
  • 网络curve fitting method
  1. 采用了3种α放射性比的测定方法:几何级数法、外推法和曲线拟合法。

    The paper describes three determination methods of alpha activity ratio used at our laboratory , namely geometric progression method , extrapolation method and curve fitting method .

  2. 本文对坦克火控系统弹道解算问题中的曲线拟合法进行了一定的理论分析,指出了这一方法所具有的某些特性。

    This Paper has theoretically analysed curve fitting method of problem to solve trajectory for tank fire control systems , and has described some characteristics which the method possessed .

  3. 基于BP网络的曲线拟合法的线图处理

    Methods of handled of line in drawing bases on BP net

  4. 对比结果显示,经B样条小波消噪后的磁化率数据比最小二乘曲线拟合法的消噪结果能更好地反映真实的地质和油气藏信息。

    B-spline wavelet noise elimination was superior to least square curve fitting in depicting geology and reservoir .

  5. 曲线拟合法的Matlab实现

    Realization Method to Curve Fitting Based on Matlab

  6. 改善CCD视频信号测量精度的计算机处理方法(象素平均法,数字滤波法,数值逼近法和曲线拟合法)。

    The computer processing methods for improving the measuring quality of CCD data .

  7. 基于曲线拟合法的IGBT结温测量

    IGBT junction temperature measurement based on a curve-fitting theory

  8. 最后用BP神经网络拟合法以及多项式曲线拟合法两种方法对同一组数据进行拟合、对比与分析。

    Last with BP neural network and the polynomial curve-fitting method of two fitting the same data , contrast results , and analysis precision .

  9. 确定SHPB实验中延迟时间的曲线拟合法

    Curve-Fitting Method for Determining the Delay-Time in SHPB Experiments

  10. 方法:运用傅里叶变换红外光谱法(FT-IR)和曲线拟合法定量研究TA9901对Aβ1-40无细胞液体外老化过程中二级结构变化的影响。

    METHODS : Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy was used to study the secondary structure changes on aging A β in vitro .

  11. DST段塞流的非线性模型及新型典型曲线拟合法

    A nonlinear model and new type curves for DST slug flow in a homogeneous reservoir

  12. 结论:Pearson检验与曲线拟合法简单易用,离子通道具有记忆性。

    Conclusions Pearson test and curve fit are easy to use and the memory of ion channel is conformed .

  13. 本文讨论了Gauss曲线拟合法、Gauss-指数近似法和最大激发效率法定义的单模光纤模场半径。

    Mode-field radius definitions of monomode fibers under Gaussian fitting , Gauss-exponential approximation and maximum launching efficiency are investigated both theoretically and experimentally in this paper .

  14. 通过运用实测曲线拟合法与CASE法中的RA2法相结合,借助统计工具进行分析,本文提出了一种CASE阻尼系数的确定方法。

    The article set forth a solution method of CASE damping constant , due to combining CAPWAP method with RA2 method in CASE method and using ( statistical ) analysis tools .

  15. 通过分析MOS管在饱和区失配因素,优化MOS管失配模型,提出用最小二乘曲线拟合法进行相关模型参数提取。

    The factors of MOS transistor in the saturation region are analyzed , the mismatch models are optimized , and the model parameter extraction is done by least squares curve fitting method .

  16. 在对高应变动测法所得信号的处理时,目前的方法有两种:Case法和实测曲线拟合法。采用高应变动测法分析CFG桩承载力的试验研究

    When we deal with the signal which obtained by high stain dynamic testing method , there are two methods at present : Case method and signal matching analysis . Load transfer mechanism of cement-flyash-gravel pile in soft clay by high strain testing

  17. 由于硬件性能的限制,系统中使用CCD采集图像数据的频率为30帧/s,在程序中采取局部多项式最小二乘曲线拟合法尽量减小由采集频率较低造成的误差。

    Due to the limitations of the hardware performance , acquisition frequency of the CCD used in the system is30frame / s. the method of local polynomial least squares curve fitting is applied to minimize the error caused by the low acquisition frequency of the CCD .

  18. 为了更好的解决上述问题,调研国内外诸多文献,基于对Arps递减方程及其参数计算求解方法的研究基础上,建立提出递减规律的非线性模型。应用非线性曲线拟合法,计算递减参数。

    To solve the problem , a pure non-linear model is developed on the basis of the Arps hyperbolic decline equation and the various methods of solving parameters to calculate decline parameters by applying cure matching after we have surveyed .

  19. 根据承压含水层抽水试验的泰斯(Theis)公式,运用优化理论,结合计算机技术,提出利用抽水试验数据确定承压含水层参数的全程曲线拟合法。

    Nevertheless , a new method , called Whole Curve-Matching Method ( WCMM ) , is presented for determining confined aquifer 's parameters by using optimum theory together with computer technology on the basis of Theis equation for the pumping test of confined aquifer hereinafter ;

  20. 应用曲线拟合法确定有杆泵沉没度

    Designing the submergence depth of sucker rod pump with curve fitting

  21. 本文给出一种构造哈希函数的曲线拟合法。

    This paper presents a curve-fitting method to construct Hash functions .

  22. 伏安曲线拟合法研究燃料电池的极化阻力

    Investigation of polarization resistance of fuel cells by fitting current-voltage curves

  23. 水平井试井分析自动拟合方法用典型曲线拟合法分析衰减曲线

    Automatic type curve matching for well test analysis in horizontal well

  24. 曲线拟合法失真度测量的不确定度分析

    Research on Uncertainty Analysis of Distortion Measurement Based on Curve-fit Method

  25. 离心泵流量-扬程曲线拟合法探讨

    A Discussion On The Flow - Lift Curve Fitting Of Centrifugal Pumps

  26. 用全程曲线拟合法确定承压含水层参数的研究

    Study on determination of parameters for confined aquifer with Whole Curve-Matching Method

  27. 用曲线拟合法识别地下近距金属多管线分布

    Identification to multiple underground metal pipes in short range with curve fitting

  28. 曲线拟合法解算采矿下沉参数的精度及参数可识别程度的分析

    The Precision of Curve Fitting Method and Identifiability of Parameters

  29. 杏毛球蚧产卵量预测预报中的曲线拟合法

    Model of Curve Estimation on the Forecast of Oviposition Amount

  30. 曲线拟合法对路基小变形情形适用性研究

    Study of applicability of curve fitting methods in small settlement of subgrade