
chūn chá
  • spring tea
春茶 [chūn chá]
  • (1) [spring tea]

  • (2) 春季采制的茶叶

  • (3) 春季茶叶沏的茶

  • 春茶敬亲人

春茶[chūn chá]
  1. 春茶Zn的质量分数最高,夏茶其次,秋茶最低;

    Annually , it was the highest in spring tea , followed by summer tea , the lowest in autumn tea .

  2. 选用春、秋两季的午子绿茶样品,采用固相微萃取法提取、富集其芳香物质,经GC-MS分析,共鉴定出112种化合物,其中春茶102个组分、秋茶96个组分。

    The aromatic components in Wuzi green tea were extracted by SPME and were analyzed by GC-MS. About 112 different compounds were isolated and identified from samples , from which 102 were found in spring tea and 96 in autumn tea .

  3. 回春茶的毒性研究表明:它对小鼠经口的LD50为23.3g/kg。

    The toxicity of huichun tea was studied mice , its oral LD50 is 23.3g/kg .

  4. 春茶的GOT活性,随着施肥量的增加一直上升;其他处理的GOT、GPT活性随着施肥量的增加而提高,超过一定限度后则开始降低。

    GOT activity in spring rises following the adding of fertilization ; GOT and GDP activity improves with the adding of fertilization in certain extent , and then starts dropping .

  5. 摘花时期对春茶效益的影响

    Effect of Plucking Period On the Economic Benefit of Spring Tea Plants

  6. 熙春茶中国绿茶的一种,叶扭曲。

    A type of Chinese green tea with twisted leaves .

  7. 深秋施肥,不但提高了产量,也改善了春茶的品质。

    Late autumn dressing also improved the quality of spring green tea .

  8. 茶树专用特效叶面肥在春茶上的应用效果

    Applying Effect of a Special Leaf Fertilizer in Tea Plant

  9. AT试剂对春茶光合生产的调控研究

    Studies on the Regulation of AT Reagents on Photosynthetic PRoduction of Tea Plant

  10. 春茶产量与修剪留叶技术的关系

    Correlation between yield of spring tea and techniques of pruning and keeping leaves

  11. 春茶适采期预报模型的建立

    Predicting Model of Optimum Plucking Date Of Spring-Tea

  12. 秋茶枕由于叶间疏松,相对于春茶枕具有更好的吸附效果。

    Autumn tea pillows were proved to have better adsorptive effect than spring tea pillows .

  13. 感官审评表明,秋茶、春茶单枞香气品质得分比夏茶、暑茶高,即秋茶、春茶香气品质要比夏、暑茶好。

    The result of sensory evaluation showed that the autumn tea sensor quality score is higher .

  14. 景宁白茶春茶品质和抗氧化酶活性分析

    Analysis of chemical compositions and antioxidative enzyme activities of spring white tea in Jingning , Zhejiang

  15. 铜仁地区春茶不同时期化学成分及感官品质比较

    The Chemical Components and Sense Quality of Spring Tea Leaves with Different Leaf Position in Tongren Prefecture

  16. 春茶上市之时,文人之间经常寄茶赠茶,以诗歌互赠。

    As the spring tea came to the market , literati often send tea and poems to each other as gifts .

  17. 各试验处理一芽二叶百芽重和长度差异较大,4种叶面营养处理的春茶新梢一芽二叶的百芽重及长度显著高于对照。

    Four foliar treatment of one bud two leaves tea shoots of the bud weight and length is significantly higher than CK .

  18. 从香气上来看,秋茶的花香明显,夏茶高香带花香,而春茶则香气不高略带花香。

    On the aroma , autumn tea flowers of clear , summer tea high aroma with fragrance , aroma is not kind of scent in spring .

  19. 每年春茶上市时,父亲都会买上十几斤,够喝上一年的,那茶米粒般大小,毛茸茸的。

    Annual spring tea market , the father will buy10 several kilograms , enough to drink a year , and that the size of tea , rice , hairy .

  20. 可提高茶叶产量,春茶第四道测产,增产8.99%,秋茶第一、二道测产,增产43.6%&44.9%;

    It increased tea yield by 8.99 % of the fourth batch of spring tea output and 43.6 % - 44.9 % of first and second batch of autumn tea .

  21. 以一芽两叶春茶和土壤为原料,研究了不同施肥处理对茶园微生物种群和茶叶品质的影响。

    In the spring and one bud two leaves and soil as raw materials , effects of different fertilization treatments on the microbial populations tea and tea quality were studied .

  22. 春茶超标比较多的主要是菊酯类农药和部分有机磷农药,六六六和滴滴涕等有机氯农药因为难以降解,至今仍可以在少量茶样中检出。

    The major pesticides in spring tea were some pyrethroids and organophosphorus , BHC and DDT especially BHC still can be detected in most of samples , though they were minim .

  23. 在正常制程、春茶、一芽一叶与一芽二叶的状况下,所评鉴出的茶质特色。

    The evaluation of the characteristics of the tea is rated in the condition of the normal production process , spring tea , a bud with a leaf and a bud with two leaves .

  24. 利用塑料大棚覆盖栽培名优茶具有春茶上市期早、采摘期长、鲜叶产量高、效益好等优点。

    The famous excellent-quality tea has the character of " early supplement , long harvest period and high yield of fresh leaf and high benefit " in the spring season , when cultivated in plastic greenhouse .

  25. 主要结果如下:1.通过对29个茶树品种其春茶进行研究,结果表明:安吉白茶茶氨酸含量最高,达4.8%。

    Main results are as follows : 1 . Experimental investigation on 29 varieties of spring tea , the results show that : In Anji White tea , the content of theanine is highest to 4.8 % .

  26. 隔一年、二年、三年轻修剪,其不修剪年份的春茶产量比年年轻修剪提高37.33~24·13%;

    The yields of spring tea in unpinning years after once light - pruning for two years , three years , and four years were increased by 37 . 33 % ~ 24.13 % than that of light-pruning every year ;