
  • 网络pskov
  1. 5月1日的普斯科夫(Pskov)沐浴在春日的明媚阳光下。

    May 1 was a glorious spring day in Pskov .

  2. 自从国际刑警拿下了曾经的普斯科夫黑手党后,他们就长进了。

    After Interpol took down the old Pruszkow Mafia , they got smarter .

  3. 生于俄罗斯的普斯科夫,在该市一直生活到18岁。

    Oxana Fedorova was born in Pskov , Russia , where she lived until she was18 .

  4. 在普斯科夫东南方向约100公里处的小村Litovo,上周一群中年男女一边打扫一座战争纪念碑,一边分享自己从父母和祖父母那里听来的战时故事。

    In Litovo , a tiny village some 100km southeast of Pskov , a group of middle-aged men and women last week were cleaning a war monument while swapping wartime stories heard from their parents and grandparents .