
  • 网络Square Rock
  1. 在隧道开挖过程中,对掌子面前方岩性进行比较准确的预报,可有效地防止工程事故、加快施工进度以及保证工程质量。

    During tunneling , the precise prediction of rock properties ahead the tunnel face can effectively prevent the engineering accidents , improve construction progress and assure the project quality .

  2. “灵璧一石天下奇,声如青铜色如玉”,这是宋代诗人方岩对灵璧石发出的由衷赞叹。

    " Lingbi strange world with one stone , jade , bronze sound like " This is the Song Dynasty poet , party rock the heartfelt praise of Ling Bishi .

  3. 本厂座落于风景秀丽的浙南第一山“方岩”北郊,交通便利,厂房宽敞,设备工艺先进,技术雄厚。

    It located in north of " Fangyan " mountain which is praised as the first mountain in Zhejiang , the scenery is beautiful , the traffic is convenient , and the factory building is spacious .

  4. 爆破面前方中间岩柱受爆破振动影响要大于爆破面后方岩体,施工中宜加强该部位监测;

    And the blasting has more influences on the rock in front of the blasting face than that behind of the blasting face .

  5. 矿物学、岩石学及地球化学特征也为其原凝灰质沉积岩经过热卤水浸泡效应(soakingeffect)形成方柱黑云岩类的成因提供了可靠信息。

    The nature of mineralogy , petrology and geochemistry also provides reliable information to prove that primitive tuffaceous sedimentary rock underwent " soaking effect " in a kind of brine and formed scapolite biotite rock .

  6. 地幔橄榄岩主要是方辉橄榄岩,其主要氧化物成分较为单一,具LREE富集、Eu亏损的U形REE配分模式,亏损强不相容元素;

    The mantle peridotite is composed mainly of harzburgite , which shows a narrow range in the major elements , enriched light rare earth elements ( LREE ), U-type REE patterns with negative Eu anomaly , and strongly depleted incompatibility elements .

  7. 海山顶部的岩石是由蛇纹石化超镁铁质方辉橄榄岩组成。

    The rocks at the top of the seamount consist of serpentinized ultramafic harzburgite .

  8. 吉林双辽地区古近纪玄武岩中一方辉橄榄岩包体记录了上地幔交代作用的信息。

    A harzburgite xenolith sample from Paleogene basalts in Shuangliao area of Jilin Province records the information of upper mantle metasomatism .

  9. 变质方辉橄榄岩的微量元素地球化学及矿物化学特征表明,应为亏损的残余地幔产物。

    Trace element geochemistry and mineral chemistry studies on the metamorphosed harzburgite indicate that it is the relict of the depleted mantle .

  10. 它主要由斜方辉橄岩、玄武质和玄武安山质火山岩及少量杂砂岩和硅质岩组成。

    It is composed mainly of harzburgite , basaltic and basalt - andesitic lavas , and a small amount of graywacke and silicalite .

  11. 这些特征表明该方辉橄榄岩应代表洋壳下伏地幔橄榄岩,从而揭示大陆造山带从早期的大洋俯冲消亡到大陆俯冲碰撞的完整过程。

    The presence of the oceanic harzburgite in continental-type UHP belt reveals an integrated process of continental orogenic belt from oceanic lithospheric subduction to subsequent continental subduction and collision .

  12. 上地幔部分熔融作用不仅控制了上地幔岩石类型演化(二辉橄榄岩→方辉橄榄岩→纯橄榄岩),同时它对铬铁矿的预富集起着关键作用。

    The partial melting of the upper mantle not only controlled the evolution of mantle rock types ( lherzolite → harzber-gite → dunite ) but also played a critical role for chromite preconcentration .

  13. 主要岩石类型有橄榄玄武岩、碱性橄榄玄武岩、碧玄岩、霞石岩以及由分异作用或混染作用形成的碱性辉绿岩、拉斑辉绿岩和方沸正长岩;

    These rocks consist of olivine basalt , alkali olivine basalt , basanite and nephelinite , together with alkali diabase , tholeiitic diabase and analcite syenite which have been formed as a result of differentiation and contamination .

  14. 主要岩石类型是方辉橄榄岩和纯橄榄岩,二辉橄榄岩极少(单斜辉石含量5~7%),具有典型的变质岩结构构造特征,矿物显微塑性变形普遍发育。

    Lithologic types of the massifs are mainly harzburgite and dunite , with subordinated lherzolite ( orthopyroxene : 5 ~ 7 % ) . The textures and structures are similar to those of metamorphic rocks , and micro - plastic deformation of minerals is ubiquitous .

  15. 广东省从化市石岭方钠石正长岩是南岭地区唯一已知的早白垩世硅酸不饱和碱性岩。

    The Shiling sodalite syenite , Guangdong province , is only early Cretaceous SiO2-undersaturated alkali syenite known in Nanling area , southeastern China .