
  • 网络radiosonde
  1. 本文通过对GPS湿延迟和水汽辐射计、GPS可降水量与无线电探空资料的比较,进行了GPS气象可靠性检核研究。

    The reliable verification of GPS-meteorology has been studied with the comparisons of GPS Zenith wet delay and water vapor radiometer , GPS precipitable water vapor and radiosonde .

  2. 利用瑞利激光雷达和无线电探空仪观测数据对武汉上空重力波特性的研究

    Gravity wave characteristics observed by lidar and radiosonde in Wuhan

  3. 在野外实验中与无线电探空仪对比,在3km以下,温度层结偏差2&3°K。

    In the field test , as compared with radiosonde , the mean temperature deviation was 2-3 K below 3 km .

  4. 针对简单和复杂云场,利用个例并结合无线电探空资料与MODIS三通道合成图肯定了多光谱云相态识别的合理性和实际效果。

    Radiosonde observations and MODIS tri-channel composite images are used in the paper to show the rationality and the effect of cloud phase recognition in cases .

  5. 在快速预报星历松弛解GPS可降水量与无线电探空数据的比较中,两者的相关性为0.88,绝对值均值为5.4mm。

    Radiosonde , we can get the results that the related coefficient is 0.88 and the absolute mean value is 5.4 mm .

  6. 常用的高空气象探测方法是采用无线电探空仪,由探空气球携带升空,进行高空气象测量。

    Common aerological detection is taken by radiosonde carried by sounding balloon .

  7. 中国中部低层大气行星波无线电探空仪的观测研究

    Radiosonde Observation of Planetary Waves in the Lower Atmosphere Over the Center China

  8. 无线电探空仪可以自由地上升到尽可能高的高度。

    A radiosonde is free to rise to as great an elevation as possible .

  9. (联合装置)无线电探空仪和雷达测风排汽联合装置在直接空冷电厂的应用

    Radiosonde and radar wind sounding Application o " fCombined Steam Exhaust Device " in Direct Air-Cooling Power Plants

  10. 海洋不能象我们在陆地那样通过无线电探空仪获得准确的气象资料。

    Because we cannot get the atmospheric parameters over the ocean as the land that get from the radiosonde .

  11. 无线电探空仪作为目前主要的高空观测手段之一,仅测量了影响结冰强度的温湿度等常规气象条件。

    As one of the primary aerial aerograph , the radiosonde mainly measuring the temperature and humidity what affects the intensity of icing .

  12. 本文用经验正交展开的方法分别展开了北京、上海、广州三地区的无线电探空得到的温度和风场的垂直廓线。

    In this paper the empirical orthogonal function is used to expand the observed vertical temperature profiles and the observed vertical wind profiles for Beijing , Shanghai , and Guangzhou .

  13. 海岸无线电探空仪(大气测量探针)每六小时抽查风样,同时有三条大洋科研考察船有规律的放出带有传感器的气球。

    Coastal radiosondes ( probes for taking atmospheric measurements ) are released to pick up winds every six hours , and three ocean research ships regularly release balloons with sensors .

  14. 通过分析美国墨西哥湾沿岸地区9个站点1998-2005年8年的无线电探空仪观测资料,研究了当地信风逆温层的一些特性。

    The radiosonde observations of eight years ( 1998-2005 ), launched from 9 stations over the Gulf of Mexico coastlands of the U.S. , are analyzed to investigate local characteristics of Trade-Wind Inversion ( TWI ) .

  15. 本文将1971年&1978年6~8月永登防雹试验基地09时施放的660次无线电探空资料、测雨雷达及地面实况资料进行了分析。

    Data of 660 radio-soundings launched at 9 o'clock during June , July and August , 1971-1978 and data of weather radar and surface observations in the same period in Yongdeng Hail Suppression Test site have been analysed .

  16. 通过分析武汉、宜昌和恩施气象局无线电探空仪2001&2003年的观测数据,研究了中国中部地区对流层和低平流层中行星波的特性。

    Wind data by the radiosonde observation from Wuhan , Yichang , and Enshi Meteorological Stations in the period of 2001 & 2003 are used to analyze the Planetary Waves ( PWs ) in the lower atmosphere of the center China .

  17. 本文论述了遥感对流层水汽和液态水的新型双通道微波辐射计的设计原理和结构特点,给出了不依赖无线电探空资料的系统定标方法。

    The design principal and structure features of a new type dual-channel ground-based mi-crowave radiometer for measurement of water vapor and liquid water in the troposphere are dis-cussed . A method independent of radiosonde data is employed for the absolute system calibration .

  18. 利用比较稠密的无线电探空和气球测风观测网,通过对华北夏季一次暴雨过程的三维流场和湿度场的分析,揭示了湿急流的结构和形成过程。

    By use of the fairly dense network of radio soundings and pilot balloons , the three dimensional structure and the formation process of the moist jet stream were shown by wind and humidity field in a case of heavy rain over north China in summer .