首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 引领历史向善&方孝孺的正统论及其史学影响

    Leading the history to good : Fang Xiao-ru 's Legitimism and Its Influence on History

  2. 方孝孺的气论对其心态和审美理想产生了深远的影响。

    The psychology and appreciation of the beauty ideal that Qi of Fang Xiao Ru comments on to him have produced far-reaching influence .

  3. 方孝孺的人生经历了四个阶段:青少年时期、隐居时期、蜀汉时期、建文朝。

    Life of Fang Xiao Ru has experienced four stages : Teen-agers period , live in seclusion the period , the Kingdom of Shu Han period , Jian Wen dynasty .

  4. 明代前期,由于统治者对文人士大夫采取高压政策,文人士大夫的气节操守受到极大的打击,特别是方孝孺之死,使当时的文人士大夫产生严重的避祸心态。

    Ming period , the rulers take high-handed policy , the integrity of the conduct of civilian suffered a tremendous blow , especially Fangxiaoru death to the then civilian rulers have serious attitude .