
  • 网络Holiday Island
  1. 美国第二次巡?的首演在2002年2月28日罗德岛的普洛威顿斯。

    US Tour 2 premiered in Providence , Rhode Island on 28 February 2002 .

  2. 本文详细介绍了1992年2月18日南日岛地震前,福建地下水动态观测网中4口深井所记录到的水位前兆异常。其异常时间以短临为主,基本同步。

    This paper introduced in detail the precursory anomaly of water level from 4 wells in Fujian Underground Water Dynamic Observation Network recorded before Nanri Island earthquake occurred on Feb , 18,1992 . The anomalies are basically synchronous .

  3. 入驻名人堂的仪式将于7月20日在罗德岛举行。

    The formal induction ceremony will be held July 20 in Rhode Island .

  4. 海军领事华盛顿报告护航2月25日塞布尔岛东部200海里。

    Naval Attache Washington reports convoy rendezvous 25th February 200 sea miles east of Sable Island .

  5. 2月24日,格陵兰岛北端的温度达到了6摄氏度。

    Then on February 24 , the temperature on Greenland 's northern tip reached six degrees Celsius .

  6. 慢震复合性质的进一步证据:1997年4月28日爱德华王子岛地震

    Further evidence for the compound nature of slow earthquakes : The Prince Edward Island earthquake of April 28,1997

  7. 我于1659年9月30日来到此岛以后,我决定每天都刻上一个记号。

    I CAME HERE ON 30TH SEPTEMBER 1659 After that , I decided to make a cut for each day .

  8. 我于1659年9月30日来到此岛以后,我决定每天都刻上一个记号。

    I came here on 30th September 1659 . After that , I decided to make a cut for each day .

  9. 2月20日,格陵兰岛的气温攀升至零度以上,并持续了24个多小时。

    On February 20 , the temperature in Greenland climbed above freezing or zero degrees Celsius and it stayed there for over 24 hours .

  10. 1月29日,锡兰岛远在天边看不见了,诺第留斯号的速度是每小时二十海里,驶人把马尔代夫群岛和拉克代夫群岛分开的弯弯曲曲的水道中。

    DURING THE DAY of January 29 , the island of Ceylon disappeared below the horizon , and at a speed of twenty miles per hour , the Nautilus glided into the labyrinthine channels that separate the Maldive and Laccadive Islands .

  11. 2013年7月26日,南非海豹岛,摄影:戴维·詹金斯

    David Jenkins . Seal Island , South Africa . July 26 , 2013 .

  12. 在8轮激战后,第四届世界麻将大赛于11月14日在韩国济州岛落下帷幕。

    After a battle of 8 rounds , the 4th tournament of World Series of Mahjong concluded in Jeju , Korea on Nov. 14 .

  13. 约翰.塔尔伯特纪念碑约翰.塔尔伯特,于一八三六年十一月一日,在寂寥岛附近的巴塔哥尼亚海面,失足落海身亡,终年一十八岁。

    SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF JOHN TALBOT , Who , at the age of eighteen , was lost overboard Near the Isle of Desolation , off Patagonia , November 1st , 1836 .

  14. 9月1日黎明前,岛上的孩子们把家里的新旧花环都拿到海边。

    Just before dawn on September 1 , island children carry their households ' wreaths down to the shore , the old year 's wreaths and the new ones , and they throw the old ones out to sea .