
zǎo shang
  • morning;early morning
早上 [zǎo shàng]
  • [early morning] 早间

早上[zǎo shang]
  1. 我想早上早点出发。

    I want to make an early start in the morning .

  2. 我今天早上没法让这汽车发动起来。

    I couldn 't get the car to start this morning .

  3. 每天早上五点钟起床太难了。

    It was hard going getting up at five every morning .

  4. 今天早上我起床时感觉很舒服。

    I was feeling fine when I got up this morning .

  5. 我才不想每天早上六点钟起床哩!

    I don 't miss getting up at six every morning !

  6. 每天早上四点起床简直是活受罪。

    Getting up at four o'clock every morning is sheer purgatory .

  7. 今天早上,他不像平素那乐呵呵的样子。

    He 's not his usual happy self this morning .

  8. 第二天早上,他一边吃着早餐一边查问她。

    He questioned her next morning over the breakfast table .

  9. 今天早上凉飕飕的,是不是?

    It 's fresh this morning , isn 't it ?

  10. 她一个早上都穿着拖鞋在房子里轻轻地走来走去。

    She spent the morning padding about the house in her slippers .

  11. 我可不愿意明天早上早起。

    I don 't relish the prospect of getting up early tomorrow .

  12. 今天早上我们好像有几位同学没到。

    We seem to be missing some students this morning .

  13. 今天早上我收到戴夫的一封来信。

    I got a letter from Dave this morning .

  14. 她每天早上都在同一时间醒来。

    She woke every morning at the same time .

  15. 已是早上10点钟了,可窗帘还拉着。

    It was ten in the morning but the curtains were still drawn .

  16. 全体演员必须在早上7点钟到场。

    The cast must all be on set by 7 in the morning .

  17. 她今天早上好像有点不太对劲。

    She didn 't seem quite herself this morning .

  18. 宝宝今天早上吐了我一身。

    The baby puked all over me this morning .

  19. 每天早上都有建筑工人冲她挑逗地吹口哨,她烦都烦死了。

    She was fed up with the builders ' wolf whistles each morning .

  20. 婚礼的那天早上,我们家闹哄哄的。

    It was bedlam at our house on the morning of the wedding .

  21. 今天早上交换了俘虏。

    The exchange of prisoners took place this morning .

  22. 早上的太阳照射着我们。

    The morning sun beamed down on us .

  23. 她早上什么都吃不下。

    She couldn 't stomach any breakfast .

  24. 从早上8点以来投票很踊跃。

    Polling has been heavy since 8 a.m.

  25. 他今天早上从监狱里逃跑了。

    He escaped from prison this morning .

  26. 早上打发孩子上学可要忙乱一阵子呢。

    It 's such a performance getting the children off to school in the morning .

  27. 我今天早上开车去上的班。

    I drove to work this morning .

  28. 我今天早上醒得早。

    I woke up early this morning .

  29. 今天早上一封信也没有。

    There were no letters this morning .

  30. 我今天早上感到不舒服。

    I feel grim this morning .