
  1. 昼夜交替。

    Day alternates with night .

  2. 这种光亮还会影响野生动植物,扰乱昆虫、鸟类和其它动物所遵循的黑白昼夜交替的周期。

    It also affects wildlife , disrupting the natural light-dark cycle that insects , birds and other animals are tuned1 into .

  3. 利用实时时钟功能模块输出不同的PWM调光信号,实现了信号灯根据昼夜交替的光强变化;

    PWM dimming pulse is output making use of real time clock module to change brightness according to the alternation of day and night .

  4. 这种压抑的表现通常会在昼夜交替时出现,持续3到24小时不等。

    That stress came from unpredictable periods of light alternated with darkness , lasting anytime from three to 24 hours .

  5. 在黑暗条件下,分株紫萁的孢子基本不萌发,自然变温和昼夜交替光照处理效果最好,萌发天数最少。

    In dark conditions , the spores hardly germinate , normal temperature difference and lighting by alternating day and night are better effect .

  6. 尽管这样,我仍深信像昼夜交替一样,有关的金融市场日后必会回升,重现以往长期的向上趋势。

    But I am sure that , as day follows night , the relevant markets will recover and assume the familiar long-term upward trend .

  7. 昼夜交替还导致细胞内屏蔽色素颗粒周期性的水平和垂直移动。

    The day and night cycle makes the screening pigment granules in cells move horizontally and vertically in relation to the longitudinal axis of the ocelli .