
  • 网络Price
  1. 学报引文普赖斯指数为30.30%,半衰期为12a。

    The Price index is 30.30 % . The half-life of the cited literatures is 12 years .

  2. 猎头公司安拓国际(AntalInternational)驻北京合伙人普赖斯(MaxPrice)称,中国企业正在努力提升技能,以便在未来10年能够走向世界,他们希望把这些高管招进自己的公司。

    ' Chinese companies are looking to skill up so they can go international in the next 10 years , and want to get these executives into their business , ' said Max Price , a Beijing-based partner at recruiters Antal International .

  3. 试论超大科技时代&后D.普赖斯时代科技发展新模式

    On the Super Science Technology Times The New Pattern of Science and Technology Development in Post D.Prics Times

  4. 在普赖斯公式中,文献的年增加量与全部文献的累积总量都是时间的指数函数,而且经坐标平移后,两条曲线是同一条曲线,A.И.米哈伊洛夫的论断是错误的。

    Both the incremental quantity per year and the cumulative quantity of all literature are exponential functions of time , and the two curves are the same curve after parallel translation .

  5. Medley能源主管普赖斯(BillFarren-Price)表示,全球信贷危机已经使得能为电力和水力项目提供贷款的跨国银行数量减少。

    ' The global credit crunch has seen the number of international banks lending to the power and water sector decline , 'said Medley energy director Bill Farren-Price .

  6. 2008年,人口不足300万的牙买加经历了男性和女性田径超级明星的诞生:尤塞恩•博尔特(UsainBolt)和谢莉-安•弗雷泽-普赖斯(Shelly-AnnFraser-Pryce)。

    Jamaica , a country with fewer than three million people , experienced the emergence of male and female superstars in track and field in 2008 : Usain Bolt and Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce .

  7. 不过我有个侄子叫普赖斯

    But , uh , I have a nephew named Pryce .

  8. 你们好,我是普赖斯

    Hi . Hello . Uh , my name is Pryce .

  9. 引文半衰期与普赖斯指数之间的数量关系研究

    Research on the Relationship of Citing Half Life and Price Index

  10. 杨夫人:你喜欢咖啡吗?普赖斯夫人?

    Mrs Young : Do you like coffee , Mrs Price ?

  11. 论普赖斯指数增长模型参数的估计&兼与刘莉同志商榷

    On Parameter Estimation of the Model of Exponential Growth in Price Law

  12. 洛特卡定律、普赖斯定律和我国数学科学文献

    Lotka 's Law , Price Law and the Chinese Mathematics Science Literatures

  13. 我校学报论著引文普赖斯指数的比较分析

    An Analysis on the Price Index of Treatise References Cited in Our Journal

  14. 关于普赖斯文献增长曲线的讨论

    Discussion on the Literature Growth Curve of D. Price

  15. 加州大学圣地亚哥分校普赖斯学生活动中心,美国

    San Diego , University of California , Price Student Center , USA. 1990

  16. 普赖斯指数40.12%。

    The price 's index is 40.12 % .

  17. 普赖斯曲线的拟合与修正

    Price ′ s Curve Fitting & Correction

  18. 普赖斯指数为37.22%。

    The Price index was 37.22 % .

  19. 普赖斯合作过的那些公司没有一家被摘牌或停牌。

    None of the companies Mr Price worked with is among those delisted or suspended .

  20. 普赖斯文献指数增长曲线是经坐标变换处理过的曲线。

    Abstract The literature growth curve of D. Price is a kind of coordinate-transformated curve .

  21. 菲利浦憋不住大笑起来,可是普赖斯小姐的脸却气得发紫了。

    Philip was obliged to laugh , but Miss Price grew darkly red with anger .

  22. 普赖斯警告称,这项研究结果或许不适用于未来的股市走势。

    Mr Preis warned that the findings might not hold for future stock market movements .

  23. 普赖斯奖是科学计量学领域的国际奖项。

    The Derek de Solla price award is an international award in the field of scientometrics .

  24. 普赖斯昨日表示,因持有与次级抵押贷款相关的资产,美国银行正面临着另外30亿美元的减记。

    Mr Price yesterday said BofA was facing a further $ 3bn of writedowns on its subprime-related holdings .

  25. 普赖斯指数47.5(%);期刊自引率4.6%。

    The Price Index was 47.5 % , and the self-citation rate in the journal was 4.6 % .

  26. 普赖斯指数和自引率分别为48.2%、4.84%;

    The average Price index was 48.2 % , and the self - citation rate was 4.84 % .

  27. 据普赖斯称,今年中国的钢铁净出口量可能增至7000万吨。

    According to Mr Price , net steel exports from China could rise to up to 70m tonnes .

  28. 平均普赖斯指数47.67%;著者和本刊自引率分别为4.04%和2.80%。

    The co-citation rates of the authors and of the journal were 4.04 % and 2.80 % respectively .

  29. 由此,普赖斯断定奥尼尔饮酒与他的神经病症状以及他的肌肉颤抖并没有关系。

    Price therefore concludes that O'Neill 's drinking did not contribute to his neurological condition nor his tremors .

  30. 根据普赖斯定律确定学报核心作者人数为61人,杰出作者人数19人。

    According to Price law , the number of essential authors is61 , the number of eminent authors is19 .