
  • 网络rotation effect;rotational effect;NPR
  1. 在此过程中,眼睛运动的总注视时间、跳动次数等参数也同样表现出了与判断时间类似的心理旋转效应。

    During the processing , the total fixation time and the number of saccade etc had also analog mental rotation effect , that was equal with the RT.

  2. 完成了基于耦合腔锁模技术和非线性偏振旋转效应的高频双腔耦合掺镱光纤激光器。

    A mode-locked fiber laser system consisting of two coupled cavities was presented , and the laser system was mode-locked by coupled-cavity mode-locking and nonlinear polarization rotation effect .

  3. 因此,有必要对SOA的端面剩余反射率及非线性偏振旋转效应进行研究。

    Therefore it is necessary to investigate the influences of the facet residual reflectivity and the nonlinear polarization rotation on the characteristics of mode-locked ring lasers based on SOA .

  4. 针对汽轮机高低齿迷宫式隔板汽封的复杂结构和轴的旋转效应,采用数值求解三维Navier-Stokes方程技术研究其泄漏流动特性。

    Three-dimensional leakage flow characteristics of the stepped labyrinth seal installed in the diagram for steam turbines are investigated using the Navier-Stokes solver .

  5. 提出了基于非线性旋转效应(NPR)稳定可切换的线型腔多波长光纤激光器。

    A stable switchable multi-wavelength linear cavity fiber lasers was presented based on nonlinear rotational effects ( NPR ) .

  6. 提出了一种基于偏振旋转效应以及高finesse滤波的窄线宽双波长光纤激光器。

    A stable narrow Line-width dual-wavelength fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation with a high finesse ring filter was brought up .

  7. 但人们对其工作特性进行了理论研究,大多数都忽略SOA的端面剩余反射率及非线性偏振旋转效应。

    However , we have noticed that , in the relative theoretical model describing the SOA based actively mode-locked ring lasers , the facet residual reflectivity and the nonlinear polarization rotation of the SOA are usually neglected for simplicity .

  8. 采用数值求解粘性Navier-Stokes方程,研究考虑轴旋转效应的汽轮机高低齿迷宫式隔板密封内流体流动特性及其影响因素。

    The flow within stepped diaphragm labyrinth seals of steam turbines and their influencing factors , taking into consideration the shaft 's rotation , is being studied by numerically solving the viscous Navier-Stokes equations .

  9. 阐明轴向速度密度比(AVDR)和旋转效应的物理意义及其数量级。

    In this paper the axial velocity density rate ( AVDR ) and the physics of rotating effect and their order of magnitude are described .

  10. 任意回转面叶旋转效应分析

    An Analysis of Rotating Effect of Arbitrary Cyclical Surface Cascade Flows

  11. 提出了一种基于非线性偏振旋转效应的可调谐多波长光纤激光器的实验方案并进行了实验研究。

    A tunable multi-wavelength Erbium-doped fiber laser was proposed and analyzed .

  12. 微弱旋转效应的圆柱形介质光波导耦合器的研究

    Research on Circular Dielectric Optical Waveguides Coupler with a Weak Rotatory Effect

  13. 半导体光放大器偏振旋转效应的矩阵分析及应用

    Matrix Analysis for Polarization Rotation of Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers with Related Application

  14. 端头帽再入时碳颗粒的旋转效应

    Effect on Circumgyration of Carbon Grain during Re-Entry of Nose-Tip

  15. 理论分析了利用非线性偏振旋转效应锁模激光器的机理。

    The physical mechanism of nonlinear polarization rotation mode-locking was analyzed in theory .

  16. 考虑旋转效应的三维分离流动判别准则

    Three dimensional flow criterion of separation with rotation effects

  17. 三维旋转效应对叶片非定常气动特性的影响

    Calculation of Three-Dimensional Rotational Effect on Blade Aerodynamic Characteristics

  18. 考虑旋转效应的层流与湍流边界层计算

    Prediction of laminar and turbulent boundary layer with rotation

  19. 地球重力场恢复中的位旋转效应

    The rotation of the gravity potential on the Earth 's gravity field recovery

  20. 考虑应力主轴循环旋转效应的砂土弹塑性本构模型

    An elastoplastic constitutive model of sands considering cyclic rotation of principal stress axes

  21. 提出旋转效应判别式。

    The criterion of rotating effect is suggested .

  22. 夹层全息等高线的空间旋转效应

    The space turning effect of sandwich holographic contour

  23. 位置算法中的旋转效应补偿算法、涡卷效应补偿算法及优化算法。

    The position updating algorithm and the optimized position algorithm by compensated scrolling error .

  24. 旋转效应对风力机叶片升力性能影响的研究

    A Study on the Rotation Effects to the Characteristics of Blade Lift of the Wind Turbine

  25. 激光器窗口的旋转效应

    Rotation Effects of Intensive Laser Window

  26. 非线性偏振旋转效应对主动锁模光纤激光器脉冲成形及稳定性的影响

    Influence on Pulse Shaping and Stability of Nonlinear Polarization Rotation in an Actively Mode locked Fiber Laser

  27. 由于旋转效应的存在,使得流场的结构发生了很大的变化。

    Because of the effects of rotating , the structure of the flow field has been changed .

  28. 有旋转效应和流片厚度变化的叶轮机械边界层的积分方程求解法

    The solver of boundary-layer equation with rotation and variation of stream filament thickness originality against the stream

  29. 地面驱动螺杆泵抽油杆旋转效应的研究蜗杆双滚轮式转向机构

    Study on Rules of Fluid Flow in the Well Bore of the Screw Pump with the Ground-driven worm-and-double-roller steering gear

  30. 讨论了非线性偏振旋转效应对主动锁模光纤环形激光器脉冲成形及稳定性所起的作用。

    In this paper , the roles of nonlinear polarization rotation in an actively mode locked fiber ring laser were discussed .