
  • 网络directional selection
  1. 铁路物流企业的生产、经营及生存环境为此发生了深刻变化,面临着方向性选择。

    The manufacture , management and living environment of railway logistics enterprises have undergone profound changes and faced directional selection .

  2. 我国国有重点企业产权改革的方向性选择

    Directional Choice of Property Rights Reform about China 's Key State-owned Enterprises

  3. 企业存在的实际问题被揭示了,如何解决?这关系到企业的改革与发展,关系到企业发展的方向性选择、长期计划的制定、结构调整和企业经营理念的重新确立等方面。

    How to solve these problems is directly related to the reform of enterprise , development , long-term plan making , structure adjusting and managing ideas etc.

  4. 近期,多数企业出现了订单不足,利润很低甚至亏损的危机,行业内企业的兼并重组频繁发生,大多数企业正面临着如何发展的方向性选择。

    Recently , most of enterprises are short of orders . The profit is very low or even loss . Enterprise annexation and reorganization happen frequently within the industry .

  5. 本文按照森林防火系统中通信传输对于距离、覆盖范围的要求对无线自组网的天线单元,进行了包括频率、增益、俯仰角和方向性的选择和设计。

    Following the requirement of communication in forest fire prevention in distance and coverage , the antenna , including the selection of antenna frequency , gain , pitching angle and directional is designed .

  6. 当前中国卫生事业的发展模式正面临方向性的选择,笔者认为还是要遵循卫生事业发展的基本规律,走适合中国国情的卫生发展道路。

    It states that the development of health care in China is faced with a directional choice and it is advisable to follow the basic rules of health care development and choose a way suitable for China .

  7. 高职院校体育俱乐部教学模式的方向性探讨和比较选择

    The Orientation Discussion , Comparison and Selection on Sports Club Educational Mode of Colleges and Universities

  8. 在这一过程中,中国设计需要确定自身存在的意义与问题指向,然后发现可以有所突破与建树的方向,乡村设计是这种方向性思考的战略选择之一。

    During this process , Chinese design circle needs to determine the significance of the existence and future challenges , and then find out the direction . " Rural design " is one of the strategic choices for such thinking .