
  • 网络Wanting;Jar Of Love;drenched;Everything In The World
  1. 中国流行乐歌手曲婉婷主要在加拿大温哥华发展。

    Chinese Pop singer Qu Wanting is based in Vancouver , Canada .

  2. 曲婉婷生长于中国哈尔滨。

    Qu was born and raised in Harbin , China .

  3. 曲婉婷现正在环游中国并将于9月15日在上海举办演唱会。

    Qu is currently touring China and will perform in Shanghai on September 15th . 。

  4. 当时,家人送她到加拿大是位了让她学习商业,但是曲婉婷却沉浸在了当地的音乐氛围中。

    When she was sent to Canada to study business by her family , she immersed herself instead in the local music scene .

  5. 曲婉婷说,“我必须得清理所有地方,但是,那真的是很脏的活儿。如果不是为了音乐梦想,我绝不会干那个的”。

    Qu Wanting , pop singer , said , " I have to clean everywhere , but stuff that 's really . I would never do this if it wasn 't for music "