
  • 网络orderly competition;managed competition
  1. 有序竞争使得各公司有了自我约束的激励。

    Managed competition gave the firms an incentive to regulate themselves .

  2. 试论引导大学生进行有序竞争

    On Guiding the University Students to Have Orderly Competition

  3. 在我国施行工程量清单(BillofQuantities,简称BOQs)计价模式将推动我国工程造价管理改革进一步深入,最终建立由政府宏观调控、市场有序竞争形成工程造价的新机制。

    Implementation of the mode of valuation with bill of quantities in our country will boost the reform of cost management in construction industry further and set up the new system , in which the cost of construction project is formed by government macro control , and market competition regularity .

  4. 论园林建设工程的合理低价与有序竞争

    Analysis to the Rational Low Price and Ordering Competitions in Landscape Construction

  5. 鼓励和保证市场有序竞争。

    Moreover , ordered competition of market should be encouraged and guaranteed .

  6. 这也是北京房地产市场进入有序竞争的要求和表现。

    This is the Beijing real estate market entry requirements and orderly competition performance .

  7. 培育环保市场,促进环保产业的有序竞争;

    Developing EP market , promoting rational competition ;

  8. 适度开放,有序竞争,为技术吸收能力提升营造良好的市场环境。

    Moderate opening and orderly competition are the two aspects of good market environment for FTAC enhance .

  9. 论述了引导大学生进行有序竞争的必要性、机制和途径。

    The article discusses the necessity , system and way to guide university students to have orderly competition .

  10. 要创造一种公开、公平、公正的市场竞争环境,开展有序竞争;

    As the prerequisite , fair and open and candid marketing environment must be established for orderly competition .

  11. 清单计价就是传统工程造价计价方式的改变形式,其通过有序竞争形成市场价格的新机制。

    List valuation changed the mode of engineering cost , it formed new mechanism of market price through regular competition .

  12. 增强国家税控,保障合理有序竞争是建立国家税收制度的基本要求。

    Enhance national tax control , security reasonably orderly competition is to establish the basic requirements of the national tax system .

  13. 离职竞业禁止的平衡市场主体利益、维护正当有序竞争秩序的作用已经被世界各国以法律的形式所肯定。

    Leaving prohibition have become an important legal system of the various countries to balance market subject interests and maintaining an orderly competition order .

  14. 高校管理中政府与学校责权明确,大大促进了高校办出特色和有序竞争;

    In the higher school management , the explicit responsibilities and powers between government and schools greatly improved the schools ' characteristics and orderly competitions .

  15. 但以政府缺位、越位和错位为表征的政府失灵又会破坏市场有序竞争,带来资源低效配置。

    However , the government failure characterized by government absence , offside and mismatches will undermine market orderly competition and bring about inefficient resources allocation .

  16. 设置技术壁垒、故意闲置专利、技术捆绑销售等行为屡见不鲜,严重限制了市场的自由有序竞争。

    Set technical barriers , intentional idle patents , technology bundling behavior is more and more often , severely limit the free competition in the market .

  17. 信息服务业的改革应本着划分功能、转换机制、明晰产权、有序竞争的思路进行。

    The emphasis of the reform of information service industry should be put on function division , mechanism transformation , property right clarification and fair competition .

  18. 而企业间逐步形成的网络化组织是将外部交易内部化,变企业间竞争为网络间竞争,形成在区域市场的有序竞争格局。

    Inter-enterprise networked organization internalizes external transactions , and the competition between enterprises became the competition between networks , forming an orderly market in the regional competition .

  19. 由于其保额巨大且牵涉的利益方众多,为了保护被保险人的利益,维护工程保险市场的有序竞争,必须对其进行有效监管。

    Being of enormous premium and several beneficiaries , it is necessary to conduct engineering insurance supervision to ensure the benefit of the insured and normal competition .

  20. 国民都有平等的机会参加经济活动,人们公平有序竞争和高效率经济利益分配的意识逐步增强。

    Chinese have equal opportunities to take part in economic activities , the awareness of fair and order competition and efficient distribution of economic benefits is gradually enhanced .

  21. 行政垄断由于其存在有着深厚的历史根源和极强的渗透性,而且严重阻碍着有序竞争和市场经济体制的形成,人们因此给予了较多的关注。

    People are deeply concerned with administrative monopoly because it is deeply rooted and has strong permeability which hinders orderly competition and the formation of market economic system .

  22. 惩治垄断行为最为有效的方法就是建立反垄断法律制度,强化垄断管制,促进有序竞争。

    One of the most effective methods to punish the monopoly is to establish rules of law against monopoly , strengthen the control of monopoly and encourage the orderly competition .

  23. 因此,维护市场有序竞争和激励知识成果的创造、推广也就成为各国普遍关注的两大问题。

    Therefore , in order to maintain an orderly market competition and to encourage the creation and dissemination of knowledge , the two major issues are generally concerned by all countries .

  24. 为恢复有序竞争的市场条件,实现社会整体效益的提升,反垄断法作为经济宪法对垄断行为进行禁止和惩罚,当然这里的垄断行为还包含知识产权人滥用垄断权的行为。

    In order to recover the orderliness market condition and promote social efficiency , the antimonopoly law , which act as ' economic constitution ', prohibits and punishes the monopolistic actions .

  25. 在构建有序竞争格局方面,要规范通道费的收取,密切关注零售行业重组尤其是外资零售商的兼并重组,培育本土化大型零售企业。

    Constructing orderly competition include regulating collection of channels fee , giving close attention to merger and recombination of retail business especially foreign retailers , cultivating the large retail enterprise localization .

  26. 地方政府间的有序竞争为我国经济的发展起到了积极的作用,但地方政府间的无序竞争具有较大的危害,它威胁到国民经济发展的战略平衡。

    The orderly inter-local-government competition plays an active role in the development of China 's economy . However , competitions-in-no-order among local governments endanger much , which threatens strategic balance of the development the national economy .

  27. 发展林业休闲产业要协同发挥政府导向、行业协会、产业自身的作用,促进产业高效运行、有序竞争和可持续发展。

    The development of forestry leisure industry must coordinate the guide of the government , the professional association and the self-functioning of the industry to promote the highly efficient operation , orderly competition and sustainable development .

  28. 克服物流减量化的障碍,实现大物流体系这一复杂巨系统内的协作与有序竞争,政府应该发挥关键作用,提供物流公共品,其中有实物资源,但更重要的是制度等软资源。

    To overcome the obstacle of MF reduction and realize the cooperation and competition in order , the government should take the key role in supplying logistical public goods , in which there are practicality and especially the system soft resources .

  29. 在产权制度质量改善的基础上,国家整体金融制度环境质量会提升,进而推动整个金融系统中金融机构公平有序竞争,并有利于利率结构调整。

    On the basis of improving the property right institution quality level , the whole country financial institution environment quality improves , it will lead to the whole financial institution financial institutions fair and orderly competition , also helpful for structure adjustment .

  30. 分析了锂离子电池在当前电池市场上的竞争力,综合了国内外小型可充电池的市场情况,提出了对锂离子电池加强质量监督,建立有序竞争的建议。

    The competitive power of Li-ion batteries in the current battery market was analyzed . According to the world market of rechargeable batteries , it was suggested that the Li-ion battery quality inspection should be emphasized and a well-regulated competition should be established .