
  • 网络on the moon;Over The Moon;above the moon
  1. 音乐迷们已请求CCTV将“月亮之上”从即将到来的春节联欢晚会上取消,春节联欢晚会估计在全球有数亿观众。

    Music fans have petitioned CCTV to take " On the Moon " off the roster for its upcoming Spring Festival gala , a show with an estimated hundreds of million in audience viewers worldwide .

  2. 中秋节月饼:价格过高,过度包装,一切都在月亮之上

    Mid-Autumn Cakes : Overpriced , Over-packaged , and over the moon

  3. 杰梅因?彭南特:我在月亮之上了。

    Jermaine pennant : I 'm over the moon .