
  1. 除了公司董事长,其他买家还包括凯雷(carlyle)、中信资本(citiccapital)和方源资本(fountainvest)三家私募股权公司。

    The buyers alongside the chairman of the company include three private equity houses , Carlyle , CITIC Capital and FountainVest , a local group founded by Frank Tang , a former Goldman Sachs and Temasek executive .

  2. 该行业的积极投资者包括2012年投资了水处理设备制造商宁波沁园集团有限公司(NingboQinyuanGroup)的青云创投(TsingCapital),以及投资了兆恒水电股份有限公司(ZhaohengHydropowerHoldingsLtd)的泰山投资和方源资本(FountainVestPartners)。

    Active investors in the sector include Tsing Capital , which in 2012 invested in Ningbo Qinyuan Group , a manufacturer of water treatment equipment , as well as Olympus Capital and FountainVest Partners , which were some of the investors in Zhaoheng Hydropower Holdings Ltd.

  3. 当代汉语新词语产生的基本途径有五个方面:新造词语、缩略词、产生新意义和新用法的原有词语、方源词、外来词。

    It points out that the basic ways of coining modern Chinese words include such five aspects as coinage , abbreviation , existing words with new meanings and new usages , dialect words and borrowed words .

  4. 该事件会生成一个文档列表,合并来自ContentEngine存储库和第三方数据源的数据。

    The event generates a document list that merges the data from the Content Engine repository and the third-party data source .

  5. 您可以用DisplayDocuments事件将数据连接到第三方数据源,如小部件。

    You can use the Display Documents event to join your data with a third-party data source , such as a widget .

  6. 根据不同卫星时钟系统的参数和性能差异,研究开发基于模块化的GPS、北斗和地面第三方时间源等多输入源及无缝切换的卫星时钟装置。

    According to performance and parameters of the different satellite clock system , leads to the research and development of mult-input and seamless switching satellite clock device which based on the modularization of GPS , CNSS and ground third-party source of time . 2 .

  7. 面向集成创新的第三方技术源选择方法研究

    The selection method of third-party technology providers in integrated innovation

  8. 然后总结了第三方技术源的搜索技术和获取渠道;

    It is followed by summarizing third-party technology source search technique and acquisition path .

  9. 第三方技术源的获取路径研究

    The Acquisition Path of Third-party Technology Source

  10. 对我国物流业寻求发展第三方利润源的一些思考

    Some Thoughts on the Chinese Third Part Logistics Pursuing and Developing the Third Profit Headspring

  11. 作为企业的第三方利润源,物流在我国受到政府和民间的高度重视。

    As " the third-party profit fountain " of enterprise , logistics is attached importance to by government and business .

  12. 首先建立了企业技术识别模型,便于企业判断技术是否需要从第三方技术源获取;

    Then , an enterprise technology identification model is built up to facilitate the estimation of necessity of third-party technology source acquisition .

  13. 第三方技术源是指接受客户委托进行合同研发工作的商业性公司或学术性实体。

    Third-party technology source denotes the business companies or academic entities that accept contract work from clients for specific R & D tasks .

  14. 当前,物流配送已成为企业重要的第三方利润源。

    In recent years , Logistics Distribution has become an important " third-party source of profit ", an important part in national economy .

  15. 对于违规方,源自己方取消行为的信息和源自非违规方取消行为的信息都是非法的。

    For an offending side , information arising from its own withdrawn action and from withdrawn actions of the non-offending side is unauthorized .

  16. 第三方技术源为中国企业进行集成创新提供了新的途径,有利于中国企业技术能力成长。

    So , third-party technology source provides Chinese enterprises a new approach in integrating innovation which will contribute to the development of their competition abilities .

  17. 本文讨论了多普勒频率信息在辐射源无源定位和基于第三方辐射源无源定位中的应用。

    In this paper , the applications of Doppler frequency information in the passive location of emitter source and the passive location of the third part transmitter have been discussed .

  18. 在现代企业面临日益激烈的全球化竞争,降低物流包装成本已经成为企业的第三方利润源。

    In the manufacturing enterprise and business enterprises are facing the fierce global competition , under the new situation of the packaging cost reduce logistics has become the third profit source of the enterprise .

  19. 对于基于第三方辐射源的无源定位,本文介绍了基于外辐射源的无源定位的测距与测速的基本原理,分析了其中多普勒频率信息的检测与应用。

    For the passive location of the third part transmitter , this paper shows the theory and means of measuring length and speed of this passive radar system , analyzes the measurement and applications of Doppler frequency information .

  20. 磁疗用方片磁源空间磁场定量分析

    Quantification Analysis of Space Fields on Square Magnets Using for Magnetic Therapy

  21. 李辅仁教授验方治疗肺源性心脏病的疗效观察

    A Clinical Study of Pulmonary Heart Disease Treated by Professor Li Furen

  22. 用于非线性电阻片通流容量试验的冲击方波电流源的研究

    Study on Impulse Rectangular Current Generator for Energy Enduring Test of Non-linear Varistor

  23. 这些插件中的大多数添加了对第三方、商业源代码管理系统的支持。

    Most of these plug-ins add support for a third-party commercial source-code management system .

  24. 严氏祛风除痒止咳方治疗咽源性咳嗽的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Treatment of Pharyngal Cough by Recipe for Yan-Removing Wind and Dispersing the Itch and Stopping Cough

  25. 利咽止咳方治疗喉源性咳嗽106例临床观察

    Contrast Control Observation of Formula for Relieving Sore-throat to Stop Coughing on Cough Originated from Larynx , A Report of 106 Cases

  26. 目的观察自拟通达汤系列方治疗药源性闭经泌乳综合征的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the clinical effect of self-formulated Tongdatang serial recipe ( TDT ) in treating antipsychotic drug-induced galaetorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome ( GAS ) .

  27. 活血利水方对孔源性视网膜脱离术后视功能恢复的影响伴视网膜嵌顿的外伤性视网膜脱离的手术治疗

    The Influence of Chinese Medicine to the Recovery of Vision Function after Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Surgery ; Surgical treatment of traumatic retinal detachment with incarceration

  28. 在快脉冲测试中,为确定测试系统的幅频及衰减特性,需要研制上升时间达皮秒级的大幅度方波信号源。

    In order to test the attenuation of the system , a fast rise-time , high - voltage pulse generator is required for the fast pulse signal measurement The paper presents the development of the generator .

  29. 对非线性电阻片能量耐受试验用的冲击方波电流源进行了参数设计和仿真计算,得出了回路及负载参数和回路输出波形参数之间的关系。

    The circuit parameters of impulse rectangular current generator for energy enduring test of non-linear varistor are simulated and calculated , the relation between the parameters of circuit and the parameters of the impulse current waveform are derived .

  30. 250kV,1MHz重复率方波三脉冲源

    A 250 kV , 1 MHz repetition rate square triple-pulses generator