治、经济、科学、思想等社会环境的制约。

    Besides , the varieties of dress color are also subjected to the restriction of both natural environment , such as geography and season , and social environment , for instance , politics , economics , science and ideology .

  30. 特别探讨了百越系民族服饰色彩象征的功能,分析了百越系民族服饰色彩的发展变异与价值取向,其发展的两种趋势是求同和求异,双向发展的趋势。

    Explored in particular the Department of costumes , color of Baiyue symbolic function analysis of the Department of costumes Baiyue and the development of color variation and value orientation , and its development of the two trends is to strive for the same and requesting differences .