
  • 网络organic life;organic living;Organic Life style;Look Good
  1. 最后全心全意投入到有机生活和自己的“博客加烹饪书”的事业中。

    to a wholehearted embrace of organic living and her own blog-and-cookbook ministry .

  2. 有机生活垃圾发酵底物提取蛋白质的研究

    A study of feed protein extracted from fermented organic house refuse

  3. 沈阳市源分类有机生活垃圾堆肥研究

    Investigations on Composting of Source Sorting Organic Domestic Waste in Shenyang

  4. 有机生活垃圾微生物处理剂的研究

    A study of a microbiological treatment agent for domestic organic garbage

  5. 城市有机生活垃圾的生物气化

    A study on urban organic house refuse gasified by microbe

  6. 城市有机生活垃圾厌氧发酵处理研究

    Anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste

  7. 重力翻板式有机生活垃圾快速堆肥中试研究

    Pilot-plant test of gravity tipping rapid composting device for organic municipal solid waste

  8. 采用厌氧发酵技术处理城市有机生活垃圾是较其它处理方法更具优势的处理方式。

    The anaerobic digestion treatment for municipal domestic organic refuse has an advantage over other treatment formats .

  9. 温度波动对城市有机生活垃圾高温厌氧消化工艺影响

    Effect of Temperature Fluctuation on Performance of Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion for Treating Organic Fractions of Municipal Solid Waste

  10. 在花园中放置堆肥盒,这样有机生活垃圾可以用来灌溉花园植被;

    Putting a compost box in the garden , so that the compostable garbage could used as fertilizer into garden plants .

  11. 对于有机生活垃圾采用厌氧消化技术能有效实现垃圾处理的资源化。

    Anaerobic digestion is an effective technology for resource utilization to Biodegradable Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste ( BOFMSW ) .

  12. 目前,青岛市正在筹备建设餐厨垃圾处理厂,拟采用厌氧消化技术处理有机生活垃圾产沼气,实现固体废弃物的资源化。

    A food waste treatment plant is under preparation . Anaerobic digestion technology will be used to achieve organic waste stabilization and recovery of biogas .

  13. 随着青岛市城市垃圾分类试点工作的开展,餐厨等有机生活垃圾将从生活垃圾中分离出来。

    As the trial operation work of classification of urban waste in Qingdao is being carried out , kitchen and other organic waste will be separate from garbage .

  14. 由于城市有机生活垃圾成分的复杂性和厌氧消化的限速步骤的影响,导致厌氧发酵的速度比较缓慢、产气量较少和工艺不稳定等问题。

    The organic fraction of municipal solid waste ( OFMSW ) is composed of various substance and its limiting step of anaerobic digestion resulting in reducing biogas production and process stabilization .

  15. 对地球母亲和我们王国而言,人类物种回归到有机生活方式的程度越多,那么对自然界的支持就越多。

    For the Earth Mother and our kingdom , the more that the human species return to an organic way of living , the more that this also supports the natural world .

  16. 此前,蕾切尔在加拿大的一个有机农场生活过两年,利亚姆则曾赴北极旅行。

    While Rachel spent two years previously on an organic farm in Canada , Liam has traveled to the Arctic .

  17. 2006年,随着全球健康、环保意识的抬头,他与乐活城目前的几位股东,一起集资成立了乐活城有机健康生活馆,并又一次开始从无到有的创业过程。

    In2006 as the Healthy and Environmental are begin prevailing the world , he and some of Lohaocity Stockholders founded Lohaocity Organic Market Co. , Ltd , and started his another career from nothing .

  18. 用该传感器测定了单纯有机物、生活污水及回收率。

    Pure organic compound , sewage and rate of recovery were detected with the biosensor .

  19. 随着经济的发展,含有机物质的生活污水和工业废水排入河道导致河水含氧量下降,河道水生态系统变得十分脆弱。

    With the development of the economy , the domestic wastewater and the industrial sewage which contain a lot of organic component were drained into riverway result in the oxygen content of the water declining . The riverway ecosystem was become terribly frangibility .

  20. 有机物是城市生活垃圾(MSW)的主要组成成分,它的存在直接影响了垃圾填埋场的沉降,尤其是对长期沉降变形阶段的影响。

    The settlement of sanitary landfill especially the long-term deformation is influenced by organic substance , the main portion of municipal solid waste ( MSW ) .

  21. 将“家”塑造成可与庭院交流、可与外部空间有机联系的随意生活场所。

    Mould " home " into casual life-arena that can exchange with yard , can link organically with outer space .

  22. 城市有机垃圾是城市生活垃圾的一个重要组成部分,其可生化性满足厌氧消化技术处理的要求。

    The municipal organic waste is the important portion of municipal solid waste , its biochemical character adapt to anaerobic digestion .

  23. 植物是能进行光合作用,将无机物转化为有机物,独立生活的一类自养型生物。

    The plant can carry on the photosynthesis , turn the inorganic matter into the organic matter , a kind of raising by oneself type living beings living independently .

  24. 只要生命的每一个元素得到足够的重视,恰到好处,我们就能够有机丰富别人的生活,就像丰富我们自己的一样。

    As long as each elements of life gets the attention it needs , no more and no less , we will be available to enrich other 's lives as well as our own .

  25. 境是生活现象的客观反映熏意是艺术家情感、理想的主观体现熏意境是在主客观两方面的有机统一,是生活的真实转化为艺术的真实,是艺术家情感与形式美感的有机结合。

    Artistic conception is an objective reflection of life - a communication between the nature and the artist - an organic unity of subject and object - and an organic combination of the artist 's feeling and his formal sense of beauty .

  26. 通过有机产业链的建设和有机生活理念的推广,生态小镇将拥有美丽的环境、安全的食物和舒适和谐的生活氛围。

    By building up organic industry chains and promoting the organic lifestyle , an eco-town will be blessed with beautiful environment , safe food and harmonious living atmosphere .