
  1. 它最高的火山是早已熄灭的奥林波斯山。

    Its tallest volcano , long extinct , is Olympus Mons .

  2. 照片展示的塞莫火山是印度尼西亚爪哇岛海拔最高的火山,四周被婆罗摩火山、巴托克火山等较小的火山环绕。

    Mount Semeru , seen with an ash plume , is the highest volcano on the Indonesian island of Java , where it is surrounded by the smaller volcanoes Mount Bromo and Mount Batok .

  3. 埃特纳火山位于意大利南部,是欧洲最高的活火山。

    Located in southern Italy , Etna is the highest active volcano in Europe .

  4. 在47座活火山的名单内就有富士山,它是日本最高的活火山,海拔3773米(12380英尺)。

    On the list of 47 active Japanese volcanoes is Mt. Fuji , Japan 's tallest volcano , standing at 3773 meters ( 12380 ft ) .

  5. 有关此次喷发事故的具体细节我们所知甚少,但看起来应该极为猛烈,算得上是火山爆发指数等级最高的一场火山喷发。

    Little is known of the specifics of the eruption but it seems to have been a violent explosion , falling into the top category of the Volcanic Explosivity Index .

  6. 长白山是中国东北海拔最高,喷口最大的火山体。

    Changbai Mountains is one of the state AAAA level scenic spots .