
  • 网络TIME;Time dimension;When
  1. 4DCAD是三维CAD模型加上时间维形成的新技术,是CAD技术在工程施工管理领域的新发展。

    4D CAD is a new technique combining 3D CAD models and time . It 's the new development of CAD in the field of construction management .

  2. 文章研究了一类四维信息保障(IA)模型,包括IA目标维、IA能力维、IA措施维和IA时间维。

    A four-dimensional IA model was studied in this paper , which includes IA object dimension , IA capability dimension , IA countermeasure dimension and IA time dimension .

  3. 基于关系型数据库带时间维GIS的一种数据模型

    Study on Model of Data Structure for GIS with Timing Dimension Based on Relationship Database

  4. 本研究提出一种依据关系型数据库管理下带有时间维数据结构的GIS模型。

    This paper puts forward to a model of data structure for GIS with timing dimension based on the relationship database .

  5. 以海量数据分析为基础,首先形式化定义表征Internet空间效能的物理参量&IP基密度,然后拟合出IP基密度基于时间维演化的数学模型。

    Based on analysis of giant data , IP-based density , a physical property parameter of Internet spacial validity , was firstly formally defined . Then a fitting model of density was generated by GA.

  6. 尽管GIS和空间数据库已经存在了30多年,但是直到近几年时间维才引起计算科学和地理界同行们的广泛关注,这是现实的客观需求,也是GIS深入发展的必然趋势;

    Although GIS and geographic database have exited over 30 years , Only within past few years , the addition of the temporal dimension has gained significant amount of attention . This has been driven by the need of fact .

  7. MIMO技术可以在二维空间上对信号进行处理,即时间维与空间维,同时可以增大信道容量,提高系统的抗衰落能力。

    MIMO technology can be used for signal processing in the two-dimensional space , namely the time dimension and spatial dimension , and can increase the channel capacity , improve the system capability against fading .

  8. 随着Internet和WWW的迅速发展,用户访问信息广泛、海量地遍及于其上。这些信息从用户维、时间维、空间维、访问对象维等方面详尽地反映出用户的访问细节。

    With the rapid growth in Internet and WWW , the users ' access information is becoming enormous and widespread , which represent the users ' access details with the user dimension , time dimension , space dimension , and access object dimension .

  9. 结合工程施工的特点分析了4D施工信息模型基本特征、时间维的特性、构成原则与模式并对形成过程与关键技术等基本问题进行了研究。

    Combining with character of project construction , the basic character and temporal dimension character of 4D construction information model were analyzed . The composing principia and composing mode of 4D were also analyzed .

  10. 该算法在时间维通过构造三阶累积量实现对瞬态信号的检测,且在三阶累积量估计中的去均值处理具有抑制背景杂波的作用,有效地改善了信噪比(SNR)。

    The transient signal can be detected by calculating its third-order cumulant . The average value subtraction in the estimation of the third-order cumulant also suppress the background clutter , leading to a great improvement of the signal to clutter ratio ( SNR ) .

  11. 对时间维上的两个时序变量给出了利用Granger经济计量因果关系检验模型以及Hsiao提供的因果关系技术,同时还强调指出因果关系检验首先要判断时序数据列是否是协整的。

    The Granger economtric and Hsiao causality testing techniques for time series variables are discussed and the importance of determining the co-integration relationship between econmic variables before carrying out the causality tests , is also discussed .

  12. 广东省生态可持续发展定量研究:生态足迹时间维动态分析

    Measuring sustainable development with the ecological footprint analysis in Guangdong province

  13. 具有双时间维约束的股票序列模式挖掘

    Sequential Rules Mining of Two Time Constraints in Stock Analysis

  14. 带时间维土地信息系统的时空数据管理

    Management of Spatial-temporal Data in Land Information Management System

  15. 水体交换与传输的时间维特征身份的交换

    Temporal characteristics of exchange and transit of water bodies

  16. 进一步通过坐标变换与时间维插值完成空间与时间对准;

    The space and time synchronization are realized through coordinate transformation and interpolation on time dimension ;

  17. 时间维相位重建的改进算法

    An Enhanced Temporal Phase Unwrapping Algorithm

  18. 河南及邻区中等地震前广义时间维的变化特征

    Change feature of generalized temporal fractal dimension before twelve mid-strong earthquakes occurred in Henan and its neighbouring region

  19. 其次,结合科学性和实用性的原则,分别从三个层次构建了基于领域维、时间维、空间维的循环经济评价指标体系框架。

    Secondly , a three-dimensional framework of indicator system for circular economy was established with the principle of practicability .

  20. 不管怎样,你的”真正自我“-那个聪明的,存在于时间维之外的自我已经知道了这些问题。

    Nevertheless , your true self , that wise being who exists outside of time , has registered the questions .

  21. 从而,在现有地理信息系统平台基础上开发与研制带有时间维的地理信息系统势在必行。

    Thus , to develop geographical information system with time dimension on the base of current GIS platform is very imperative .

  22. 在原有的三维空间的基础上增加时间维,使导弹满足协同作战的四维制导要求。

    Based on the original three-dimensional problem , the time restriction was added to suit the four-dimensional guidance of multi-missile coordination .

  23. 但是由于时间维的引入和多时间粒度的使用而给数据库设计带来巨大的复杂性。

    However , the adoption of temporal dimension and usage of multiple temporal granularities make it very complicated to design a temporal database .

  24. 本文提出一种新的基于时空信息的视频认证算法,算法充分考虑了视频的时间维特性,根据视频的时空特性来提取认证码。

    In this thesis , a new video authentication algorithm based on the spatial-temporal information extracted from the video bit streams is proposed .

  25. 本文认为城市地价动态监测体系具有逻辑维、空间维和时间维的三维结构。

    This thesis argues that cities land price dynamic monitoring system has a three-dimensionalities structure that includes logic dimensionality , space dimensionality and time dimensionality .

  26. 四维为管理要素维、管理领域维、管理空间维、管理时间维。

    The four dimensions are the management key factor dimension , the management field dimension , the management space dimension and the management time dimension .

  27. 随着时间维的引入,数据库中存储的信息量也随之变得非常庞大,这就使得冗余信息亦随之增大。

    With the introduction of temporal dimension , the dates stored in database also become very large . This made the redundant information also increased .

  28. 并对时间维、知识维和逻辑维进行综合探讨和分析,明确了这三维之间的关系;

    And then it gives a general discussion and analysis on the time dimension , knowledge dimension and logic dimension to classify the relationships among them .

  29. 其中,前两种为时间维金融经济力,后三种为空间维金融经济力。

    Among them , the former two as the time dimension of financial economic power , three dimensions for the space after the financial economic power .

  30. 从内容、空间尺度、时间维、综合程度、建模方式、复杂程度和数学方法等方面对目前的城市模型进行了系统的分类。

    This paper presents a systematic classification based on contents , spatial scale , integrated extent , development approach , complex degree and mathematical methods of urban models .