
  • 网络Intangible asset management;management of intangible assets
  1. 我国企业如何加强无形资产管理

    How to Strengthen Management of Intangible Assets in Our Enterprise

  2. 与其所做出的贡献相比,其无形资产管理却相形见绌。

    Compared with their contributions , the management of intangible assets is shame .

  3. 加强无形资产管理,建立现代科研院所体制

    Improving Invisible Asset Management and Establishing Modern Science Research Institutes System

  4. 基于战略准备度的无形资产管理研究

    The Research Based on the Strategic Preparation of Intangible Assets Management

  5. 关于构建现代无形资产管理体系的探讨

    Discussion on Structuring the Management System of Modern Intangible Assets

  6. 关于高校无形资产管理的探讨

    Probe into managing intangible asset of colleges and universities

  7. 加强无形资产管理促进船舶事业发展

    Strengthening management of intangible assets for developing shipbuilding industry

  8. 强化卫生无形资产管理的对策

    The suggestion on the management of health immaterial assets

  9. 21世纪管理的新课题&无形资产管理

    Invisible Assets & the New Issue of the 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  10. 加强企业无形资产管理迎接知识经济挑战

    Strengthening the Management of Enterprises Incorporeal Property , Meeting the Challenge of Knowledge Economy

  11. 企业无形资产管理的制度创新

    The Institutional Innovation in Enterprise Intangible Assets Arrangement

  12. 企业无形资产管理的问题及解决对策

    The Study about the Problem & Strategy of the Enterprises ' Intangible Asset Management

  13. 中国出版业无形资产管理研究

    Intangible Assets Management of Publishing Industry in China

  14. 论中国电信的无形资产管理创新

    Study on Intangible Assets of China Telecom

  15. 论军工企业无形资产管理

    Management of invisible assets in military enterprises

  16. 浅论高校无形资产管理

    On the Management of the Invisible Asset

  17. 论企业无形资产管理与核心竞争力的培育

    On the management of intangible assets in enterprises and the cultivation of its core competitiveness

  18. 军工企业无形资产管理与开发研究

    Management and development of intangible assets

  19. 更加重视无形资产管理;

    More regarding on intangible asset ;

  20. 最后,针对高校无形资产管理中的几个典型问题进行了专题研究。

    The last section is a monographic study on several typical problems about intangible assets in colleges and universities .

  21. 面对无形资产管理不规范,国有企业无形资产流失的现状,需要重视无形资产审计。

    As a result of irregular management and the loss ," intangible assets " auditing should be attached great importance to .

  22. 本文主要对无形资产管理中的专利管理策略,商标管理策略和商业秘密管理策略进行了探讨。

    The article deals with the problem of managerial strategies over the patent , trademark , trade secret of the intangible assets .

  23. 加强和完善引进外资中国有无形资产管理保护的专门立法;

    Strengthen and perfect the special legislation of the management and protection of national intangible property in the introduction of foreign capital ;

  24. 无形资产管理是实现企业经营目标的重要保证,对增强企业竞争力,提高企业经济效益起着重要的作用。

    Immaterial assets ' management plays an important role in enhancing competitiveness , increasing economic efficiency and realizing operation target in the enterprises .

  25. 公共关系作为一种管理功能被引入各行各业的管理领域,一种形象管理即无形资产管理的理念已广为人们所知。

    Public relations was increasingly viewed as a means to protect and promote , and was introduced into the management of various industries as a management function .

  26. 分析高等学校固定资产和无形资产管理存在的问题,讨论加强资产管理的对策。

    This paper analyses the problems in the management of capital assets and immaterial assets in colleges and universities , and discusses the countermeasures of how to strengthen assets management .

  27. 结合西南铝业(集团)有限责任公司的实际情况,对该公司无形资产管理现状进行了深入的调查与分析,分析了公司现行的无形资产管理模式及其运作中存在的问题。

    The current situation of SWA incorporeal assets management was deeply investigated and analyzed in the paper , the troubles in the current management and running modes were analyzed in detail .

  28. 目前,高校中无形资产管理还几乎是一项空白,无形资产流失现象时有发生,为高校的发展造成了不可估量的损失。

    At present , management of intangible assets is almost blank in universities and colleges so that intangcble assets run off from time to time , which has caused immeasurable loss .

  29. 21世纪会计工作的发展,将着重于管理,其重视人本管理、无形资产管理、内部管理。

    In the 21st century , the development of accounting work will stress management . It emphasizes the management of people , the management of intangible assets , the management of inside .

  30. 我国企业无形资产管理中存在着重视不够、投入不足、保护不力和运作无方等问题,制约了企业核心竞争力的形成。

    Lack of attention and inefficient investment as well as weak protection and random operation remain to be the main issues in the management of intangible assets , which hold back the formation of the core competitiveness of the enterprises .