
fú zhuānɡ biǎo yǎn
  • fashion show
  1. 论服装表演氛围设计现存问题及解决途径

    Study on present problem and solution of fashion show atmosphere design

  2. 舞蹈教学对培养高校服装表演专业学生的作用

    On the Function of Dance Teaching to University Fashion Show Students

  3. 论服装表演专业形体训练体系

    The body training system for the specialty of fashion performance

  4. 仅仅今天,服装表演可没有折腾死猫猫们。

    Just for today , fashion curiosity did not kill the cat .

  5. 关于服装表演专业与考生选拔标准及方法的探讨

    Exploring the standards and approaches in choosing examinee for clothing show speciality

  6. 音乐在服装表演中的情态特征及其运用

    The Modal Characteristics and Applications of Music in Fashion Show

  7. 大家还要看服装表演呢。

    People are waiting to see the fashion show .

  8. 如何提高服装表演中的音乐水平

    How to Improve the Music Level in Fashion Show

  9. 现在注意你们每人手中的表上都包括你们的演出服装表演建议

    Now you 'll notice each list also includes my costume and performance suggestions

  10. 形体训练对服装表演女生效果的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Effects of Physical Training on Female in Fashion Show Major

  11. 儿子:我们有一个服装表演。

    Son : We have a costume show .

  12. 欢迎来到我们的服装表演。

    Welcome to our fashion show .

  13. 服装表演中的音乐艺术

    Music Art Employed in Fashion Show

  14. 我们正在举行服装表演因为我们想要为希望工程募集钱。

    We 're having a fashion show because we want to raise money for Project Hope .

  15. 如今,服装表演艺术已经成为现代社会生活的一个生动内容。

    Gradually , the art of fashion show has become a vivid part of modern social activities .

  16. 虚拟服装表演研究

    Research on Virtual Fashion Show

  17. 论舞台美术设计发展对我国服装表演的推动作用

    Paper on the Role in Promoting the Development of Art Design for Stage to China 's Fashion Shows

  18. 服装表演艺术与欣赏

    Fashion Show and Appreciation

  19. 基于此,在培养模特的人群中,高校服装表演专业会具有较大的发展空间和理想的教育前景。

    By so doing , fashion show major in colleges will have a potential for developing and a great education perspective .

  20. 本文试图通过对服装表演现状的分析并结合我院的教学实践为建立符合社会需要的服装模特的培养模式提供一定的理论依据。

    This article provides theoretic basis for fashion models training through analysis of present situation and teaching practice in this college .

  21. 在健身健美课程中采用运动处方教学对服装表演男模身体围度指标有一定程度的改变。

    The body circumference index of male model majored in fashion show has had some changes since exercise prescription teaching applied in body-building course .

  22. 随着我国全面推进素质教育,服装表演公共课越来越受到学校及学生的关注与喜爱。

    With the development of quality-oriented education in China , fashion show courses are gaining in more and more popularity with the colleges and students .

  23. 服装表演是一种传播活动,服装表演自产生之日起就是一种时尚传播的媒介,其本源即为传播时尚信息。

    The fashion show is one kind of communication , it from has the date is one fashion communication medium . Its source namely for communication fashionable information .

  24. 大家有什么感觉?想学吗?要想了解服装表演,必须先了解服装的分类。

    How do you feel ? Do you want to learn ? In order to know how to performance , you must get to know the attire classifications .

  25. 服装表演专业学生舞台表演能力培养探析基于能人视角的专业村演化机理分析

    Analysis of Fashion Show and Dance Majors ' Stage Performance Ability A Study on the Mechanism of Evolution of the Specialized Village Based on the Perspective of Able Person

  26. 服装表演是一门融音乐、灯光、服装、造型为一体的舞台表演艺术,其中,音乐的作用不容忽视。

    Fashion show is a kind of stage performance art integrated with music , light , garment and model . Among these , the role that music plays cannot be neglected .

  27. 通过教学实验说明,健身健美课采用运动处方教学在提高服装表演男模身体围度各项指标方面,效果要强于传统体育教学。

    The experimental teaching shows : In body-building course , exercise prescription teaching mode is much better than conventional teaching mode to improve the body circumference index of male model majored in fashion show .

  28. 游客们可以观看当地居民身穿色彩斑斓的服装表演传统舞蹈,可以乘船游湖,欣赏摩梭青年男子用摩梭人的语言纳汝演唱情歌。

    Visitors can watch residents perform traditional dances in colorful costumes and can take boat rides on the lake as young Mosuo men serenade them with love songs in Naru , the Mosuo language .

  29. 服装表演是一门综合性的艺术,服装表演中的音乐是指为服装表演制作或选配的音乐,是这门艺术的组成部分。

    Fashion show is a comprehensive art form The incidental music , which is used in fashion show , are specially composed or selected for fashion show and therefore an inalienable part of this art .

  30. 服装表演本身和音乐艺术的某些特性要求音乐艺术的渗透和加入,服装表演与音乐艺术的有机结合促进了服装表演的理论研究和艺术实践。

    The fashion show itself and some characteristics of musical art call for the penetration and participation of the musical art . The harmonious combination of fashion show and musical art promoted the theoretical study and the artistic practice of the fashion show .