
  • 网络professional ethics of journalism
  1. 新闻职业道德问题涉及新闻传媒的公信力和新闻工作者的社会形象,职业道德问题因此屡屡受到社会关注,也引起了社会更广范围、更深入的探讨。

    The professional ethics of journalism is related to the credibility of news media and the social image of journalists . Thus it has attracted the attention from the world and aroused extensive and in-depth discussion in the society .

  2. 论我国现阶段新闻职业道德建设

    A Study on Construction of Current Press Ethics in China

  3. 新闻职业道德在我国经历了一个漫长的发展过程。

    The professional morality in journalism has experienced a lengthy developing process .

  4. 自律:新闻职业道德建设的根本途径

    Self-discipline : The Basic Way to Construct Professional Morality of the Press

  5. 因此,加强新闻职业道德建设已是新闻界有识之士的共识和当务之急。

    So the urgent affairs strengthen the construction of news professional morality .

  6. 第四部分,新闻职业道德弱化原因剖析。

    The fourth part is analysis of lacking of news professional morality .

  7. 新闻职业道德敏感性特点及其与移情关系的研究

    Professional Moral Sensitivity Character in News Reporting and the Relationship with Empathy

  8. 第五部分,新闻职业道德建设对策研究。

    The fifth part is countermeasure of the construction of news professional morality .

  9. 加强新闻职业道德教育:呼唤与对策

    Strengthening Education in Journalistic Ethics : Requests and Countermeasures

  10. 探析改革开放后我国新闻职业道德建设的历史轨迹

    The Constructing Process of the Journalism Professional Morality since the Open-door Policy Was Practiced

  11. 研究新闻职业道德失范应该突破这些局限,有所创新。

    So research on the press professional ethics anomie should break the limitation to make innovations .

  12. 因此,新闻职业道德的建设不得不引起社会和职业自身的高度重视。

    Therefore , the construction of journalistic ethics to their own social and occupational caused a high degree of attention .

  13. 总体而言,我国新闻职业道德的主流是好的,是具有职业精神和社会责任的。

    Generally speaking the main trend of the press profession ethics is fine , full of professional spirits and social responsibility .

  14. 三是民意调查报道必须严格遵循客观公正的新闻职业道德。

    Thirdly , the reporters must strictly obey the professional ethics in public opinion survey report , that is , objectivity and justice .

  15. 与经济建设的成就相比,我国新闻职业道德建设总体上还显得比较滞后。

    Compared with achievement of economic construction , the news professional morality construction of our country still seems to relatively lag behind generally .

  16. 重视新闻职业道德体系的建构&从山西繁峙大矿难记者受贿说开去

    High attention to construction of journalists ' professional ethics system : on taking bribes by some reporters in the cover-up of Fanshi gold mine explosion in Shanxi Province

  17. 新闻职业道德不仅对新闻媒介及新闻从业人员具有调节与规范作用,而且能够影响整个社会的道德风气。

    Work ethics for journalism not only regulate and standardize the news media and its staff members , but also exert great influences to the moral orientation in the whole society .

  18. 新闻职业道德是调整新闻界与社会、新闻媒体之间、新闻从业者个人之间关系的规范准则。

    The moral code of the journalist profession is the set of normative criteria regulating the relationships among the journalist profession , the society , the news media and individual journalism professionals .

  19. 新闻职业道德教育如何凸显社会主义荣辱观在荣辱观教育中,高职院校德育工作的反思

    How to Strengthen the Socialism Honor Versus Dishonor View in the Journalism Moral Education In the honor versus dishonor view education , the senior high vocational school college is virtuous to teach to work of introspect

  20. 因此,我们必须加大新闻职业道德研究力度,切实加强新闻职业道德教育,恪守新闻职业道德原则和规范,树立新闻媒体的良好形象。

    Thereby , we should strengthen the education on work ethics for journalism , scrupulously abide by the principles and criterion of work ethics for journalism , and build up a fairly good image of news propaganda .

  21. 当新闻职业道德的道德价值和规范要求缺失或缺少有效性,不能再正常发挥调节作用时,就会引发新闻职业内部道德行为的混乱,这就是新闻职业道德失范现象。

    When the ethics value is vacant or lacks efficacy and no more applied force on the adjustment effect , it will lead to grave chaos inside the press circle . This phenomenon calls the press professional ethics anomie .

  22. 正义、勇敢、诚信、仁爱、敬业、奉献,对社会负责任,对国家忠诚,是当前新闻职业道德的基本风貌。

    Such features as justice , bravery , sincerity , kindheartedness , respect to the profession , offering as a tribute , bearing social responsibility , and loyalty to our country , together make up the essential moral outlook at present .

  23. 因此,树立良好的职业道德,自觉用新闻职业道德规范来检验自己的职业行为,正确地行使职业权利,是每一个新闻工作者完成其职业使命的基本要求。

    Therefore , to erect a define career morality , consciously test their own career deportments with the moral standard of news career , accurately curry out career rights , are the basic requirement of accomplishing the career missions of the journalists .

  24. 其任务是对学生进行新闻学基本概念及基础知识的教学,使学生形成较好的理论探索、概括及思辨能力,并促使学生树立正确的新闻职业道德观。

    Its task is to provide students with the basic concepts and basic knowledge of journalism so that students can form a good theoretical exploration , general reasoning and analytical ability , so as to help students to establish a correct professional view of news .

  25. 我国新闻职业道德的现状,主流是好的,新闻工作人员学历水平高,政治素质好,具有奉献精神和敬业精神。

    As for the status quo of the morality of the journalist profession in this country , its mainstream is good ; and journalists enjoy a high level of education and good political qualities , and possess a spirit of devotion to and respect for their profession .

  26. 新闻工作者职业道德失范现象研究

    Study on the Anomic Phenomenon of Journalist

  27. 分析新闻工作者职业道德失范现状及其原因,探索新闻工作者自律的有效途径,成为当务之急。

    It 's imperative to analyze the reasons of journalist 's wrong conduct , and then point out the effective way to solve it .

  28. 新闻媒介职业道德基础理论的研究是新闻伦理学的一个重要内容和研究核心,是研究新闻媒介职业道德规范理论和新闻媒介职业道德活动理论的前提。

    The research on the basic theory of the vocational ethic of press is an important part and research core of press ethics ; the precondition of research on the vocational ethic of press and its related activities .

  29. 市场经济条件下新闻从业人员职业道德建设

    Professional Morality Construction of the Journalists under the Market Economy Condition

  30. 二要提高政治思想素质,具有高度的政治责任感和正确的出发点,并严守新闻纪律和职业道德;

    Second , improve political accomplishment to provide us with a strong sense of political responsibility and a correct starting point and strictly keep journalistic discipline and professional moral .