
  • 网络wi-fi;Wireless Fidelity;wifi
  1. 但是无线保真技术是为短距离设计的。

    But Wi-Fi is designed for short distances .

  2. 由于无线保真技术能使人们廉价而相对便捷地共享互联网资源,它在咖啡厅、机场和酒店开始越来越普及。

    Because it allows people to share Internet access inexpensively and relatively easily , Wi-Fi is becoming increasingly popular in cafes , airports and hotels .

  3. EricBrewer预测,这种远程网络无线保真技术将只需要覆盖几公里的范围。

    Eric Brewer predicts that most WiLDNets will only need to cover several kilometers of territory .

  4. 在印度南部,这种远程网络无线保真技术网络把贫困乡村眼科保健中心与Theni市的一个眼科医院连接起来。

    In southern India , a WiLDNet connects eye-care centers in poor villages to an eye hospital in the city of Theni .

  5. 伟利松公司已经对无线保真技术产生了兴趣。

    Verizon has shown interest in the Wi-Fi technology .

  6. 加纳和菲律宾的农村学校都在使用远程网络无线保真技术连接网络。

    Rural schools in Ghana and the Philippines are using WiLDNets to connect to the Internet .

  7. 然而,在委内瑞拉,一个使用远程网络无线保真技术的网络和特殊的软件覆盖的距离竟然超过380公里。

    Yet , in Venezuela , a network using WiLDNet technology and special software reaches over three hundred eighty kilometers .

  8. 加雷思·米切尔:我是加雷思·米切尔,接下来是业余无线电爱好者评价关于具有高保真度的无线保真技术是如何应用于“每个孩子一台笔记本电脑”计划的。

    GARETH MITCHELL : I 'm Gareth Mitchell and still to come the radio amateur gauging how Hi-Fi the Wi-Fi is on the " One Laptop Per Child " .

  9. 其他国家的大电话公司已经先行一步,接受了无线保真技术并设立公共热区,尤其是在韩国、英国、瑞典和日本等国。

    Big phone companies in other countries , especially South Korea , the United Kingdom , Sweden and Japan , have been quicker to embrace Wi-Fi and offer public hotspots .

  10. 他们的发明之一是以无线上网为基础的长途网,或者叫远程网络无线保真技术。

    One of their creations is a WiFi-based long distance network , or WiLDNet .