
  • 网络The Newsroom;The News Room
  1. 好消息是:《新闻编辑室》第三季获预订。

    Good news : The Newsroom is officially back for season 3 .

  2. 南希以难得的顺从站起身来,尾随着他离开了新闻编辑室。

    With unusual docility , Nancy stood up and followed him as he left the newsroom .

  3. 《新闻编辑室》第二季将于6月在HBO电视台首播。

    Season 2 of The Newsroom premieres in June on HBO .

  4. 《新闻编辑室》是艾伦-索金的经典聪明,吸引人并且发人深省。HBO董事长迈克-隆巴多这么说的。

    The Newsroom is classic Aaron Sorkin smart , riveting and thought-provoking , said Michael Lombardo , president , HBO Programming .

  5. 《新闻编辑室》第三季预定的传言去年九月就传开了,当时主演杰夫-丹尼尔在官方推特上公开宣布第三季获得预订,但是HBO很快就否认了这一消息。

    Rumors about The Newsrooms season 3 renewal started last September when lead star Jeff Daniels said it was official , but HBO quickly denied the tweet held water .

  6. 新剧集又是否值得观众们重新关注?同时,HBO电视网出品的《新闻编辑室》在第一季时,长时间遭遇剧评人的口诛笔伐,但仍不乏一些极具魅力且更加平民化的佳作。

    Meanwhile , HBO 's The Newsroom , long into its first season which critics hated so much , continues to make episodes far more captivating and less patronizing ;

  7. 几周前,我参加了HBO的电视剧《新闻编辑室》(TheNewsroom)的纽约首映式。这是一部以美国有线新闻网(CNN)新闻编辑室为原型的电视连续剧。

    A couple of weeks ago , I attended the New York premiere of the HBO series The Newsroom , a television series based on a CNN-style newsroom .

  8. 哥伦比亚大学(columbiauniversity)教授艾米丽贝尔(emilybell)最近辩称,“所有的新闻编辑室都不得不围绕实时作出反应的原则,进行自我改造”,而不管它对此感觉如何。

    Emily bell , a professor at Columbia University , argued this week that " every newsroom will have to remake itself around the principle of being reactive in real time " no matter how it feels about that .

  9. 索尔金曾在他的HBO剧集《新闻编辑室》(TheNewsroom)中哀叹电视新闻的现状,那么他认为今天的新闻媒体能从将近半个世纪前的辩论中学到什么呢?

    Mr. Sorkin , who lamented the state of television news in his HBO series , " The Newsroom , " was asked what today 's news media might learn from these debates nearly half a century old .

  10. 选举结果将用无线电直接发送到新闻编辑室。

    The election results will be transmitted directly to the newsroom .

  11. 但是,在世界其他地方,搜查新闻编辑室的情况频繁发生。

    But in other parts of the world , newsroom searches occur frequently .

  12. 《新闻编辑室》第二季何时播出还不得而知。

    No word yet on when Season 2 of The Newsroom will debut .

  13. 你们报社的本市新闻编辑室的人说您生病在家。

    The city desk said you were home ill .

  14. 即使是《波士顿环球报》的新闻编辑室都减员了,其发行量也一落千丈。

    Even the Globe 's newsroom has shrunk , while its circulation has plummeted .

  15. 不同点在于,这一过程是公开进行的,而非在新闻编辑室。

    The difference is that the process is happening in public rather than in the news room .

  16. 我离开他的办公室时朝新闻编辑室里面偷看了一眼,那里的记者们正嘀哒嘀哒地在打字。

    Leaving his office I peeped into the newsroom , where the reporters were clattering on typewriters .

  17. 他们在就像是现代新闻编辑室的一个全新媒体中心学习这些技能。

    They learn all those skills in a brand new media center , built like a modern newsroom .

  18. 但看起来观众对《新闻编辑室》仍然很喜爱,该剧获得了不错的收视率。该剧在上周末即6月24日首播,获得了约210万观众。

    The Newsroom earned decent ratings , delivering 2.1 million viewers when it premiered on Sunday , June 24 .

  19. 据称,很多的记者对他的离职感到遗憾,认为他是卷入了典型的新闻编辑室的纠纷。

    Many staff are said to be upset about his departure , arguing that he was involved in typical newsroom banter .

  20. 去年,新闻编辑室陷入混乱令事态雪上加霜,员工愤怒地抱怨工作氛围充斥着恐惧。

    To make matters worse , the newsroom was hit with turmoil last year when staff members complained bitterly of a culture of fear .

  21. 华盛顿邮报的管理者们自上而下无一例外地经常提醒新闻编辑室:报道一定要以“为了华盛顿而报道华盛顿”为重心。

    Post managers , from the top down , regularly remind the newsroom that coverage must have a " for and about Washington " focus .

  22. 《新闻编辑室》就是一例(尽管如上所述,它并非今年最精彩的节目)。

    The Newsroom is one example of this ( although , as I noted above , not the most inspiring offering seen this year ) .

  23. 男:我和记者还有辅助工作人员一起坐在新闻编辑室里,就像坐在报社的新闻工作室里一样。

    M : Well , in the news room I am sitting with reporters and news-subs , as though I am sitting in a newspaper news room .

  24. 近些年来,美国司法部已经颁布了许多反垄断豁免的条款,允许两家社会上的报社与他们的新闻编辑室联合起来以拯救报刊业。

    Over the years , the Justice Department has issued numerous antitrust exemptions allowing two newspapers in a community to combine their business operations so both newsrooms could survive .

  25. 出演《新闻编辑室》的杰夫.丹尼尔荣获电视剧最佳男主角,而最佳电视剧女主角则花落在《国土安全》中有突出表现的克莱尔.丹尼斯。

    Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series went to Jeff Daniels of " The Newsroom , " while the Outstanding Lead Actress went to Claire Danes of " Homeland . "

  26. 我们的新闻编辑室已面目一新,挖掘到许多世界级的独家新闻。在信贷紧缩问题上,我们的报道与评论在伦敦、纽约乃至世界各地都赢得好评。

    We have transformed the newsroom , produced world-class scoops , and our reporting and commentary on the credit crunch has won acclaim in London , New York and around the world .

  27. 每逢有保守派穿过新闻编辑室去接受采访时,某位专家或编辑总把他们带来与我见面,仿佛说:“瞧,我们这里也有一个保守派。”

    When conservatives came through the newsroom for interviews , a technician or editor would always bring them by to meet me , as if to say ," see , we have one too . "

  28. 即便是《纽约时报》那些见多识广的记者们也一下子被这条消息“弄懵”了,发行人小阿瑟o苏兹伯格在宣布时只是说,艾布拉姆森被解雇是因为“新闻编辑室的管理出了问题。”

    Even the Times ' crack reporters were initially " gob-smacked " by the news in their front yard , delivered to them by publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. -- who merely said that Abramson had been dismissed over " an issue with management in the newsroom . "

  29. 艾米·华尔,白天是电视新闻出品人和新闻编辑室经理,晚上是作家和诗人。

    Amy Wall is a writer and a poet by night , and a TV news producer and newsroom manager by day .

  30. 而最近印刷广告呈现的2位数下降已经造成延缓,而随着越来越多的人转向在线新闻出版商继续缩减全国各地的新闻编辑室。

    While recent double-digit declines in print advertising have slowed , publishers continue downsizing newsrooms across the country as more people turn to online news .