
rì guāng
  • daylight;sunlight;sun;sunshine;sunbeam;rays of the sun
日光 [rì guāng]
  • (1) [sunshine]∶太阳光,既无散射又无反射的太阳定向射线

  • (2) [daylight]∶白天的光亮,与夜晚的黑暗相反。太阳光加天空的光,与月光和人造光相反

  • 日光下彻,影布石上。--唐. 柳宗元《至小丘西小石潭记》

日光[rì guāng]
  1. 给孩子搽点防晒霜以防日光直接照射。

    Protect your child from direct sunlight by using a sunscreen .

  2. 太阳能电池板只能在日光下起作用。

    Solar panels can only operate in sunlight .

  3. 他们走出教堂来到明亮的日光下。

    They emerged from the church into the bright daylight .

  4. 有可靠证据表明日光曝晒与皮肤癌之间有联系。

    There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer .

  5. 微弱的日光从树梢中透出。

    Faint glimmers of daylight were showing through the treetops

  6. 我们坐在莉莉的日光浴室里,我把目前形势的细节情况又补充说明了一下。

    We sat in Lily 's sunroom while I sketched in the situation .

  7. 空气稀薄清新,其间日光蒙眬,寒气逼人。

    The air was thin and crisp , filled with hazy sunshine and frost

  8. 如果我觉得会冒犯任何人,我就不会袒露上身进行日光浴了。

    I wouldn 't sunbathe topless if I thought I might offend anyone .

  9. 透过缝隙,他能看见日光。

    Through the aperture he could see daylight .

  10. 游客晒着日光浴在海水里嬉戏。

    Tourists sunbathe and frolic in the ocean .

  11. 日光灯通常是一根两端装有金属电极的管子。

    A typical fluorescent lamp is a tube with metal electrodes at each end .

  12. 照明用的是带灯罩的日光灯。

    It was lit by hooded fluorescent lamps .

  13. 他眼部溃疡,是因澳大利亚强烈的日光照射造成的。

    He is suffering from eye ulcers , brought on by the intense light in Australia

  14. 开始是战后对日光浴的极度迷恋,而后迅速发展成世界性的健康危机。

    What began as a postwar fetish for sunbathing is rapidly developing into a world health crisis .

  15. 除了几个人在游泳外,我们其他人伸开四肢躺在岸边晒日光浴。

    Apart from a few swimmers , the rest of us stretched out on the bank to sunbathe .

  16. 他们上岸后,躺在沙滩上晒日光浴。

    After coming out of the sea , they lay on the beach sunbathing .

  17. 在隧道的尽头,他们看见了日光。

    At the end of the tunnel they could see daylight .

  18. 强烈的日光射进房间里来了。

    The violent daylight drills into the room .

  19. 无论是在本地还是全球,全日光咖啡种植园的持续扩张可能会导致雨林生态遭到破坏。

    Both locally and globally , the continued spread of full-sun coffee plantations could mean the destruction of the rainforest ecology .

  20. 学生房内不允许有的物品包括:蜡烛、吊扇、烟火、水床、日光灯和无线路由器。

    Items that are not allowed in student rooms include : candles , ceiling fans , fireworks , waterbeds , sun lamps and wireless routers .

  21. 咖啡豆的生产是一项巨大的、有利可图的业务,但不幸的是,行业里全面实行的全日光生产会带来很多危害。

    The production of coffee beans is a huge , profitable business , but , unfortunately , full-sun production is taking over the industry and bringing about a lot of damage .

  22. 她喜欢在自己僻静的花园里晒日光浴。

    She liked to sunbathe in the seclusion of her own garden .

  23. 我们一直在海滩上晒日光浴。

    We 've been sunbathing on the beach .

  24. 女子身穿比基尼在组屋顶楼停车场晒日光浴:不危险吗?

    Young lady bikini sunbathes on top of HDB carpark : Isn 't this dangerous ?

  25. 然而对那些日光恐惧症患者而言,这也许就是现实。

    Yet for those with heliophobia , or fear of sunlight , this may be reality .

  26. 甚至日光。甚至春雨。

    even sunshine and spring rain

  27. 我爱你的程度,就像日光和烛焰下那每天不用说得的需要。

    I love thee to the level of every day 's Most quiet need , by sun and candle-light .

  28. 致癌的第三大根源是过多接触太阳光或日光浴床中的紫外线辐射而导致的皮肤癌,共有13000起病例。

    Too much ultraviolet radiation from the sun or sunbeds , leading to skin cancer , is the third most common cause , with more than 13000 cases .

  29. 日光恐惧症是一个严重折磨患者的疾病,然而目前仍然缺乏对其真正的研究。

    Heliophobia , or fear of sunlight , is a problem that afflicts3 tons of of people , however one that suffers from a scarcity4 of true research .

  30. 如果你正谋划如何过暑假,考虑下这个:越来越多的美国人不再花数周时间去晒日光浴或者去国外观光旅行,他们去孤儿院做义工,参与学校建设,教孩子们英语。

    As you plan -- or even go -- on your summer vacation , think about this : More and more Americans are no longer taking a few weeks off to suntan and sightsee abroad . Instead they 're working in orphanages1 , building schools and teaching2 English .