
chūn hán
  • spring chill;cold spell in spring
春寒 [chūn hán]
  • [cold spell in spring] 指春季寒冷的气候

  • 春寒料峭

  • 冬暖易春寒

春寒[chūn hán]
  1. 灰蒙蒙的天,尤其是窗外那潮湿的夜色,我单薄衣衫却怎麽也挡不住料峭的春寒。

    On dusky day , especially that moist dim light of night outside the window , my thin dress but can 't block the chilly cold spell in spring really .

  2. 倒春寒的划分和预报服务探讨

    A study on division of late spring cold and its forecasting

  3. 2005年3月云南倒春寒天气的成因分析

    Causality Analysis of Cold Late Spring of Yunnan in March , 2005

  4. 3月15日至19日出现了一次倒春寒。

    A late spring cold period occurred from March 15th to the 19th .

  5. 福建的倒春寒及其环流背景

    The Circulation Background of Spring Cold in Fujian

  6. 云南松受到春寒危害成活度的研究

    A study on the survival rate of Pinus yunnanensis harmed by abnormal spring frost

  7. 昆明静止锋下的云南强倒春寒天气分析

    Analysis of Yunnan Severe Coldness in the Late Spring under Kunming Quasi-stationary Front Weather

  8. 倒春寒发生时,大叶黄杨再次发生光抑制现象。

    But photoinhabition would take place again when low temperature happened in late spring .

  9. 今年我们有几次春寒天气。

    We had several late froststhis year .

  10. 植物生长调节剂避免桃、杏树春寒灾害的设想

    Ideas on Preventing Peach and Apricot Tree from Spring Frost Damage with Plant Growth Regulator

  11. 倒春寒天气对山区果品业的影响及防灾措施

    The Effects of Cold Weather of Late Spring on Mountain Fruit Industry and Its Protect Measures

  12. 2011年伊始,棉价的诡异走势就给行业来了一个透心凉的“倒春寒”。

    In the beginning of2011 , the weird price trend of cotton brings chill to the industry .

  13. 但南方的早春,时常会发生倒春寒天气。

    But the south early spring , often can have but actually the spring cold weather weather .

  14. 躲过寒冬的生命新绿,却往往被扼杀在这料峭的春寒之中。

    Escaped the life of the new winter green , is often stifled in this chilly in the cold .

  15. 这几日春寒未去,大雨伴着一两度气温的寒冷,人也变得有些懒惰。

    Cold spell did not go the past few days , heavy rain accompanied by a cold temperature twice , people have become lazy .

  16. 由于易受春寒影响,宜实施保护性栽培或选择适宜的移栽期。

    The protected cultivation or selection of suitable period for transplanting was one of the possible way to improve the tobacco yield and quality .

  17. 结果表明,黄土高原地区春寒强度大致由北向南递减,又存在东西梯度。

    Results show that the spring cold weather intensity decreased approximately from north to south , and also there was a gradient from east to west ;

  18. 贵州省西部、西北部、中部和北部地区的倒春寒强度在1975年发生由低值向高值的突变;

    In the west , northwest , north , and central areas of the province , LSC intensity had a mutation from low to high in1975 .

  19. 倒春寒和连绵阴雨等灾害性天气能够极大的影响水稻的生长发育,造成水稻的减产低产。

    Disastrous weather , such as cold spell in later spring and persistent rainy days , can greatly influence the developing of rice causing yield reduction .

  20. 并与旧标准中的倒春寒和晚霜冻指标进行了对比分析。

    Comparing to the old microtherm standard for cold of the late spring and late frost index , the new standard is much more flexible and practical .

  21. 返青期的倒春寒是危胁寒地冬小麦越冬返青主要灾害之一。

    The late spring coldness during overwinter re-growth stage of winter wheat is one of the major stresses to threat the production of winter wheat in the province .

  22. 倒春寒使植株电导率值增大,并有随着处理温度的降低和处理时间的增加而逐渐增大的趋势。

    The relative conductivity of the plants increases under the condition of late spring coldness , and trend gradually increased with the processing temperature and processing time increasing .

  23. 在我国北方马铃薯一作区也同样由于倒春寒的影响对正值出苗期的马铃薯造成严重冻害。

    The potatoes create the serious freeze injury to just when the time of emergence potato because of the similarly spring cold weather in the north part of our country .

  24. 只要你一周吃几次就能达到排毒的目的。甚至还能加强免疫力防止春寒感冒呢。

    Doing this kind of simple detox several times a week , one 's immune system will become much stronger and in so doing prevent one from getting the spring cold .

  25. 因此,在容易遭受倒春寒侵袭的地区,选择开花晚的品种进行露地栽培,以免造成不必要的损失。

    Therefore , the areas which vulnerable to be attacked by late spring coldness , we can select late flowering varieties in open field cultivation , so as to avoid unnecessary losses .

  26. 受今年倒春寒天气影响,山东省金乡县的大蒜产量下降已成定局,大蒜减产或将影响今年全球蒜价的形成。

    Hit with a cold spell in an otherwise warm spring , the garlic output in Shandong Province 's Jinxiang County has consequently been affected , which may impact global garlic prices .

  27. 大麦生长发育后期常受到倒春寒的低温胁迫和干热风的高温胁迫,对大麦产量和品质均造成一定的影响。

    During later growth development period , barley was easily suffered cold spell in late spring , dry and hot wind of high temperature stress , which affected the yield and malting quality of barley .

  28. 设施茶树栽培是近几年兴起的一种新的茶树栽培模式,能有效避免霜冻和防止倒春寒对茶树萌动新梢造成伤害,并且能够提前茶园开采期,大幅度增加经济效益。

    Greenhouse cultivation of tea tree is a popular and new model for tea cultivation in recent years , it could help tea tree avoid frost and protect tea shoot from injury of late spring cold .

  29. 研究期间贵州省西部和西北部高海拔地区、中部和北部地区的倒春寒强度呈增强趋势,而东部、南部地区的倒春寒强度呈略微降低的趋势;

    In the province , the LSC intensity showed an increasing trend in west and northwest high altitude areas , central area , and north area , but an appreciably decreasing trend in east and south areas .

  30. 厄尼诺年易出现春、秋季异常低温,春季多倒春寒,秋季寒露风日数偏多;

    In the year of El Nin ~ o , the abnormal low temperature occurs in spring and autumn , cases of cold spell in later spring are more , and days of cold dew wind in autumn are more .