
  • 网络galactic collision
  1. ElisabethBaeten是一位来自比利时的秘书,是星系碰撞项目中,四个已经看完全部图片的人的其中一人。

    Elisabeth Baeten , a Belgian secretary , is one of only four people who has seen every image in the galaxy merger project .

  2. “如果两个星系碰撞和每个人都拥有一个超大质量的黑洞,应当有两个黑洞的时候,作为活动星系核转,说:”作者之一理查德Mushotzky,天文学教授UMCP。

    " If two galaxies collide and each possesses a supermassive black hole , there should be times when both black holes switch on as AGN ," said coauthor Richard Mushotzky , professor of astronomy at UMCP .

  3. 两个天然气储量丰富粉碎一起星系碰撞和气体云,形成恒星。

    Two gas-rich galaxies smash together and gas clouds collide , forming stars .

  4. 这59张哈勃星系碰撞新图像是哈勃首次发布的大规模图片集。

    Fifty nine new images of colliding galaxies make up the largest collection of Hubble images ever released together .

  5. 这新的哈勃宇宙地图深刻而前所未有地详细揭示了令人关注的多种星系碰撞的复杂结构。

    This new Hubble atlas dramatically illustrates how galaxy collisions produce a remarkable variety of intricate structures in never-before-seen detail .

  6. 不同星系碰撞产生完全不同的复杂结构。没有两个星系的交互作用是相似的。

    As this astonishing Hubble atlas of interacting galaxies illustrates , galaxy collisions produce a remarkable variety of intricate structures .

  7. 因为恒星的间距非常大,所以在星系碰撞的过程中,恒星通常不会互撞。

    The space between stars is so vast that when galaxies collide , the stars in them usually do not collide .

  8. 几十亿年前,银河系与其他星系碰撞时,那颗恒星有可能本来就是银河系的一部分。

    It 's possible the star was originally part of the Milky Way when it collided with the other galaxy billions of years ago .

  9. 天文学家最近通过模拟原始星系碰撞,解释了巨型黑洞如何在宇宙演变过程中形成。

    Astronomers have solved the mystery of how supermassive black holes formed early in the universe 's evolution by modelling the collision of giant primordial galaxies .

  10. 坐落在美杜莎星云中间的水母星云(英文直译为“长发星云”)在希腊神话中是毒蛇来的是由星系碰撞形成的波浪尾巴。

    Located above the center of the Medusa galaxy , the'hair ' - made of snakes in the Greek myth-is a tidal tail formed by a collision between galaxies .

  11. 在“哈伯太空望远镜”升空18周年纪念的今天,59幅星系碰撞的照片从大量的“哈勃”照片中被整理出来并向公众发布。

    Today , in celebration of the Hubble Space Telescope's18th launch anniversary , 59 views of colliding galaxies constitute the largest collection of Hubble images ever released to the public .

  12. 事实上,几百万年以后,当地球和仙女星系碰撞时,具有双黑洞的星系会等待银河系。

    In fact , that same double black hole future might await the Milky Way when we collide with our neighboring galaxy , Andromeda , in a few billion years .

  13. 当我们的银河系黑洞和邻居仙女座星系相碰撞时,可能会发生同样的命运。

    Our own Milky Way 's black hole could be in for a similar fate when we collide with our neighbor , the Andromeda Galaxy .

  14. 至于暗物质是如何形成环状的,研究小组通过运用计算机模拟这次星系团碰撞,对此做出了解释。

    As for how the dark matter was pushed into a ring , that 's something the team may have worked out with a computer simulation of the galactic cluster collision .

  15. 两个母星系间的碰撞产生里一个冲击波先将物质拉向中心然后使其向外传播形成环状。

    The collision between the two parent galaxies produced a shockwave effect that first drew matter into the center and then caused it to propagate outwards in a ring .

  16. 但我们知道,在宇宙早期星系间经常发生碰撞。

    But we know that in the early universe galaxies were rapidly colliding .

  17. 我们认为,是A2255中子团的并合历史导致了星系团中星系与星系之间的碰撞概率增加,从而使团中心附近的晚型星系的恒星形成活动增加了。

    Compared with the merging cluster A2255 , the star formation history for the late-type cluster galaxies is likely closely related to the virialization stage of parent cluster .

  18. 我们的星系刻正移向与仙女座星系碰撞之途。

    Our galaxy is on a collision course with the Andromeda galaxy .

  19. 一般来说,星系并不会孤立地形成,而星系间的碰撞与合并则将事情大大地复杂化。

    In general , galaxies do not form in isolation , and galactic collisions and mergers complicate matters considerably .