
  • 网络Japanese Painting;Nihonga
  1. 她早于高中时开始学习日本画并获奖无数。

    She learned Japanese painting since studying in high school , and she was often awarded .

  2. 近代日本画与京都

    Kyoto and Modern Japanese Painting

  3. 清逸平和渊自唐风湖北省文物商店藏日本画

    Japanese Paintings Collected by Hubei Provincial Cultural Relics Shop

  4. 谈现代日本画的特点

    The Characteristics of Japanese Painting

  5. 在对于传统中国画、日本画的研究中,奥利文·高斯林感悟到了虚空的存在,一种宁静致远因而充满活力的存在。

    Oliver Gosling learned why space had to be existed through traditional Chinese paintings and Japanese paintings , which seemed full of power in silence .

  6. 他画室中唯一的一面墙饰是一幅日本画的复制品(阿诺德贝奈特)。

    The painting was ascribed to an unknown artist . The sole wall decoration of his studio was a Japanese print ( Arnold Bennett ) .

  7. 现代日本画借鉴西方绘画并与本国艺术特色相融合,形成了独特风貌,这对中国现代重彩画来说具有很大的借鉴与参考价值。

    Japanese painters learned from western paintings and fused with domestic art to create the unique contemporary painting style . This is a good example that Chinese painting should learn .

  8. 当我外婆70多岁成了寡妇时,她回到了学校,在青年旅社周游欧洲,学日本画,还有许多其他年轻人的活动。

    When my grandmother was widowed in her 70s , she went back to college , traveled across Europe in youth hostels , and learned Japanese painting , among many other activities .

  9. 其中,借鉴西画、现代日本画的色彩经验是新时期中国工笔画突破旧框架的重要内容。

    Among them , learn from Western painting , the color of the modern Japanese painting experience is an important content of Chinese Painting in the new era to break the old framework .

  10. 材料方面,在梳理、挖掘、继承传统画材的基础上,研究和生产新的绘画材料,同时引进日本画材以增强和拓展中国重彩画的表现力。

    At the same time , besides studying the traditional painting materials , they researched and made some new painting materials , introduced Japanese painting materials to strengthened the expression of the modem heavy-colored painting .

  11. 绿色和平组织声称本季日本计画猎捕935只小须鲸。

    Greenpeace says Japan plans to take 935 minke whales this season .

  12. 日本南画艺术形式的研究

    Research on Artistic Individuality of Japanese Literati Painting

  13. 这是由著名的日本荧光画大师元山亲自执笔而成的时光隧道。

    This is the Time Tunnel painted by the famous Japanese fluorescence-painting master , Motoyama .

  14. 日本屏风画源于中国古代唐朝,由于受唐代绘画的影响极深故而形成“唐绘”。

    The origin of Japan folding screen painting traced back to Tang Dynasty in ancient China .

  15. 最后,是日本屏风画之语汇。

    This can be proved in the painting traces existing now in Japan . Finally , it is the vocabulary of the Japanese screen painting .

  16. 日本屏风画的表现形式是多种多样的,大多创作在绢和纸上,而纸本又占多数。

    The forms of expression of the Japanese screen paintings are various and diversified , most of which are created on spun silk or paper with the former being more than the latter .

  17. 也就是说,孤绝与孤高的艺术正在变成为和我们越来越亲近的存在。这个情况对我们来说该是欣然接受的事。然而事实是日本水墨画并未表达出日本独特的审美。

    This is to say the aloof and exclusive art is getting closer to us , which we should accept pleasantly . However , the fact is that Japanese brush painting does not express the unique Japanese taste .

  18. 一位美国艺术家,盖尔·奥卡姆举行关于日本水墨画的演讲,观众包括从日本来的游客。但她困惑的是许多日本听众都闭着眼睛。

    While Gail Obcamp , an American artist , was giving a speech on the art of Japanese brush painting to an audience that included visitors from Japan , she was confused to see that many of her Japanese listeners had their eyes closed .

  19. 近几年,学习日本水墨画的人是越来越多,在古时,那只不过限定为文人的世界,现在如果人人有自娱的心态的话,谁都可以去体验的。

    In recent years , more and more people are learning Japanese brush painting . In ancient times , brush painting was only performed in the world of scholars . Today , if you have the attitude to please yourself , then you are able to paint some .

  20. 本文对唐宋绘画对日本屏风画之影响的研究,将有助于加深两国绘画艺术的相互了解,促进中日文化艺术的进一步交流和发展。

    The study on the Chinese painting art elements contained in the Japanese screen painting art in this paper is helpful in deepening the mutual understanding of painting art between the two countries , so as to promote further exchange and development of culture and art between China and Japan .

  21. 2000年6月,日本经济企画厅公布日本经济1999年度GDP增0.5%,为3年来首次正增长。

    The Economic Planning Department of Japan announced that the 1999 GDP of Japan enjoyed an increase of 0.5 % , which is the first positive increase in three years .

  22. 您的确很擅长艺术。我擅长素描。我描画了一幅关于一位叫YukieNakama的日本女演员的画,我把它付粘在这邮件上一同发给您,您就可以看到它了。

    You are really good with art . I also sketch . I sketched a drawing of a Japanese Actress named Yukie Nakama . I will attach to this email so you can see .

  23. 日本《水墨画季刊》日本日贸出版社;

    Water and Ink Quarterly , Japan Trading Press , Japan ;

  24. 第7回日本国际水墨画邀请展大奖友好赏日本水墨画协会;

    Friendship Award , 7th Japan Invitational Exhibition of Water and Ink Paintings , Japan Water and Ink Association ;

  25. 岩彩画是当代日本的主要画种,具有装饰性和诗意性。

    Rock-dyestuff painting is a main painting variety in modern Japan . It have both decorated and poetry flavour .

  26. 在第一章我曾对中日两国的自然文化背景作了必要的概述,之后又将西洋构图法则作了简括的疏理,具体到中国与日本的山水画与风景画作品中的单项要素比较。

    In the first chapter , the author once summarizes the natural culture background of China and Japan , and then the composition rules of western countries , and details on comparison of single element of Chinese and Japanese landscape paintings .

  27. 我在eBay上卖日本动画版授权画。

    I sold anime-style commissioned artwork on eBay .

  28. 松下在日本京都美术大学毕业,专攻日本画。

    Matsushita studied Japanese painting and graduated from the University of Art of the City of Kyoto , Japan .